Lust For Her Master's Blood

Chapter 8

I walked my way meaningfully through the labyrinth of hallways towards my destination; Lucius Rain’s bedroom. The sun was just beginning to set which meant that he would be waking anytime soon. So after a brief visit to my hidden box in the masters study, where he had confiscated the weapons I had been given when I was fourteen, and found a small thin knife that flashed dangerously in the unnatural light, I began to head with a very light and happy heart towards my intended victim.

When the door was in front of me, I gently gripped the handle and opened the door ajar. I poke my head in first and instantly noted the lack of body in the lavish bed and the sound of running water emitting from the on suite bathroom.

I frowned with annoyance that I had misjudged the time he would rise though it didn’t completely ruin my plan. I slipped inside and closed the door quietly behind me then made my way over to the bed. Giving myself a reason for my being here without being questioned, I began to rearrange the thick quilts and flattened them out slowly. My ears listened carefully to the sounds around me and perked up when the running water abruptly stopped. When the door clicked open, I spun round with the ‘good slave’ smile plastered over my mouth but stopped dead when my eyes took in the fact he was practically naked, bar the fact he had jeans on and a white towel over his head.

He seemed utterly confused at my presence but as his brain caught up and he observed my face, which was glowing red and my eyes wide with shock and embarrassment, a small sly smile began to tug at his mouth. I realised what I was doing and cursed very, very loudly in my head then whirled around and began to busy myself with rearranged the pillows. When I heard the quiet laugh behind me, the embarrassment fled at the sight of coming anger. My lips thinned and my eyes narrowed at the pillows which I began to fluff quite violently.

“What are you doing here Susan?” Lucius asked.

“What does it look like? I am sorting out your bed.” I snapped. “It is my job as you very well know.”

“I know your job and you never do anything for me personally. You tend to work at the other end of the house and as far from me as possible.”

“Maybe I had a change of heart.”

“As much as I would like that to happen, I very much doubt it.”

He had moved closer to me, I hadn’t just heard his movements but my body also screamed the distance that was closing between us. The fact that we were in this specific room was making me panic, something that had only happened once a few years ago and never since. In a mixture of panic and fear, I whipped out the knife that was strapped to my wrist and spun round, aiming for the side of his neck. The knife jammed to a sudden halt, an inch from piercing his skin, when my wrist was seized by his large hand, gripping me firmly. My other hand was restrained by my side when it came up automatically in self defence and I was held securely against his firm body, trapped.

“I thought this is what you came for.” He said, smiling broadly.

What he said didn’t seem to register in my mind. All I could think about was how close I was to him, how his hands felt and how close his mouth was. All I had to do was push myself up on my toes a little bit then I could claim his mouth as my own. When I didn’t reply his smile faltered.

“Susan...” He whispered, trying to bring back my mind from where ever it had run off to.

It did the trick. I was instantly rammed back into reality and I felt horror flit over my face at the thoughts that had been rampaging unhealthily around in my mind. I struggled against his grip, failing miserably, and it brought the smile back to his face.

“You’re back I see.” He said with amusement.

I glared up at him but didn’t reply sharply as I normally would have done. Much to my horror, he leaned down so his face was an inch away from mine. I stiffened from anger, or so I forced myself to believe when he gently brushed his lips against my cheek.

“It’s very rare for you to not snap back at me Susan.” He taunted as he pulled back and stared at me warmly.

My angry expression slackened slightly when I was caught by his eyes. Those dark, smouldering eyes with tiny red flecks shining sharply in the light that seemed to engulf her in warmth whenever she gazed at them.

My thoughts came to an abrupt. My anger fled altogether and was replaced by confusion.

Red specks. His eyes had red specks in them. They shouldn’t be there.

Lucius seemed to sense my sudden confusion and quirked an eyebrow up in silent questioning.

“Have you been feeding, Master?” I demanded.

His face suddenly became closed off. It was so sudden that it shocked me. He roughly let me go and marched to the open wardrobe, leaving me slightly hurt and cold from the departure of his warmth. Anger flitted across my mind.

“You haven’t, have you?” I answered for him.

He grabbed a shirt and roughly pulled it on. “Whether or not I have been feeding is of no concern of yours.” He said darkly and headed for the bedroom door.

“It bloody well is! If you go berserk then it’s the whole-” I winced when the door was slammed violently behind him.

First I was shocked by his sudden burst of anger until rage began to boil. I twirled the knife that was still in my hand and glared furiously at the door. I had no idea what had come over the Master or why he has not been feeding and I wasn’t about to let him shut me out, not when everyone’s lives were at risk.

I growled before marching out the room and turned to the eastern wing of the house to begin my daily chores, chewing my thumb in irritation as I went.

Whatever he was hiding I was going to find out exactly what it is.