Status: Well, didn't finish it before graduation but we did finish it =D Hope everyone enjoys.

How far out can you get before there's no turning back?

Chapter 6

After I had been crying for over an hour, I sighed and grabbed a book from my bookshelf. I went over to my window seat, sat down, and started reading.

I had been reading for about twenty minutes when I got tired of the book and just sat there looking through the window.

After awhile of looking through the window, I noticed a shadow coming up the edge of the house. Confused, I looked closer, but I couldn’t make anything specific out.

I let it go and just went back to staring at nothing in particular. I did not realize my mistake soon enough.

I was just glancing down to where the shadow had been before when I saw Kayla, but it wasn’t only Kayla; it was Kayla with a gun.

She had an expression on her face that I had never seen before. She looked angry, yet there was vulnerability under the anger that I had never seen from her before.

I had just enough time to process this before I heard the gun go off and soon after the sound of shattering glass. I screamed out in pain as I felt my left arm pierced through with the fast traveling bullet.

My screams kept going and going until my mother and father came rushing up to my room. I could not understand the words they were saying or the questions they were trying to ask me. I was slowly fading into the dark.

I had only one question passing through my head as I faded. The one question I had been asking since last year when I had first met Kayla.

Why me Kayla?

I was lost to the blackness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys sorry about the long wait, and sorry to you too Kathryn, but here is the update like I said I would do it. Also sorry about the shortness guys. Hopefully the next couple of chapter will be longer.
