10 steps to falling dangerously in love

Step 4

“Can’t you wait till we’re older?” Amy asked Finn, once again tucked safely away under his arm. This time they were walking to school, Amy in her plane grey short skirt and white blouse with stuffy yellow and red striped tie, and Finn in his usual black leather jacket, white blouse and tie. He had just cut his hair, and Amy loved the new black cropped style. “I mean, nowadays its always school this, school that, homework, exams, GCSE’s and so on,” she continued, feeling particular hateful towards school that day.

“Really, Aims? I don’t want to be any older than I am now, or be any further in the future than this very moment, with you, here now,” he said seriously looking down at her.

Amy was quite shocked at the sudden change of topic that was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her in her whole sixteen year old life. She opened her mouth to say something, but Finn put a finger to her lips and instead closed the space between them by kissing her. Amy felt her spine cringing as her hands run their way through his hair, and his hands dropped to her waist. They were almost at school, but Amy found that she didn’t care, Finn was with her, here now, kissing her like she was the most important thing in the world and though she knew they had to she didn’t want to stop.

“Finn!” she gushed pulling away, gasping for air and placing a hand against his chest, “We’re going to be late.”

“I don’t care,” he said simply pulling her closer again for another kiss. Instead Amy stood on her heels and hugged him instead, laying her head against his chest to hear the thudding of his excited heart beat.

Instead Amy voiced her thoughts of what she really wanted to say, “I love you Finn,” she whispered so quietly, she was sure he hadn’t heard her.

“I love you too babe,” he smiled back without a moment’s hesitation. And then Amy’s heartbeat was exploding, her face exploding into a wide smile as she began to laugh. Finn watched her carefully and feeling spontaneous he grabbed her hand, whirled her around and started to run in the opposite direction of school.

“Amy?” Shevonne yelled as she saw Finn and Amy running away from the school gates.

“Cover for me? I’ll text you later!” Amy called back, still laughing happily.

Shevonne sucked in a deep breath. This was getting out of hand. Who did they think they were, Romeo and Juliet? And she was just the friar, the stupid ex-friend and sat as some servant on the side lines watching them destroy themselves? She trudged into school already trying to think up suitable excuses.
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Another short chapter :)