Status: c0mmEnt aND SuBSribe!☺

The Snake in the Shadows

Whiz of Wiz

The time had come for the students of Hogwarts to go home for the Christmas holiday. Because of past parents complaining about the orginal date of the Yule Ball, Christmas Day, it had been moved till after the holiday. The Malfoy twins and Holly had already written their parents that'd they be attending the Potter household for break this year. So Al packed up his trunk, made sure the egg was safely wrapped in a jumper inside, and gathered everyone else.

"Alright," Albus said in all seriousness as they settled into their train compartment, "I only have a few ground rules. Rule One: Don't play any game with Uncle Charlie or Bill, they cheat. Rule Two: Uncle Percy, Aunt Hermione, and Granda Molly like to sing kareoke when they are drunk, and ocausionly it will cause Grandma's wig to go missing. Rule Three: The last but most important rule, don't under any circumstance talk to anyone." His compaions laughed and said they could handle his nutter family. But Albus knew they'd learn, unfortantly they'd learn.

-------------------- ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------

Ginny and Harry Potter stood at the Platform 9&3/4 awaiting their children. Ginny had to use all her will power not to slap Harry because had gotten into a row on the way there. He didn't understand why it was so important to accompany her to pick them up; he didn't understand that he needed to act like their father for a change. She wanted to make the best expression possible on Albus' friends, then maybe she'd see Al at home more often. Harry made light conversation with Ron and she and Hermione had a chat.

She saw James and her neices and newfews first. They walked past her and stopped a bit back to wait. Next was Lily. Lily ran and hugged her mother around the waist then stood and waited. Lastly she saw Albus.

In all the years as Albus's mother she had never seen his so...relaxed; he was even so tense and awkward as a child. But watching him interact with the other three made him look almost normal. He still wore the same cold and empty expression in his eyes but a soft playful smile sat upon his lips. If she didn't know any better she'd think he looked happy. What possible amazed her more was the way the crowd seemed to manover perfectly around the four Slytherins, careful not to get in their way. It was almost as if they knew better.

Al, Scorpius, Holly, and River followed quietly behind the Weasly/Malfoy mass, keeping at a safe distance. Their bags were already at the hous, the Zabini houself, Humble, popped in long enough to do so. "Where are your things?" Hermione said softly to the four teens.

"Humble got them, dropped them off at The Burrow this morning." Al said smiling, and he wasn't sure if his answer or friendly demeanor shocked his aunt more.

"Humble?" She asked perplexed.

"My house elf." Holly mumbled before going back to she and Scorpius's conversation. Hermione hadn't heard about house elves in such a long time, because none of their friends owned one. It made her remember the once forgotten S.P.E.W.

The quiet banter continued till Holly loudly barked. "GOD WILL YOU TWO SHUT YOUR LOUD GOBS! I SWEAR YOU COULDN'T BE ANY MORE OBNOXIOUS!" She yelled at Scorpius and Al. The boys chuckled, oblivious to the stares of the Weasly Clan.

Al and Scorpius echanged a glance and nodded before linking arms, and bellowing at the top of their lungs as the skipped arcoss the train station. "WE'RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD! THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ! WE HEAR HE IS THE WHIZ OF WIZ IF EVER A WIZ THERE WAS!"

Lily laughed as the boys whizzed past her but Rose Weasly and James Potter did not look amused. This was going to be a very, very long break.
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yes i know this is short, but we've finally made it to the holiday break! THE STORY HAS OFFICAILLY BEGUN! HORRAH! EVERYTHING IMPORTANT HAPPENS NOW! MUHAHAHA!

