The Time Twister

The Endowed

The endowed are all descended from the ten children of the Red King; a magician king who left Africa in the twelfth century, accompanied by three leopards.
The Red King had already lived several centuries and he had made a marvellous glass sphere, putting into it memories of his life and travels through the world. He used the sphere to twist through time, visiting the past and future.
In any other hands, the Time Twister is dangerous and unpredictable.

The Children Of The Red King, Called The Endowed.

Manfred Bloor: Head boy of Bloor's Academy. A hypnotiser. He is descended from Borlath, eldest son of the Red King. Borlath was a brutal and sadistic tyrant.

Asa Pike: A were-beast. He is descended from a tribe who lived in the northern forest and kept strange beasts. Asa can change shape at dusk.

Billy Raven: Billy can communicate with animals. One of his ancestors conversed with ravens that sat on a gibbet where dead men hung. For this talent he was banished from his village

Zelda Dobinski: Descended from a long line of Polish magicians. Zelda is telekenitc. She can move objects with her mind.

Beth Strong: Beth is also telekenetic. She comes from a family of circus performers.

Lysander Sage: Descended from an African wise man. He can call up his spirit ancestors.

Tancred torroson: A storm-bringer. His Scandanavian ancestor was named after the thunder god, Thor. Tancred can bring rain, wind, thunder and lightening.

Gabriel Silk: Gabriel can feel scenes and emotions through the clothes of others. He comes from a line of psychics

Emma Tolly: Emma can fly. Her surname derives from the spanish swordsman from toledo, whose daughter married the Red King. He therefore is an ancestor to all the endowed children.

Charlie Bone: Charlie can hear voices of people in photographs and paintings. He is descended from the Yewbeams, a family with many magical endowments.

Bindi and Dorcas: Two endowed girls whose gifts are, as yet, undeveloped.