I'll Fix You Because You Fixed Me Too


Lizzy came running through the front door screaming with Frank and Lolly following behind her laughing and smiling at the little girl.

Charlie couldn’t help but feel jealous, that used to be her and Gerard. The smiling happy couple, playing with their children, no cares in the world. If things weren’t so difficult it could be her and Frank.
Yes, she’d actually started to have feelings for Frank, as small as they were they were there.

“Aunty Charlie! Save me from mummy and Frankie!” Lizzy screamed running into Charlie’s arms.

“Hey you two you leave her alone!” Charlie mock scolded them, hugging the little girl close to her chest.

“Awwww, fine!” Frank fake pouted before starting to “cry”.

At this Lizzy quickly rushed over to him and gave him a big hug, telling him not to cry.

Although Charlie's head screamed at her to stay with Lolly Frank and Lizzy, she knew in her heart she had to do what was right.

“I err, have to go guys, I’ve got a few things I need to do, I’m sorry Lolly I know you’ve only just got here but it wont take me long,” Charlie promised her.

“Oh, that’s fine, to be honest I think me and the little one should really go and get some sleep if that’s ok?” she replied.

“Of course it is! I’ll show you where you’re room’s are, then I’ll drive you to wherever you’re going Charlie.” Frank arranged.

Knowing her and Frank needed a serious talk Charlie held in her protests of being taken to her destination by Frank, not wanting him to know where she was actually going but deciding he needed to know, no matter what.

He needed to be happy, and he would be, she wasn’t going to stand in his way of love and happiness anymore, he deserved love, and so did Lolly.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, just to let you all know, this storys drawing to an end now, there's only like 5 more chapters at the minuet but i may add some more providing i get all the new idea's in my head down.

So yeah, thanks for reading and pleeease comment? please?
