Status: Done.

A Mistaken Kiss

Ch. 32 Final.


*6 months later*

Caden and I walked hand in hand down the hallway. I had my bag slung over my
shoulder, two of my books in Caden’s free hand. The necklace he had gotten me hung
around my neck, the little emerald shining brightly.

We stopped by Kasey’s locker, waiting for her to arrive.

“So what are we doing Saturday?” Caden asked

I shrugged “How much money do you have?”

“Oh, I’m paying now?” He asked, amused.

I smiled innocently at him, “Of course you are”

He groaned. “Alright let’s do something free.”

“So you’re just coming over again?”

“Yup.” He grinned.

I laughed as Kasey approached her locker, a smile on her lips. “Hey Kase, what’s up?”

She shrugged, “Nothing.”

“How’d that date go with Matt?” Caden asked. He had hooked Kasey up with one of his
friends Matt. We saw him quite frequently since he delivered pizza to my house almost every
Friday now.

Her smile widened, “It went amazing.”

“Really?” I asked. “Please elaborate.”

“We went to the movies…” She trailed off slowly, grabbing a few books. I made a face.
Kasey was definitely cruel. I had been dying to know how their date had turned out. “And we
were sitting there and he put his arm around me…”

“Awe!” I gushed affectionately.

She laughed, “He drove me home and walked me to my door.”

Caden laughed, “Damn, didn’t know Matt could be such a gentleman.”

“Shut up.” I hissed, “I wanna hear the story!”

Caden rolled his eyes, opening his mouth to say something else. I clamped my hand
over his mouth, ignoring when he started licking it.

I’d been through this too many times to care anymore.

Kasey laughed at our interaction before continuing “Anyways, so we’re standing on my
porch and all the lights are off at home. So Matt goes in to kiss me but I stopped him and
told him I didn’t kiss on the first date. So he says ‘Guess that’s a good excuse to ask you on

I squealed at the cuteness, pulling my hand away from Caden’s mouth.

“I know!” Kasey squealed with me.

“That’s so fucking cute!” I pulled her into a hug. “We should double date.”

She nodded, “Caden, will you suggest that?”

We both looked at Caden hopefully. He shrugged, nodding his head, “On one

“What’s that?”

“I stay the night tonight.” Caden said.

I rolled my eyes, “Whatever. You practically live at my house anyways.”

“I used to get paid for living there.” He muttered. Ever since Caden and I had announced
our relationship, Mom thought best that Caden didn’t work for us anymore. She said it would
make things difficult if we ever fought, and that she didn’t want this as an excuse for Caden
to stay the night.

It didn’t matter though, for Caden was over just as much as before.

“So…are you gonna suggest it?” Kasey asked.

“I will.” Caden sighed “But you have to start manning up to this if you’re going to date

“I know” She waved him off “This is just too early to do stuff like this.”

Caden rolled his eyes, slipping his arms around my waist. He rested his chin on my
shoulder casually, watching Kasey finish packing up.

“Are you coming home with us?” I asked Kasey as we walked down the hallway towards
the doors. Caden slipped a hand into my back pocket, giving my ass a small squeeze.

“Nah, Matt said he’d give me a ride home.” She smiled to herself.

Caden raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

“Where are you meeting him?” I asked.

“Right here.” Matt said, coming up behind Kasey. He grabbed her sides, causing her to
jump, giggling. “Hey Caden, Joey.”

“Hey Matt” I smiled while Caden just simply nodded.

“Alright, Kasey, let’s go.” Matt led her off, leaving Caden and me alone. We walked in
silence to the car hand-in-hand.

Caden unlocked the door as we arrived, leaning against my side of the car.

I raised an eyebrow curiously, crossing my arms. “You uh… going to move?”

Caden smirked, setting his hands on my hips. He pulled me to him, our lower halves
pressed against each other. My hands rested on his chest. I met his eyes, an amused
expression across my face.

“I don’t think so.” Caden said, moving a hand to cup my chin. He pulled my face towards
his, forcing me to stand on my tiptoes to touch his lips. Caden pressed our lips together,
moving them slowly. I smiled and nipped at his lip slightly, teasing.

He groaned, trying to deepen the kiss. I pressed my lower half against his, gripping the
collar of his shirt. Caden grinned, his tongue slipping into my mouth.

I pulled away quickly, the balls of my feet hurting.

Caden groaned, tilting his head back in annoyance, “Why, Pumpkin?”

I laughed, “I need to get in the car.”

“No you don’t. We have plenty of time before you have to be home.”

“Caden.” I said sternly, “Not right now.”

He rolled his eyes, but moved away from my door nonetheless. I smirked in victory when
I felt his arm wrap around my waist, pulling me to him.

Caden pressed his lips against my ear, “Want to go bowling?”

I laughed, turning around, his arm still around my waist. “Why not?”

“Double date with Kase And Matt?” He double checked.

“Alright.” I grinned “I’m looking forward to kicking your ass at bowling.”

Caden simply rolled his eyes, climbing inside the car. I laughed, getting in myself.

We drove around for a while. Caden turned the radio on, blaring the volume with the
windows down as he linked our fingers together. I sang along with the songs I knew,
tapping our hands to the beat. It was nice, just relaxing with him.

“You know who I haven’t talked to in a while?” I asked, trying to spark up conversation. I reached over, turning down the radio so that I would hear Caden’s response.

He shrugged, eyes focused on the road “Who?”


Caden sighed, stopping the car at the red light “I like it this way.”

“I know you do.” I mumbled “I just miss him.”

“I don’t.” Caden growled.

I groaned, “I know you don’t. But he was my best friend before anything happened.”

“And if we hadn’t met, you would be fucking him right now.”

“Instead of you?” I smirked.

A grin slipped across his face. “I don’t like the thought of another penis inside of you.”

I laughed, rolling my eyes “Quite frankly, neither do I.”

Caden laughed with me, giving my hand a squeeze. We calmed down into a silence,
neither of us daring to speak. I waited for a moment to see if he would when I spoke.

“I’m going to hang out with him tonight.” I told Caden.

Caden’s grip on my hand tightened painfully. “Why.”

“Because I miss him.” I frowned “I’m not going to do anything with him. Why would I
when I have someone who satisfies in ways I couldn’t imagine?”

I tagged the last bit on for his sake.

Caden smirked triumphantly “Damn right I do.”

“But seriously Caden, I want you to be ok with this.” I turned my body so that I faced him.
“Pull over for a minute.”

Caden sighed, but pulled the car to a stop along the side nonetheless. He turned his
head to look at me, giving me an upset look. I bit my lip, really hoping he wouldn’t be angry
with me for this. It didn’t matter though; I was going to repair my broken friendship. Or at
least attempt to.

“Caden, please tell me you won’t be mad.” I whispered “I need the closure. I’m doing
this so that I don’t lose one of my best friends. You know I wouldn’t cheat on you.”

Caden opened his mouth to say something, but closed it quickly. He shook his head
sadly, closing his eyes. “Alright, Joey, I won’t be mad at you.”

I grinned stupidly, squeezing his hand.

“But if I find out you did anything with him, or he tried anything on you…” Caden’s eye
twitched slightly as he trailed off.

“It won’t happen. We’re friends.” I promised. “I don’t like him like that anymore.”

That was a lie. Truth be told, I knew that if Caden and I ever split, my crush would
develop on Jason once again.

Caden sighed, “How long are you staying there?”

“Maybe three hours. I won’t stay long; I actually have homework to do tonight.” I frowned,
not liking the though.

Caden took a deep breath, a smile slowly forming across his lips. He grinned devilishly
at me, “I think we should have a quickie.”

“Right here?” I raised my eyebrow.

He nodded.

“In the car. Where anyone can watch.”

He nodded.

“Just… right now?”

He nodded.





I sighed, “We’re not having sex in the back of the car while the sun is still out. I don’t
want anyone to watch.”

Caden rolled his eyes, looking at the cars zooming past us “Please, no one’s going to

“No, Caden.”


“No!” I snapped “I’m not doing that. Ever.”

Caden sighed in frustration. “Hand job?”

“No.” I crossed my arms.



“You suck.”

I laughed, “I know.”

“So will you?”


Caden groaned. “I’m a boy. I have sexual tension built up. Please, as my girlfriend,
please relieve me of this.”

I laughed, “Pick me up from Jason’s and we’ll do it on the way back. Ok?”

Caden grinned, kissing my cheek. “Sweet.”

“Don’t tell anyone.” I hissed.

“Of course.” He waved me off, driving back onto the main road.


Caden had insisted on dropping me off at my father’s. I figured that he just wanted to
spend as much time with as possible seeing as I was going to the boy I almost got together

I couldn’t imagine how angry I would be if Caden was doing this to me. I was grateful
that he was fairly willing to let me.

Not that he would have stopped me.

“Three hours, ok?” Caden said seriously.

I rolled my eyes, nodding nonetheless “Trust me, Caden, nothing will happen. I just
want to fix the broken friendship.”

He sighed, “Alright.”

I smiled, pecking his lips “Don’t worry.”

“How can I after that pathetic of a kiss?” He smirked, pressing his lips against mine
more urgently. I smiled into the kiss, cupping his face in my hands.

I pulled away, laughing. “Bye Caden.”

He pouted, waving sadly to me. I rolled my eyes, getting out of the car. I could hear
Caden pulling out of the driveway as I pulled my key out, opening the door.

I could hear Mason laughing from inside. Cody must have picked him up on the way
home. The television was on.

I closed the door quietly behind me, heading into the living room. Cody sat on the couch,
feet propped up on the coffee table. Hannah was on the ground with Mason, messing with

“Hey, Joey” Hannah smiled, looking up at me “Haven’t seen you in a while.”

I laughed slightly “Yeah I guess I’ve been busy.”

“You looking for Jason?” She knew me so well.

I nodded.

“He’s up in his room. Go on in.”

“Thanks Hannah” I smiled, heading to the stairs. I kept my footsteps light, hoping to be
as quiet as I could.

I could hear music coming from his room before I was the whole way up the stairs. I
didn’t recognize the song, but the bass thudded through the walls. I could feel it in my chest.

I didn’t understand why people listened to it this loud.

I opened Jason’s door slightly, peering in.

He had his back to me, focused on something at his computer. I smiled, slipping into
his room like a spy. Jason was oblivious to the new presence.

I crept up behind him, wrapping my hands over his eyes.

He reached up, touching his fingertips to my hands.

“Guess who?” I whispered in his ear.

Jason pulled my hands away, spinning around in his chair. “Joey.”

“Bingo.” I smiled. Jason returned the grin, wrapped his arms around my waist. He
remained sitting while I stood, making this a little awkward. Jason’s face was pressed
against my tits. I laughed, patting his hair awkwardly.

Jason pulled away after a moment, grinning up at me. “Hey.”

I laughed, “Hey, Jase.”

“How are you?” He asked, trying to make conversation.

“I’m doing pretty good.”

“You still with that loser?” He frowned.

I rolled my eyes, “Yes, I’m happily with Caden”

“Whatever.” Jason stood up, our bodies almost pressed together. He walked past me,
lying down on his bed. I turned around, sitting next to him. Jason moved his head onto my
lap, meeting my eyes.

“Have you found yourself a girlfriend yet?” I asked

“Well, I almost had one a few months ago.” He shrugged as if it was nothing.

I waited for more. “Are you going to tell me more?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Of course” I playfully slapped his forehead. Jason laughed at me.

“She was cute. Short, though. A lot short than you.”

“I’m not short.” I frowned. I was at a very good height standing seven inches above five
foot. Jason, though, was still taller than me. He made sure I knew.

“Yeah, whatever.” Jason ignored my comment, “Anyways, we started talking and we
went on a date, but three days later she found out she was moving to California.”

I frowned, “Why?”

“Her dad’s job.”

“That sucks, Jase.”

“You’d think as stunningly sexy as a boy like me, I’d be able to get a girl.”

I snorted “Sure, ‘stunningly sexy’”

He flicked my arm. “Shut up, Joey, no one likes your opinion.”

“Please, people live for my opinion.”

“Sure.” He winked, sitting up. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too.” I frowned.

“Why don’t you ever come over anymore?”

“Because I’m with Caden…” I bit my lip, feeling guilt wash over me. I was choosing
Caden over Jason. But Caden was my boyfriend after all…

“Damn bastard’s keeping you away from me, huh?” Jason said teasingly. There was a
hint of malice in his voice though.

I rolled my eyes “Hush now, Caden. You’re the one that ended our ‘relationship’ not
me.” I made air quotes with my fingers over the word ‘relationship’.

Jason’s face hardened “Maybe I wouldn’t have had to if I hadn’t been cheated on.”

I bit my lip. “Look Jase—”

His eyes widened as he realized what he said “Forget it, Joey. Just forget I said
anything. I didn’t mean to say it.”

“No it’s true.”

“Let’s not talk about this now.” Jason said.


“Just…let’s not.” Jason said clamped a hand over my mouth. I nodded obediently,
smiling from behind his hand.

Jason pulled his hand away after a moment.

“So please enlighten me Jason.” I smirked “What do you intend to do now?”

Jason’s eyes widened in delight. He stood up quickly, closing the door. I watched as
Jason dug through his school bag hurried, a grin across his lips. I raised as eyebrow when
he pulled his hand out, clamping something in his fist.

Jason sat next to me on the bed, holding his clamped fist out towards me. He met my
eyes, looking at me seriously.

“You can’t tell anyone, ok?” He said, sticking out his pinky.

I rolled my eyes, hooking my pinky around his “I won’t.”

Jason opened his fingers to reveal something wrapped up in a tissue. He offered it to
me cautiously.

I took it from him, opening the tissue up in my hand. I dumped out the contents into my
palm. Four little pills fell out.

My eyes widened. I looked up to meet his, “What are these?”

“Oxycodone.” He grinned wickedly

“Why do you have oxycodone?” I hissed.

“I know a guy who gave me a deal.” Jason shrugged as if it was nothing.

“Jason, are you seriously doing pills?!” I hissed loudly.

He shot me a look “Quiet down, Joey. And yeah, they’re not that bad. They only fuck you
up a little bit.”

“Jason you promised that you wouldn’t go worse than weed!”

“I know, but dude, these are amazing.”

“When did you start?”

“Few weeks ago. They’re not addicting, Joey, chill.”

I sighed, “What if you OD?”

“I’m not going to. I take them once every other day. Don’t worry.” Jason said

“How bad do they fuck you up?” I asked hesitantly.

Jason’s eyes hardened “No. You’re not getting into this shit.”

“What? I wasn’t going to—”

“I know you well enough, Joanna. You’re not getting into this kind of stuff.”

“But I wasn’t…”

“I don’t care.”

“Whatever. New subject.” I dropped the pills from my left hand into the tissue held by my
right. I kept one pill trapped between my fingers.

Jason and I talked for the entire time. He told me about how after Chase’s death, he had
started to spiral out of control with the drugs. He was high almost every day now and recently
the drug just hadn’t been enough.

I asked him why he got that deep into it.

“Because I couldn’t stand the fact that not only had I lost my best friend, but to an
undeserving asshole like Caden.”

I only bit my lip to that comment.

I had missed Jason. A lot. It was nice finally being able to talk. The thing about Jason
was that he rarely let anything be awkward. We hadn’t spoken in months and he acted as if
we had just talked yesterday when I first arrived.

Unfortunately, the time came for when I needed to leave. Jason walked me to the door,
after making me promise to come over within the week.

I rolled my eyes, but promised nonetheless.

“Bye Joey” Jason said, wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his
neck, resting my head on his chest. I knew that if Caden had seen this, he would be angry.
But this is how we hug. It was natural for both of us.

“Bye Jason.” I smiled gently.

He waved, watching me walk away. Caden had texted me to meet him around the block
because parking was poor. Jason watched until I disappeared from sight.

I felt arms wrap around my waist tightly. Lips brushed against my ear as a deep voice
spoke sexily “I do believe you promised me something.”

I grinned in my arms. “Hello Caden.”

“Yeah, Hey Pumpkin.” He said, I could hear the rolling of his eyes in his voice “Now uh…
we going to have a little fun?”

I yawned, “But I’m sooo tired.”

Caden squeezed me to him. “No.”





“Whatever Caden, wake me when you’re done.” I rolled my eyes, pulling away.

Caden groaned “You’re no fun. You promised me Joey.”

“You’ll live.” I grinned, patting his cheek. Caden pulled me against him, his hands on my

I raised an eyebrow, “Well hello there.”


“Sorry Caden, but I really am tired.”

He groaned. “Fine. But you owe me. Big time, baby.”

“Alright.” I grinned, pulling away. I got into the passenger seat, waiting for Caden to get
back in the car. He stood for a moment, before getting in.

A frown was clear across his face.

“Tell you what, Caden.” I said, guilt getting to me.


“If we can stop off and get me a water bottle, we’ll have a quickie, ok?”

He nodded, starting the car “There’s a gas station up here.”


We drove in silence. Caden didn’t turn the radio on, nor did he make any motion to have
a conversation. I wondered if he was actually mad that I said no at first to a quickie.

It could have been the fact that I had just spent my afternoon with Jason though.

I had to assume that was probably the reason, if any.

He parked at the gas station, getting out quickly. I watched his figure head into the store,
grabbing the first bottle he came across.

I laughed slightly at how quickly he did everything.

Unfortunately for him, there was a line at the register. Caden looked up at the ceiling,
groaning. He hopped from one foot to the other.

Three other people were before him, taking their own time.

Caden glanced out the window, meeting my eyes. He pouted angrily, causing me to
giggle. Caden held the bottle up, showing that he had gotten me it. I noticed something else
in his hand.


Of course. I rolled my eyes, unable to hold a smile off of my face.

After what seemed like forever, it was finally Caden’s turn at the register. He put his two
items on the counter, pulling out a few bucks from his wallet. I watched as the cashier slowly
unwrinkled each bill, taking her good old time.

It was clearly evident that Caden was annoyed with this.

I laughed at his reaction.

Caden hurried out of the store as quickly as he could, unlocking the car as he walked.
He climbed in, passing me my water bottle.

“Thanks Caden” I said, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

He shrugged, opening his pack of gum.

I held my hand out for a piece, feeling the slim stick fall into my hand. I put the gum in my
mouth first, chewing it as I uncapped the water bottle.

“I don’t know how you can drink with gum in your mouth” he muttered, chewing his

“I don’t know how you can chew your gum so obnoxiously.”

Caden snapped his jaw open and close loudly just for me.

I laughed, rolling my eyes.

Caden slipped the key into the ignition, starting the car.

“Where we going?” I asked.

“Shut up and drink your four dollar drink.”

I raised an eyebrow “Four dollars? You didn’t have to get me fancy water.”

He laughed “Only the best for you.”

I laughed.

Caden pulled out of the parking lot, driving onto the main road.

I brought my hand to my lips, forcing the small capsule between my lips. I pressed the
bottle of water to my mouth, tipping my head back.

I swallowed the pill whole.
♠ ♠ ♠
There you go(:
Thank you to everyone who subscribed, commented, or just read. I love you guys so much(: You're the reason that I keep going!
I know I said no more drugs but...
Also, I'll be starting a new story called The Devil's Pawn.
If you could just check out the first chapter, that'd be awesome ^.^ Put a comment down if you'd like to& I'll let you know when Chappy 1's up!
Also, if you read this, could you comment? I'd like an idea of how many readers i had throughout this.