Status: c0mmEnt aND SuBSribe!☺

The Snake in the Shadows


Practically overnight Albus had gone from the man everyone feared to the bloke everyone still feared, but wanted to know. "This is mad, man." Scorpius said clasping his friend on the back as they sat in the common room, awaiting the girls arrival. "You're the one they all talk about. The one they want to be. Think of all the beautiful ladies that want to sha-"

Someone cleared their throat, silencing Scorpius. "Excuse me, Scorpius?" Holly demanded, placing her hands on the base of her hips.

"I wasn't going to say shag, babe." Scorpius chuckled nervously. River entered the common room and rolled her eyes at the scene in front of her. Scorpius never was the brighter twin. The chocolate haired girl held a hand out to her boyfriend.

"We going to breakfast, or what?" Al grasped her hand and stood up. He and River said nothing, but Holly and Scorpius bickered the whole way. They sat in their usual seats at the end of the table when the clumsy, Weasley family owl came tumbling through. Much to Al's surprise it stopped in front of him instead of his other family. He never got mail from home.

Holly noted the small, red envelope tied to the bird's leg. "Got yourself a Howler, Potter?"

"Piss of Zabini." He said rolling his eyes. The envelope opened to let out a shrill scream.

"ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER!" Ginny Potter's voice yelled. The whole Great Hall went silent. "Who bloody daft are you?! I swear if you don't get your self killed in that tournament, then by god I'll kill you myself!" Then his mother concluded in a much quieter tone, "And I still expect your friends 'round this Christmas." The howler let out one last hiss, before ending.

The Hall was still silent, till the four serpents cracked up in laughter. If the howler didn't set everyone in shock, then the four coldest students laughing sure did.


The group made their way to Hagrid's seeing as they had a while before their first lesson. "What's this about going back to yours?" Scorpius asked while he lightly swung his and Holly's intertwined hands as they walked.

Al sighed. "She wants us to spend time with my nutter family since it's James's last year and all. I completely understand if you don't want to..."

"Nope." River winked. "You're stuck with us."

They approached the Gamekeeper's hut, seeing as Hagrid was tending to his pumpkin patch. His once brownish-black hair was hading to grey at the roots and and on his beard.
"Well if it isn't my favorite troublemaking snakes." Hagrid smiled.

"Hello Hagrid." The girls chorused, whereas the boys offered a nod of acknowledgment.

"Well you be comming in? I've got a pot of tea on." They followed the half-giant into the hut and sat at the old rickety table. "You know," Hagrid begun as he poured them tea. "It wasn't too long ago your father, Harry, was entered into the same tournament. He may of won, but you'll do better than he did. I think you're stronger."

Albus looked up at this. People usually said he needed to live up to the Potter name. Hagrid actually belived he could exceed it. No one had said anything like that since the Sorting Hat his first year. "If only everyone else saw it that way." he grumbled under his breath.

"So Hagrid," Scorpius said changing the subject after sensing his friends discomfort, "I've been meaning to ask you about cockatrices."


Finally. After a boring day of lessons, Albus was back in his natural envoironment and his favorite place at Hogwarts. The Quidditch Pitch. Since Albus came to Hogwarts and joined the team, the Syltherin Hous hadn't lost a match. He wasn't a seeker like his father and brother though, he just was built like one. Albus was tall, broad shouldered, and muscular whereas Seeker's were usually small and light. There Seeker was River. Albus would also be the captain this year.

"Welcome." Albus greeted everyone. He may of said a greeting, but he said it in his usual cold and detached tone so it made most feel very unwelcome. "It's great to see knew faces, but know this. We practice no matter the weather or event everyday after lessons, unless told otherwise. I don't give a damn if it's rain or snow, if it's your birthday, or if your owl dided. Be here, you won't like the consequences.

"Also your presence is manditory at every match, whether or not if your playing or keeping the bench company. If your sick, get a note from Madam Pomfrey saying there was no way you could play, and I mean seriously sick not just because your 'ikkle tummy hurt. If you don't follow these rules you'll run laps round the pitch. You can kiss any air time goodbye.

"Please also keep in mind you are representing the Slytherin House. We do not tolereate unsportsmanlike behavior. Do not be a sterotypical Slytherin or you'll run. If these simple rules aren't for you, then get the hell out of here now and don't waste our time. It goes for new faces as well as older players." A few left as he exspected but most stayed. "Alright." Albus actually smiled warmly. It was the longest most had ever heard him say, let alone see him smile. "Let the tryouts begin."
♠ ♠ ♠
Typed this once, but mibba deleted it which pissed me off. But this version is better, so it's not that bad. Took way longer than it should've and i'm sorry. I'll update sooner. Me writing mojo has just been sort of depleted. I aslo want to write a A7x co author thing. If you want to be that person, just message me. I all ready have an idea.

