Status: c0mmEnt aND SuBSribe!☺

The Snake in the Shadows

The Little Black Sheep in the Field of White


James watched his younger sibling come down the stairs and into the kitchen. “You look like a freak in those jeans.” he said upon seeing his younger brother’s tight clothing choice.

Albus looked at his black skinny jeans and shrugged, “Well, you look like a freak always with that face.” He walked passed his brother and kissed his mother’s cheek. “Morning Mum.”

Ginny smiled at her boys. “I’m going to miss you all when you return to Hogwarts this year.”

“We’ll be home for holidays.” Lily, the youngest, said skipping down the stairs, “Well, at least James and I will.”

Albus always spent his Christmas at the Malfoy Manor, along with his other friends. “Not this year,” Ginny said to her youngest son. “I want you all to come here this year.”

All of Albus’s friends and himself under the same room as his nutter family? Has she gone mad? “Mum, are you mad?” James asked for him.

“Of course not!” she laughed. “I just want all my children home this year. No ifs, ands, or buts. Anyway, it’s time to go.”


“Mum, where’s dad?” Lily asked once they arrived at the train station.

“He’ll be here soon,” Ginny smiled weakly, not believing the lie she was telling. “He’s just caught up in work.” Ginny loved her husband dearly but he was always more concerned about his job then his own family.

Albus rolled his eyes. “That’s code for he’s not coming Lil. Get over it.” He pushed past his family and ran with his belongings through the magical wall that’d take them to the train. Ginny rubbed her daughter’s shoulder affectionately. She knew Albus didn’t mean to hurt Lily’s feelings, it’s just he’d given up on his father long ago.

The mass of red hair was evidence that the Weasley side of his family had all ready made it to the train platform. All of their cousins greeted James and Lily warmly, offering a awkward smile to Albus. Albus never like any of them much, the were too loud, immature, and nosy for his liking. He always felt more at home with his Slytherin friends.

“Your brother is such a weirdo. It‘s hard to think he‘s actually related to us.” Albus heard Rose loudly whisper to James. James nodded in agreement.

“He spends most of his time by himself in his room. No one understands him.” James shrugged.

“Hey Potter!” Everyone looked around for the voice that called the name.

A tall girl with long, chocolate brown hair was walking towards them with a smirk on her face. River Malfoy. Albus grinned and walked away from his family and picked the girl up in a tight, amorous hug. He then leaned down a bit and softly laid a kiss on her lips.

“Who is she?” Ron Weasley asked his sister as they watched his nephew.

Ginny kept staring at her son and the girl, just as confused. “I-I don’t know.” she stuttered in surprise.

“That’s his girlfriend, Mum.” Lily sighed. They both turned to Lily awaiting for her to say the mystery girl’s name. “It’s River Malfoy.”

“When did Al get a girlfriend?” Fred asked surprised. James shrugged grumpily. Why was everyone so interested in his stupid brother all the sudden? “Wait!” Fred said snapping his fingers. “I’ve seen her before. Isn’t that a Malfoy?”

River leaned in closer to Albus and whispered frantically, “They’re all starring. Why are they all starring?” Albus chuckled and grabbed his bags, leading his girlfriend away with out a second glance at his family.

Draco Malfoy stood stiffly next to his son, watching his daughter walk towards him. He looked at her hands to see them intertwine with someone else’s. The boy was Albus Potter, someone who Draco respected and liked. “Hello sir.” Albus said holding out his hand for Draco to shake.

Draco offered a small smile and shook his hand, “Good to see you Al.”

Astoria Malfoy was a tiny woman, much shorter than her husband or either children. She walked over to Albus as well and pulled the taller boy in a tight hug. Albus smiled inwardly; this was his real family. Scorpius was always last to say hello and linked on his arm was another close friend, Holly Zabini.

“Hey Al.” Holly smiled, and Scorpius waved. The train gave a blow of steam and Holly added. “ Well we better get moving.” Scorpius and River said their goodbyes to their parents, while Albus looked back to his mother. Ginny caught her son’s eye and offered a warm smile a wave. He nodded in response, as if saying, ‘I love you too.’

They group had no trouble finding a compartment, seeing as this would be the sixth year they’ve sat in the same one. After clearing out the first years, Albus finally collapsed into the corner seat. Scorpius and Holly took their usual seats across, and River snuggled into his side. These people were his family.

This wasn’t just another year at Hogwarts, it was another year of him feeling like he was home.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, Albus's family doesn't really know him at all? This is the first one, hope you like it!
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