Status: In progress. First two chapters done, need editing

The Black Cat Chronicles

Castiel is nothing like the rest of his family. He doesn't get a laugh out of giving other people bad luck. He doesn't enjoy using his abilities to harm anyone. But, when his grandfather is killed right before his eyes, he may have no choice but to use every ounce of skill he has, and fully embrace his dark heritage. to fight against his family and their wish to control him, keep from falling for the last person on earth he wants anything to do with, and convince his brother to come back and run their family, Castiel will have to use every ounce of his skill and cunning to find out who is killing off his family, and stop them before they finish him off as well.
  1. Chapter One - The Shadows stole my Grandfather.
    our story begins in tragedy
  2. Chapter Two - The old bitch betrays me
    a family gathering attempts to overthrow castiel