Status: c0mmEnt aND SuBSribe!☺

The Snake in the Shadows

Creature In the Snow

Albus was afraid. He didn't show it but, he was truly terrified of his friends meeting his family. They were all he had, and River...River was his everything; Albus didn't know what he'd do if his family scared them away. Currently he was riding with his three friends, mum, father, and two siblings to the Weasley Family Burrow. His family didn't live here, but they whole family (cousins included) stayed there on holidays. Holly and Scorpius were talking quietly amongst themselves, Lily was playing some muggle video game, James was listening to an mp3 device, River was nestled into Albus' side asleep, and he and his parents rode quietly.

They arrived at the Burrow in a little over thirty minutes, everyone else had already arrived. The occupants exited the car, the exception of River, and Ginny noticed the young female Malfoy was fast asleep. She went to wake the girl, but her son had beat her there. She watched as Albus scooped the girl into his arms and began to walk inside, careful not to wake her.

"He really fancies that girl." Ginny whispered softly to Harry who then smiled at his wife.


Al made it inside the Burrow, into the sitting room, and laid River on the sofa without disturbing her. That lasted a millisecond. "George get away from that damned pie! It's for the children!" He heard his grandmother swear at his uncle, closely followed by a loud smack and a 'hey'.

Al cursed lowly under his breath as River stirred and her eye lids fluttered open. "Al?" she whispered incoherently.

"Right here love. We're at the Burrow." He said softly, attempting to ignore the stares of his Aunt Fleur as she led Scorpius and Holly back downstairs. She was showing them their rooms.

River Yawned, sat up, and leaned once more into Albus' side. Fleur smiled and left the room as Scorpius and Holly joined them. "Pretty lady, that one." Scorpius smiled.

"Indeed." Holly said and River nodded. They even had to agree with Scorpius.

"Aunt Fleur?" Al laughed. "She's part Veela."

"That explains." Scorpius said nodding. The peaceful silence afterwords only lasted moments before Scorpius then groaned. "Alright I'm bored. Fix it." he commanded.

"What can I do?" Al asked, eye brow raised.

"I don't know! Your the host...." He shrugged.

Al was going to retort but Holly began speaking. "I know! Anyone up for a snow ball fight?"


Holly was a genius. From the moment the four Slytherins stepped out the door in their snow-fit clothing, they were having a blast. It was boys against girls, naturally. Albus was bent over gathering snow when a wet ball of the white stuff came hurdling at his back. He quickly turned around smiling to see River holding her hand over her mouth giggling. Albus took a step forward and she turned and ran, going deeper into the snowy marsh.

"You can't catch me!" River called back laughing. Albus laughed as well and ran faster to catch up. They both began to move in a maze-like manor, taking various twists and turns as if to fool the other.

Albus caught up to River, but only because she quit running. At the beginning of a creek area she stood still. Albus could hear her elevated breathing and followed her line of sight. Infront of them stood the most ghastly and strange creature either had ever saw. It was tall and pale. The creature was bony, emaciated even, like a giant skeleton. It rose a long, bony, clawed finger in Albus's way, beckoning him.

"Come closer, child." It gasped. Albus started to take a step but River caught his hand.

"Don't. We don't know what it is." She whispered. "Its obviously dangerous." The long cloak that covered the remainder of its body also hid its face. It reached up reveling it. Its eyes were black as coal and its lips were frail and blue. Where its nose should be was just two wholes and it had long jagged and sharp teeth.

Albus shook his head and blinked; River was right. It's just when it spoke it called to him like the rock at the lake did. "No, not dangerous." It groaned. "Self-pity only races in these veins that once led to a beating heart. The Great Lord, reduced to this...filth."

"Oi!" They heard from a distance. "Riv, Al? Where in the bloody hell did you go? You better not be shacking up somewhere, you'll get hypothermia and die. How would I explain that to Mum?"

"Get the stone of fire, boy." The creature commanded, regaining Al's and River's attention.

"Who are you-" Albus began to find it gone. River gripped Albus' hand tighter, fearfully.

"Hey!" They heard behind them. Al flinched and River let out a scream. "Stop the yelling, you damned woman. It's just me." Scorpius said quickly and she did, holding a hand over her beating heart. "You two look as if you saw Professor Longbottom naked. Well quit mucking 'round and come on. Suppers ready."


They made it to the long table with the Weasly family and didn't say a word. Albus looked to his side at River and they both shared a look.

We never saw anything. It stays between us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Been a while. Shit's been tough outside mibba world. I'm sorry. Plot thickens. What was that thing? Comment and make me feel better?

