I'll Fix You Because You Fixed Me Too


*Frank’s POV*

I sat waiting in the car for Charlie, drumming my fingers nervously on the steering wheel.

I hope everything’s going ok.

I warned Charlie this could go bad, I mean, Gerard’s so angry and hurt still, sure he’s found someone he likes, they were casually seeing each other last time he actually spoke about it to me, but still, there’s no way he’s over Charlie or everything that happened.

I sighed and look towards the door of the apartment block for the six thousandth time.

Only this time I saw a black clad figure running down the stairs.


I rushed out of the car and to the bottom of the steps, just in time to catch her as she tripped up.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down Charlie, what’s wrong, what’s happened?” I questioned her frantically.

“He was so horrible to me Frank! I mean, I expected it to some degree but nothing like that! And he’s living with another girl Frank! And he told me he’s filled for a divorce, that he doesn’t want to see me again, that he hates me! Then he slammed the door in my face!” she sobbed.

“He’s living with another girl!?” I questioned confused.

“Of course he is! He’s found the girl I kept telling him was out there, she’s tall and stunning and so skinny! No wonder he’s fallen for her, she’s everything I’m not!” Charlie wailed.

“Come on babe, lets get you home, we’ll talk more there,” I told her, ushering her into the car.

How fucking dare Gerard treat her like that!

Sure, I wasn’t expecting him to be all nice to her but Christ, he didn’t have to be that fucking harsh!

I strapped myself into the car before turning on the ignition and speeding away.

The sooner I get Charlie away from here the better.

*Charlie POV*

I couldn’t believe what had just happened with Gerard and me.

I mean, I expected him to be angry and hurt, I haven’t been the nicest person to him lately, but I thought we could at leased talk or something.

By the time we’d got home my crying had reduced to sniffles.

I was clinging to Frank’s hand the whole way, scared to let go of him, just encase I lost him if I did.

Because that’s what happened with Gerard, I let him go and I lost him.

But forever this time.

As I walked through the door my cell went off.

It was a message from Gerard.

And as stupid as it is, I got my hopes up that it was him saying sorry, and that he wanted to talk.

But that thought came crashing down around me when I read the message.
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No that wasnt the end :) i'll give you more warning then that, theres still quite a few chapters to go till that, just not as many as before :)

Sorry about this one, i wanted to get one posted but was really distracted when writing it, the next ones will be better :)

much love

and please comment

xoxo J