Status: Finished. Read The Sequal: I've Grown Up I WIsh You Could See

I'm Younger Than I Look

Who Are You?

“I have no clue what to wear” I sighed bouncing onto my bed next to my best friend Mckenna.

“Just wear what you first put on!” She sighed. It was the first day of freshmen year and I was nervous as fuck. My eyes scanned my floor for my shorts. I found them and threw them on and turned to Kenna.

“These with?” She leaned on her elbow and looked on the ground. She pointed to a shirt and I picked it up. It was a white tube top with a black bow at the top. I smiled and put it on with a strapless bra. I turned around to show her the finished look. She smiled at me and nodded.

“Hot” I grinned at her and walked to my bathroom turning on my curler. Mckenna had gotten ready before and then came over since she lived down the street. I finished curling my hair and put mascara and eyeliner on before walking back into my bedroom. I pulled on my
brown Uggs and smiled at Mckenna.

“Ready?” She winked. I smiled and nodded. I grabbed my black purse I was using for school and walked down stairs and into the kitchen.

“Morning girls” My mom smiled while she finished making her coffee.

“Morning Mrs. Rush” Mckenna answered back.

“Excited?” She asked.

“NO mom for the last time” I groaned. She smiled and shook her head.

“Tyler’s here” Mckenna interrupted.

“Bye mom” I called over my shoulder while walking out the door, Mckenna following right behind. Tyler’s McKenna’s boyfriend. Mckenna got held back in 7th grade so she’s a Junior when she’s supposed to be a Senior like Tyler. Mckenna’s mom won’t let her get her permit until she gets a job so Tyler takes us to school. I climbed into the backseat while Mckenna jumped into the front. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Hey Liv, excited for your first day of High School?” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“I remember my first day” Mckenna said holding onto Tyler’s hand.

“So do I” Tyler said smiling to himself.

“Shut up you too” I said. They both smiled at me and laughed.

We finally arrived into the school’s parking lot. There were many of kids running around looking for their schedules’ and classes.

“Nervous?” Tyler poked my side with his elbow while his other elbow was wrapped with Mckenna’s.

“NO” I said loudly.

“I can’t wait for you to meet everyone” Mckenna was implying on her friends. I had never met her friends most of the time when I was with Mckenna we were usually at parties we had no idea of who was there. No one ever asked me my age because I don’t look my age. Everyone gets shocked when I tell them I’m 14. Usually they assume 18 or 19 but usually I lie about my age anyways.

“Ready?” Tyler asked me. I rolled my eyes and continued walking right behind them. We got our schedules and we were putting our things into our lockers.

“MCKENNA!” A girl with thin long black hair teased into a ponytail ran towards us. She had light green eyes and long eyelashes. She was wearing shorts and a tank top with a tiny sweater over it.

“Stormie” Mckenna flashed a smiled and gave her a hug. The girl’s eyes glanced over at me and gave Mckenna a questioning look. “Oh Storm, this is Olivia Rush, Olivia this is Storm
Wentz” I smiled at her and she entangled me in a hug.

“Nice to meet you” Her voice was high-pitched and squeaky.

“You too” I nodded.

“So what grade you in?”

“9th” I rolled my eyes. She eyes got wide and she tilted her head.

“You look like you could be a senior or a junior” I smiled and laughed.

“I get that a lot” She flashed me one last smiled before turning to Mckenna.

“So, Pete’s band is in town and they want me to go to their show tonight and hangout and do something after and I was wondering if you wanted to go” Mckenna’s lips turned up and she nodded.

“Hell yeah I’ll go. I miss everyone” Storm laughed and kept smiling. She turned towards me and spoke.

“You’re welcome to come along as well” She invited. I returned the smiled and sighed.

“I have nothing else better to do. What band is your brother in?” I asked.

“Fall Out Boy” She responded. My eyes got big in shock. She gave me a wink before walking away. “See you guys later” She called over.

“Her brothers in Fall Out Boy?” I asked. Mckenna nodded and kissed Tyler on the lips before he walked towards the office for something.

“Yeah. I was shocked too when she told me”

“What grade is she in?” I asked.

“Senior, she should have already graduated but she failed all her classes and refused to take summer school so they held her back” I nodded. The bell rung signaling us to our first class.

“I’ll see you at lunch Rush” She called to me before walking the opposite direction. I smiled to myself as I walked to my first class.
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First chapter!:) Tell me what you think, i'm iffy on this story. But leave comments and subcribe pretty please!