Status: Well, didn't finish it before graduation but we did finish it =D Hope everyone enjoys.

How far out can you get before there's no turning back?

Chapter 3

"Ugh," I groaned. Someone was beating on my car. I slowly leaned forward and rolled down the window. "What are you doing?" I slurred, still not fully awake.

"I've already gave you a warning," said the man outside my window. "If you don't leave now I'm calling the police." He turned around and walked towards the building I was parked in front of.

I had parked here the last two nights, the first night was the day that I had gotten out of juvie. I had spent yesterday trying to find somewhere to crash for a few days, but my search ended unsuccessfully. Everyone I knew wouldn't even let me explain my situation.

Well, I thought, I'd better get out of here.

I crawled between the front seats and sat down in the driver's seat. I got my keys out of my pocket and started the car. Glancing in my rear-view mirror I realized how bad I looked. I didn't really look that bad though, considering that I'd hadn't had a shower in two days.

I reached for my bag sitting in the floorboard and got my hairbrush and deodorant out. After brushing my hair and applying my deodorant, I put the car in reverse and headed to Barnes and Noble.

It was only a few miles from where I had parked, so it didn't take long for me to get there. I grabbed my bag and the remaining ten dollars of the money Chick had given me and walked into the bookstore.

When I stepped inside, I realized that I hadn't locked my car.

Oh well, I thought, if they really want the car that bad they can take it.

My car was over ten years old and not in the best shape. I continued walking to the back of the store, searching for the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, even though there was more than one stall.

I didn't want anyone to see me washing myself in a public bathroom. I grabbed my towel and set it on the counter next to the sink, got some of the hand soap out of the pump, and began washing myself.

By the time I had gotten dressed again, I'd probably been in the bathroom for fifteen minutes. I hope no one needed to use the bathroom, I chuckled to myself, drying my hair a little more and brushing it.

As I was wringing out my towel and stuffing it back into my bag, I heard someone knock on the door. "Excuse me, ma'm, but please unlock the door. The bathroom is made for more than one person. Thank-" I opened the door, practically smacking the girl in the head.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Wait a minute, I'm not sorry." I said, realizing who it was.

Paige stared blankly at the floor and began to look like she wasn't breathing anymore. "So, nerdy ass, when did you start working here?"

She continued to stare at the floor and stuttered, "I have wor- worked here almost six mo- months."

"Stutter much, stupid?"

She looked me straight in the eye and bravely declared, "I'm not stupid! You're just a- a bitch!"

That was one thing that had always broken her, calling her stupid. I dragged her into the bathroom and stood in front of the door, blocking the only exit.

"Aww, where did you learn that word? Was Daddy being mean to Mommy or something?" I said in a baby voice. "Back to business," I said, using my normal voice, "I hope you know you're not going to get away with calling the cops, right? I can't believe you called the cops for a damn threat; it's pathetic."

Paige tensed up and looked like she was going to cry.

"Awww, is the little girl sensitive?" I said, using the baby voice again. "Go ahead and run, you little baby!" I said in my normal voice, stepping away from the door.

She quickly ran through the door and went into the 'employees only' room. As she was running, I had noticed that tears were starting to fall from her eyes. I loved making Paige cry. Everything about her life was perfect: her family, her grades, her school, her friends, her everything. She deserved everything I put her through. She needed to see that life really sucks and that not everything is perfect.

I followed her into the employees' room, walked over to her, and whispered in her ear, "You might want to watch out, I'm still planning it. And no, that's not a threat, that's a promise."

I faintly heard her gasp, though it probably would've been louder if I hadn't been running like crazy to my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter to type that's already written.
The updating probably won't be so fast then.
Anyway, please tell us your opinion! (: