I'll Fix You Because You Fixed Me Too


*Gerard’s POV*

“Lolly, can I speak to you for a sec? Please?” I asked her, pulling her attention away from Frank and beckoning her into the kitchen.
She hesitated before obliging and following me in.
She still hasn’t forgiven me for what happened with Charlie that day, and to be honest I don’t blame her, I was totally out of line.
“What Gerard? What did you want to talk about?” she questioned impatiently.
“Charlie’s pregnant. And she thinks I’m just going to run back to Lyn-z and leave her to do it all alone, but I’m not, and I don’t know how to explain to her that I want to come back, support her and be a family again. I still love her Lolly, I always have. But I do need to go back and explain everything to Lyn...and get my stuff that is if Charlie will have me back...” I trailed off.
“Gerard, are you fucking stupid?” Lolly asked “just go and tell her what you told me! She’s no different then she used to be, just be normal with her, yeah a lot of shits gone down since you first got together but she’s the same old Charlie. Talk to her, not me.” She finished.
I smiled at Lolly and mumbled a thanks, but I think I said it to the kitchen door rather then her as she’d pretty much already left.
I took a deep breath in, and exhaled out sharply to try calm myself down before going to talk to Charlie, I know I shouldn’t be this nervous but as Lolly said, a lots happened in the last few years.

Cautiously I entered Charlie's room and found her curled up on the bed.
I crept over and sat on the edge, pulling her up and cuddling her into me holding her there even though she tried to pull away.
“Get off me Gerard!” she commanded, struggling against me.
“No, not until you promise to stay and hear what I have to say.” I told her.
“Why should I?! Why should I stay here and listen to you break my heart!” she demanded.
“Please Charlie, just hear me out?” I begged.
She sighed and stopped struggling, she never agreed to listen but I took it as a silent agreement and released my grip on her body, only holding on to her hands so I could look into her eyes.
“I love you, Charlotte Zoë Way, with all my heart, I want us to get back together, I want us to go through this pregnancy together, I want us to raise this baby together and I want us to be a family again, if that’s all I could ever ask for ever again until I was six feet under I’d be happy with it, because that’s all I want. I want you back Charlie, I want our family back.” I told her, staring into her eyes, not caring that mine were filling with tears as I spoke.
At first she didn’t react, she just continued to stare at me.
And just when I thought I’d wasted my time saying all of this, a small smile crept across her face.
“I love you too, Gerard Arthur Way.” She giggled before lunging at me.
She got me so I fell backwards on the bed with her straddling me and she grinned the biggest smile I’d seen in a long time before she lent down to kiss me softly.

“Now, go get everything sorted with Lyn-z, then I expect you back here, with all your stuff, and ready for a snuggle!” she commanded.
I couldn’t help but laugh at her, even though I was dreading this talk with Lyn, I couldn’t help but be happy.
Charlie’s always done this to me, and I guess she always will.
We’re made for each other, always have been, always will be.

I stood outside the apartment door, playing with my keys like I had for the last ten minutes trying to figure out how to say what needed to be said.
My musing was cut short as Lyn-z opened the door.
“so....” she said looking confused. “when did we get married?”
“about that...” I trailed off