Status: Well, didn't finish it before graduation but we did finish it =D Hope everyone enjoys.

How far out can you get before there's no turning back?

Chapter 2

I sighed as I picked up my backpack, and with a "bye" to my parents, went to school. During the ten minute walk, I thought back to this morning.

When I had woken up this morning I'd had a bad feeling about today. I could not think of anything that might have triggered it, but it seemed like I was forgetting something about today. It was at the edge of my memory, but I couldn't grasp it.

I sighed and said to myself, "Just forget it, Paige. It's probably nothing."

After that I spent the rest of the walk directing my energy towards better thoughts, like getting to see my best friend Alana when I got to school. Alana and I had been friends for years, since first grade actually.

Finally, I reached the school building, and just as predicted, Alana was standing outside the school waiting for me. When she noticed me, she waved in my direction. Even though I had been able to predict her location, the look on her face surprised me. She looked troubled and concerned.

i]Hmm, wonder why she looks like that, I thought.

I climbed the steps of the school that Alana was standing on and went to her. "Hey Alana, what's up?" I asked her.

"Oh, nothing really," she replied.

The concerned looked didn't leave her face. If anything, it became worse. "Alana, are you okay? You look a little worried," I said, starting to get concerned.

"Well of course I'm worried!" she exclaimed. "Aren't you?"

I looked at her, completly confused.

Why should I be worried? The bad feeling, does her being worried have to do with the bad feeling?

Instead of lingering on these thoughts I asked Alana, "What should I be worrying about?"

Her eyes widened as she said, "Oh my gosh! You don't remember, do you?"

By this point I was getting annoyed. "Fine, Alana, what have I forgotten?"

"Kayla gets out of juvie today, remember?"

At Alana's words memories washed into my head, along with the stark feeling of fear. Last year, Kayla had harassed me. When the harassment starting getting physical--pinches, pushes, and a few punches-- I got the police involved. Kayla was sent to juvie for a year. Today was the day she was getting out.

How could I forget that she got out today? No wonder I was having a bad feeling this morning.

Alana interrupted my thoughts and said, "Don't worry, Paige. I'm sure she won't try any of that crap she did last time."

"Yeah, I guess," I said before walking to class with Alana.

Neither of us knew then that I was wrong, so very wrong.