I'll Fix You Because You Fixed Me Too


*Charlie’s POV*

“Mark! Would you turn that shit off!” I snapped.

“But mommy! I have to practise!” he whined at me.

“You have three weeks to practise Mark, missing one day when mommy has a migraine isn’t gonna do any damage!” I bit back.

He glared at me, switched of his amp and sulked off to his room grumbling under his breath.

I sighed and flopped down onto the chair in the lounge.

I don’t mean to snap at the kids, really I don’t, it’s just that me and Gerard, well, we haven’t been getting on so well lately, he’s stressed about the book, and I’m sick of lying to everyone but Frank about where we go every Tuesday morning when I’m seeing my therapist , its just all stressing me out, so every little thing the kids do that irritates me, I snap at them, and then Gerard bitches at me for it and then I bitch back, so it turns into an argument causing more stress resulting in these killer migraines.

Things will get better soon, I know they will. Gerard just needs to relax about his book and I….well…I need to come clean about being ill and seeing the therapist.

“Babe?” Gerard called softly walking into the room.

“Mmm,” I replied.

“What’s up with Mark? He’s throwing a huge bitch fit up there about something,” he giggled slightly, perching on the arm of my chair.

“I told him to cut the guitar out for a bit, I have a killer migraine and I don’t need that pumping round the whole house,” I told him rubbing my temples and wishing Gerard would just go away.

“Charlie you know he needs to practise for the talent show, it’s a miracle he got into the thing because of his age! He needs to get his playing perfect!” Gerard scolded me.

“Its three weeks away, one day isn’t gonna make any difference Gerard,” I sighed standing up and walking into the kitchen.

“Where are you going? Charlie? Don’t walk away from me when I’m talking to you! You always do this its really starting to piss me off!” he snapped

“I’m going to get some fucking pain killers, sorry, I didn’t know I needed permission to enter my own kitchen!” I fumed back at him.

“Fuck you Charlie, I’m sick of this attitude you’ve developed, and I’m sick of all the secrets you’re keeping from me!” Gerard screamed before storming from the room.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” I screamed back at him.

“You know what I mean!” he shouted before I heard the front door slam.

I sighed and shook my head, only to realise that was a bad idea and return to my quest of finding pain relief.

That argument you just witnessed, that was the latest explosion in paradise.

And I can promise you, the next one will follow shortly.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!! hope you enjoyed the first chapter, sorry if you didnt, and sorry if you hate me for making them fight!!


xoxo J