Status: Well, didn't finish it before graduation but we did finish it =D Hope everyone enjoys.

How far out can you get before there's no turning back?

Chapter 11

Kayla's POV

She couldn’t do this to me. It wasn’t right. I wasn’t sure exactly what Paige was trying to do, but I was sure that she would try to get me more time in here. No way in hell would I let that happen.

I kept yelling, pleading even as she shut the door behind her. I couldn’t let her do this to me. I strained to get the handcuffs off, but they wouldn’t budge. Finally, I stopped yelling, and Detective Rainer came back into the room.

“Get her out of here,” he mumbled to the security guard.

The security guard quickly responded and grabbed me by the arm to pull me out of the chair. I didn’t protest. He led me back down the hall to my cell.

There was no use in fighting anymore. I would be here for a long time. At least until I was able to figure out a way to escape everything, including life. Paige would always be a bitch. She must be crazy to think we’d ever be friends, especially if she causes me to spend a time in this hell.

As the security guard closed the metal door behind him, I ran towards the padded wall and threw myself against it. It hurt, but not as much as I wanted it to.

I just laid there on the cold floor for a long time. It seemed like forever until I finally fell asleep.

I awoke to the door to my cell opening. I tilted my head back to see Detective Rainer at the door. He called to a nearby security guard to come get me and bring me to the consultation room.

This was it. Paige was going down.

The guard jerked me up from the ground and pushed me to the door. I thought my wrist would burst into flames any minute. It had to be infected, not that the people here would even check to see if it was.

After shoving me about twenty more times, the guard opened the door to the consultation room.
I jerked free of his grip and leaped forward. The guard caught me before I could even remotely get near her. Paige was sitting at the table. She had the guts to be near me even though she knew what she did.

“Please sit down,” the guard said, shoving me into a chair and never releasing his grip around my shoulders.

I struggled against his grip. “Let me at her!” I screamed in Paige’s direction. “Let me at her!”

I stopped screaming when I noticed the tears in her eyes and handcuffs on her wrists. “What the fuck is going on?”

She didn’t answer. Detective Rainer entered the room and stood at the end of the table. “Paige has something to tell you, Kayla. We did not advise her to do so, but she insisted.” He nodded his head in Paige’s direction.

She looked at me. “I’m sorry, Kayla. I’m sorry for setting you up and lying.”

“Wait. What?” I questioned. She wasn’t making any sense.

She looked to the detective. “Okay. I’m done.”

A security guard standing in the corner of the room came to Paige’s side and led her out of the room.

“Paige, what are you talking about? Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?”

Detective Rainer took Paige’s seat. “You’re free, Kayla.”

The guard released his grip and began undoing my handcuffs.

“What are you talking about?” None of this made any sense.

“You’re free.”

“Why?” Guilt flooded my body. “What did she do?”

I moved my wrists freely for the first time in a while.

He looked up at me. “She committed perjury, Kayla. She lied to us about what you did. She confessed that she had stolen your backpack, and when you came to get it, she shot herself. Then, you ran away.”


“She’s going to a juvenile detention center for a little while for lying to the police, but you are free, Kayla. Now get out of here.” He motioned to the door.

I slowly walked out the door, down the hallway, and out of the building.

This didn’t make any sense. Why the hell would Paige lie like that?
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best. I haven't written in a while though.
Anyway, hope you liked it!
Only a couple more chapters left until we're done.
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