I'll Fix You Because You Fixed Me Too


*Frank’s POV*

“I don’t want to see him, tell him to go back to his new wife,” she muttered darkly.

I sighed but walked back to the front door, Lizzy still in my arms.

“She doesn’t want to talk to you man, she just read that thing on the internet, she’s pretty hurt and annoyed right now,” I told him, feeling slightly sorry for him but being pissed at the same time.

“I gathered she would have,” he sighed “But I really do need to speak to her, and apologise,” he continued with a pleading look in his eyes.

I thought hard for a minuet then stood aside and allowed him in.

Maybe Charlie would be so mad at him she’d finally tell him about us?

Yeah, I know, we we’re meant to be breaking it off, but after she came out of Gerard’s, well, I just think she’ll need me right now.

And despite everything, I do love her, maybe not as much as I should, but I do.

So as soon as I get a chance I’ll tell her we’re still on, if she still wants me that is.

I lead Gerard into the lounge room, Lizzy was staring at him the whole way, he smiled at her and she squealed, reaching her arms out to him.

“Uncle Gerard!” she giggled when he’d finished spinning her round.

“Well hello gorgeous! And how have you been?” he asked poking her nose and making her giggle again.

I was so busy laughing at the two of them I hadn’t noticed Charlie and Lolly standing in the doorway.

Lolly stormed over to Gerard and snatched Lizzy from his grasp before stomping upstairs into their current room.

A look of hurt spread across his face but he quickly tried to mask it.

“Get out now,” Charlie ordered him.

“No, I need to speak to you Charlie, please, I know I’ve been an ass, I’m so sorry, I just wanted to talk to you, to apologise.” He explained.

She hesitated for a moment but grabbed her coat.

“Fine, but not here,” she said walking out of the house.

Gerard half smiled at me and I gave him a hug.

My hearts being torn in three now….I want to be with Charlie, but I want Lolly more, and I couldn’t stand Gerard finding out and being hurt….