Status: c0mmEnt aND SuBSribe!☺

The Snake in the Shadows

Man Of Few Words

Days had past and the four students found them selves gathered in the common room. Albus had never been a man of many words, he was more into being seen and not heard. So the banter going on between Scorpius and River at the moment was enough talking for him. “I don’t understand why this up thing is such it a big deal.”

“It’s the bloody Triwizard Tournament!” Scorpius bellowed. They had learned earlier that Hogwarts would be once again hosting the tournament and Durmstrang and Beauxbatons would be arriving shortly. “The champions compete for a thousand gallons!”

“I thought competing was for honor and glory?” Holly said sarcastically with eyebrow raised.

“It is.” Scorpius said quickly, rolling his eyes. “But the money!”

“More like the quickest way to die.” River muttered shaking her head. “It’s a load of malarkey.”

“Think about it mate.” Scorpius said grasping Albus’s shoulders, and ignoring his sister. “You and me can enter, since your dad won at a younger age however long ago. They lowered the age limit by a year!”

Scorpius looked so excited, and River looked at Albus very disapprovingly. “Your father would be angry, and you know it.” She said sternly.

She was right, the great Harry Potter would throw a monumental fit if he entered the tournament. Albus smiled, speaking for the first time that day. “Let’s do it.”


The blue goblet glowed as Albus held tight to the strip of parchment in his hand. The opposing schools had arrived a few days before. He exchanged a look with Scorpius, who looked a bit weary. “We don’t have to do this.” Al whispered to his almost green friend.

Scorpius shook his head and let the piece of paper fall into the goblet. “Yes, yes we do.”

Albus contemplated that. The two boys were the only ones in the room, so he could back out mock-free if he wanted. But he didn’t, he let the parchment slip into the open flame.

The next few days were nerve-wracking for the boys, they had no clue what to expect. Would they feel relieved, or unhappy if they didn’t get chosen? And if one of them did, would they be happy, or utterly terrified?

Professor McGonagall stood near the red flame, reading the first name allowed, “For Durmstrang Institute, the champion is Gellert Karkarkoff.” The Drumstrang headmaster, Victor Krum, and the rest of his students applauded. The boy stood and went through the door where the champions were meant to go. “For Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, is Miss Gabrielle Giry.” The ladies in blue and their headmaster Madam Maxime, stood and clapped for the girl.

River gave Albus’s hand a squeeze, “Whatever happens, I’m there for you.” She really didn’t want him nor Scorpius to be chosen.

He gave a swift nod in response. McGonagall held the last piece, and smiled much to everyone’s surprise. “And the champion for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is Albus Potter.” The Slytherin table erupted in cheers and Albus smiled when he saw James’ jaw go slack.

River knew Albus was smart, and could do this fine, but she still had a bad feeling in her gut. She’d always worry.
♠ ♠ ♠
updated! sorry it took so long. I forgot what I wanted to happen. Comment please!

