Status: Well, didn't finish it before graduation but we did finish it =D Hope everyone enjoys.

How far out can you get before there's no turning back?

Chapter 7

When I heard Paige scream, the reality of what I'd just done hit me. I'd shot a person, an actual living person. Well, for all I knew, she may not be living anymore. I hadn't really had time to aim once she'd seen me outside her window.

I quickly ran away from her house, all the while putting the gun back into my backpack. I was running as fast as I could, knowing that they'd be hunting for me pretty soon. As I got down the street, I slowed down.

A girl running down the street with a frantic look on her face, might attract some attention. By the time I got one street over, I was breathing heavily and feeling very weak. I'd done a lot of exercise today for someone who hadn't eaten.

That's it, I thought. I don't even care anymore, maybe they'll kill me.

I took off my backpack and threw it by the stop sign. Then, I sat down on the sidewalk, my heart still racing. I took a few deep breaths.

I reached into my backpack and grabbed the matches I'd stolen from the gas station a couple days ago. I struck one and watched the flame come to life. I quickly placed it near my bare arm, close enough that the flame was eating at my skin. I stayed in that position until the flame was almost at the fingers of my hand that was holding the match.

I quickly blew the flame out and laid my head down on the concrete, savoring the searing pain. After that, I kind of lost track of time. I was lost in my own world.

At some point, though, I heard a car door open and a man yelled, "Don't Move!" Like I really would, I was the happiest I'd ever been just laying there.
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It's kind of short, but the events happening are pretty fast-paced. Thanks for reading!
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P.S. I added Kayla to the characters. (: