I'll Fix You Because You Fixed Me Too


*Gerard’s POV*

“Daddy, is you ok?” Elena asked me as she sat in my lap.

“I’m fine baby,” I smiled at her. “Go play,”

“But daddy! Yous cwying! Somefing has to be wong if yous cwying!” she persisted, wiping at the tears running down my cheeks with her tiny hands.

She’s right, something is wrong. My marriage.

Me and Charlie, we keep fighting and I don’t know why!

I just want it to go back to being normal again, I don’t want us to constantly argue and I want her to talk to me! She can talk to Frank, she tells him everything! But she can’t find it in herself to skip out on one day with him to talk to me about our marriage troubles?

I know every couple has a bad spat, but it seems like our entire relationship has been one constant bad spat! We’re the opposite of normal couples, we have a small good period and then it goes back to being shitty again.

I miss how we were when we were younger.

But maybe that’s our problem, maybe we’ve grown apart. It’s not unheard of, it happens all the time, I mean, she was only seventeen when we met and I was only twenty one.

Fuck, that sounds so bad! Maybe it’s my fault we’re fighting? She is a lot younger then me, maybe I made her grow up too quickly and now she hates me for it.

I bet that’s it. She wants to go out now and have the life she never got to have because I took it from her, because I made her grow up.

Fuck! I’m such a jackass! How could I do that to the person I love?

“Daddy?” Elena called, bringing me back from my trance.

“Sorry baby, daddy’s just tired, he’ll be better soon,” I promised her.

“Is mommy tired to? ‘Coz you and mommy keeps fighting, and Markie and me fight when we’re tried,” she said, innocence shinning in her beautiful hazel eyes.

“You’ll have to ask mommy babes, I don’t know,” I told her settling her down on the floor.

“Daddy?” she asked in her cute voice

“Yes?” I answered in a tone to match hers, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

“Can we makes cookies daddy?” she questioned batting her eyelids at me “Mommy said we gonna makes a cake for yous birthday at night night time but I wanna makes you cookies now!”

So she’s getting the kids to help her make me a cake for tomorrow.

At leased she hasn’t forgotten my birthday. That shows she still cares right?
