Status: c0mmEnt aND SuBSribe!☺

The Snake in the Shadows

Weighing of the Wands

By Rita Skeeter

The former Champion and winner comes to speak with the young wizards witch during the ceremony where they will weigh the wands. What has everyone talking is the thoughts of Mr. Potter about his son being in the tournament.

Albus crumbled up his copy of the Daily Prophet and tossed it aside. He looked around then sighed. "Maybe it won't be so bad?" River said from beside him. They were in the Room of Requirement . The two of them found it when they were second years, needing a place to hide from Filtch. In this room they shared their secrets, their first kiss, first love, their first everything. Currently the room acted like a little hide away for them; nice comfy bed, chairs by the roaring fire. It was tempting not to ever leave. River sat up slightly on the bed, pulling up the sheets that wrapped around her bare chest with her.

"And maybe Dad will realize he's a git and rainbows will start suddenly shooting from Filtch's arse, leaving the world to shine brightly and leave everything prosperous." He snapped back sarcastically. Al sighed again and turned to River. "Sorry about being a jerk to you, you didn't do anything."

River sat up, letting the sheet fall completely, and pressed herself against Al's bare back. "Well, that's quite alright. Besides, come back to bed. No one said you had to leave just yet.


Tying a tie wasn't meant to be done while using the other hand to tuck in your shirt as you run down the corridors to the headmasters office. Yet somehow, Al pulled it off. Just as he reached the gargoyles, he fixed it once more, uttered the password, and began to contemplate about how much trouble he'll be in for being a good ten minutes late.

"Ah Mr.Potter!" Professor McGonagall called upon seeing him. "Come quickly please, Mr. Ollivander has weighed everyone else's, it's your turn."

He didn't even have to look at his father to feel his stares, so he didn't. Albus quickly handed his wand over to the elder wand maker. "Ah, Kingswood. That's a fine wood boy. Approximately fifteen inches, what is this? Tail hair of a Thestral? Very, very nice indeed."

Ollivander handed the wand back to Albus and then Albus began to be questioned by Rita Skeeter and his picture was taken with his fellow Champions before Harry Potter began to speak.

"It's a pleasure to be standing here in front of you all today." Harry began, his eyes angrily landing on Albus before continuing and averting his gaze. "You all have been chosen for your profound qualities and will represent your school in the tasks laid upon you." Albus wasn't sure how long his father droned on, because he zoned out quite sometime ago. "Albus?" Harry said waving a hand in front of his son's face in an attempt to regain his attention. "Can I speak with you before you return to lessons?"

Al looked around him to see everyone else was gone. "Why not."

"I don't know if this is just so kind of stunt you decided to pull," He began and Al stared at him. "but it's not just some game. This is pretty dangerous stuff." Not shit Sherlock. Albus continued to stare at his father, wondering how he made it this many years, since he's a dumb arse and all."Your mother thinks that it's because I don't spend enough time with you, and if that's it I'm sorry." Harry finished sincerely.

Then Albus began to laugh. It wasn't a slight chuckle, but a full-blown-belly-aching laugh. He stood up and looked at his father."You're joking right?" Harry looked slightly angry at his son's reaction. "If your ignoring not just me, but the whole damn family has taught me anything, it's that you never mean a thing you say. If anything, it's given me more of a reason to compete in the tournament. It'll prove I'm good enough to win. It'll prove that I am definitely not like nor need you. Now if you excuse me, I have potions to get to."

Albus walked away, leaving Harry to stare after his son. It hurt him that Albus was so angry with him. But at the same time Harry Potter was happy. That was the most Albus had said to him in almost two years.
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so, harry is trying (but failing) to talk to his son. eh. first task is next!

