Status: c0mmEnt aND SuBSribe!☺

The Snake in the Shadows

Nudey Pants

Teenage parties have been known since the dawn on time as a little on the radical side. Now, in this case it was almost worse, a teenage Slytherin celebration party. If you face the facts the young snakes are lucky no has died yet, or that they know of. So Albus stayed near the back of the sex-crazed abyss, occasionally taking a drink from his red plastic cup.

People were getting smashed, Scropius was a great example, "Bloody brilliant, mate." He slurred leaning onto Al, "Yo-youse did bloody gr-great."

Al shook his head and smiled, at his friend's drunken expense. "Thanks Scor, now where's Holly?"

As if her ears were burning, the young Zabini appeared next to Scorpius' side and holding him up. "I've got it from here, Albus. Go find River, get wasted, and get laid; you deserve it."

Al laughed then took her advise. He found River dancing in a group of girls, all of which had a bottle of fire whiskey nearby. He slipped in, causing the girls to giggle, and pulled River close. "Hey there Hogwarts Champion. Care to give an autograph to your biggest fan?" She purred.

Albus placed his hands, just above her arse, and whispered, "Think I can raise you one better, fair maiden. I may be able to sneak you away for our only little private show."

"Why Mr. Potter, how could I ever decline?" She mock gasped, then tangled her hands into his chocolate curls and pulled him close. His lips hungrily matched hers, as they both fought for dominance. River pulled away eventually and took another shot before adding. "My roommates won't be in our dorm tonight. Say we have a little fun?"


Albus and every other bloke in life learned the hard way that the sun is cruel to those with a hangover. He eventually sat up, rubbed his eyes and sauntered into the bathroom. He didn't even notice the fact he was indeed running around in his nudey pants, other wise stark naked. After doing his business he washed his hands then reached for the pink, fluffy hand towel.

Wait, pink?

Al only now noticed the various bras and makeup kits scattered about the loo. Where was he? He cautiously opened the door and was met with three giggling girls. The one on the far left, a red head known as Jessica Creevy, was about the color of her hair and looking anywhere but at him. The middle one, a black headed girl named Tammy Goyle, kept her eyes trained on his. But lastly, a blonde named Belle Crabbe was staring directly down at his...well...package.

Albus turned red as well and reached for the nearest object, the pink towel, and covered his nether regions. "River said you all were out."

Tammy nudged Belle in the arm to stop before saying "We came to get our books before heading out to breakfast. We wouldn't mind to wait for you or River though, Albus."

"Not at all." Belle said slowly eyes bulging then returning to normal size.

Finally Jessica came to his rescue by handing him his boxers and his trousers. "Here. I'll wake up River, you can cover up from dumb and dumber over there. You must feel pretty violated."

Albus offered a tight, but thankful smile before retreating into the loo once more.


River as well as the other half of the hung over Slytherins were not moving willingly. All the way to the Great Hall she and Al walked in silence as she gently massaged her temples. Once they arrived they passed the Gryffindor table and Fred Weasley laughed rather loudly.

"Rough night, Malfoy?"

"Fuck. You." She gritted out raising her hand up in a very unlady like gesture before going to the Slytherin table.

"Classy." Fred said shaking his head then turning to his cousin. "Wanna go for a walk?"

Albus obliged as they began walking around outside in one of the various courtyards. He pulled his Pall Mall cigarettes from his Jumper and pressed one to his lips, asking before he lit it. "You don't mind do you?"

Fred shook his head no and Al lit it up. Teddy Lupin, a family friend, moved to the states a few years back and owls him a carton every few months. "Didn't know you smoked."

"Nasty habit. Most don't know." He shrugged. "Now, Fred I'm just going to be frank. Please tell me why were out here, because we both know it's not about us discussing my habits."

"Right." Fred nodded. "I received a letter from Aunt Fleur. She said Krum will probably tell Karkarkoff and Madam Maxine will tell Giry so it's only fair. She said to tell you to hold the egg under water when you open it, or you'll regret it."

Al nodded in agreement. "Thanks mate."

"What's family for?" Fred winked before saying. "No lets back in, my balls are going to fall off in the cold weather out here."


Later that evening everyone sat in the common room, doing there own thing. Al thought River was having a hard time, but then he saw Scorpius. "I'm never drinking again."

At once Scorpius's three companions all muttered, "That's what you always say."

Al then looked down at his gold egg and found a key whole. He put the key in, turned it, and the egg opened.

Letting out one of the most horrifying noise most of them ever heard. He quickly shut it, looked at his hung over friends pained expressions and tried not to smile.

The pillows that came flying at his face proved he failed.
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Nudey pants= no pants= buck nekked. me friends mummy says it frequently. It be also in the gorgia nicklson books. hehe. comment pretty please. when u don't i'm not motivated to update. pwease?

