I'll Fix You Because You Fixed Me Too


*Charlie’s POV*

“Mrs Way?” the receptionist called smiling at me and signalling for me to enter the room.

As I walked in I suddenly regretted going here today, I should have cancelled and stayed home sort my problems out with Gerard rather then coming here to talk about them.

“Charlie! Hello! No Frank today?” Doctor Cortez asked

“No, not today, he had to run some errands but he’ll be back before the appointment ends.” I smiled at him.

Doctor Cortez is awesome; he once even offered Frank come in on a session if I wanted because he always walks me to the door then waits outside till my sessions over so I’m not alone.

I declined that offer because some of the things I tell Doctor Cortez and some of the things we talk about would kill Frank if he ever found out.

“Ahh very well, so Charlie, how have you been?” he asked

“Well, in myself I’ve been fine, not hearing any voices still, but I keep arguing with Gerard which is getting me down a bit” I answered truthfully.

I found out after a few sessions I should just tell everything, holding things back or lying about them didn’t get me anywhere so I eventually caved and just let everything out.

“You’re still arguing?” he questioned

“Yeah, only now it seems worse then ever,” I answered “It’s like, we don’t talk unless we’re arguing or leading up to an argument, and now he’s really mad at me.” I explained

“And why is that Charlie?” Doctor Cortez pushed

“Because…well... I still haven’t told him about coming here…he thinks its just Frank and me going out to talk and stuff, and today he wanted us to talk…about our problems, but I had to go...so he’s really mad.” I told him, feeling a lump form in my throat. “I feel so guilty” I whispered.

“You’re going to have to tell him Charlie, you can’t keep lying, it’s only going to cause more problems.” Doctor Cortez told me

“I know,” I sighed “It’s just so hard, I’m scared.” I admitted

“Why are you scared?” he questioned.

“Because I don’t want Gerard to leave me, because I got sick again, I know you and Frank keep saying he wont but, something tells me he will.” I admitted

“Charlie, it’s just an insecurity, from what I’ve heard about Gerard I can tell you it seems very out of his character to leave you because of something like this,” he told me.

There was a knock at the door before the receptionist pop her head round the door.

“Sorry to interrupt, but Mr Iero needs to speak with Mrs Way.” She said

“Ah, send him in then Carol.” Doctor Cortez smiled

A moment or so later Frank entered the room; he waved at Doctor Cortez before turning to me.

“Charlie we have to go, like now, I just got a call from Gerard, he’s taken Elena to hospital, she burned herself on the oven.” He rushed looking panicked.

My mouth dropped open and I immediately felt scared and upset for my baby girl and angry at Gerard, he was supposed to be watching her!

“By all means Charlie go, we can make you’re next appointment longer for the missed time, I hope you’re daughter is ok.” Doctor Cortez said, smiling sympathetically at me and waving us out.

I thanked him before rushing out after Frank and getting in the car.

Frank sped off in the direction of the hospital but I couldn’t concentrate on where we were going, all I could do was think of how angry I was at Gerard for letting something happen to my baby girl.

If she’s seriously hurt, he will regret letting anything happen to her. I’ll make sure of that.
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hope everyone had a good christmas and new year!

oh and hope bob had a good birthday! lol

So, im now shamelessly plugging my other storys :P please please please check them out, theres a few of them and im not sure how to put the links in here so please just click on my profile and take a peek. their all different story lines, ones even a frerard if you're into that.

oh! and please comment, this and those lol

thank uuuuuuuuu

so much love
