Status: Finished. Read The Sequal: I've Grown Up I WIsh You Could See

I'm Younger Than I Look

You Want An Argument? Well, It's On.

“I’m so sorry,” she apologized insincerely as she kneeled on the concrete next to the pool.

“Whatever,” I mumbled as I used my arms to push my soaked body out of the pool, sitting on the edge contemplating my next move.

“You’re quite clumsy,” Jack laughed handing me a towel and helping me up.

“Last time I checked, it wasn’t considered ‘being a klutz’ if someone else did it to you,” I stated, blotting my entire body with the towel.

“I did not!” Lisa butted in, stepping into my personal space zone.

…one more word and this bitch was going to get it.

“Back the fuck up!” I shouted, nudging her always from me.

“Don’t touch me, you skank. I don’t want your STDs all over me,” she retorted in a disgusted tone shoving me back.

“Don’t mistake me for your mom, got it? Good, and you don’t know me, so how about you shut the hell up, okay?! You’ve been bitching and making smart remarks since you met me. You want an argument? Well I’ll give you one. It’s on, bitch,” I shouted and walked off.

Everyone was silent. I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, but I didn’t quite care.

“How about we go to that club now?” Jack suggested, sliding his arm around my waist.

“Let’s go, just you and me,” I teased as I walked backwards pulling him through the mass of humans by his shirt.

At the club

“Ooh, she hot,” Jack commented on a female strutting by.

“Yeah and she also has a boyfriend bigger than big foot,” I added, rotating his head to the massive dude following behind her.

“Think I could take him?” Jack asked as he got into the stance of a pro-wrestler.

“Not in a million years, my friend…” I trailed off. “Come on, I wanna dance!” I shouted. Jack grabbed my hand and followed me to the center of all the sweaty bodies that were compacted in such a small space.

The first song was kind of pop-ish, so we simply jumped up and down to the beat. It was a great way to warm-up. The following songs were sexier and much dirtier. Things like Beyonce, Britney Spears, and a few rap songs here and there were blasting throughout the club.

Jack and I were having an amazing time grinding on each other. Even with the occasional flirty touch here and there, I was okay with it. Alex was off with his lame ass girlfriend, and here I am, having a great time partying with his best friend. What now, bitch!

“Whatcha thinking about in here?” Jack questioned, poking his index finger to my forehead as we swayed to the beat.

“I don’t know, lots of different things,” I said as I rotated 90 degrees and pressed my ass against his crotch.

He placed his hands on my hips sliding down to my thighs, “what about wild sex in the middle of Africa?!” he joked.

I laughed and shook my head, “No thanks!”

“Let’s go to the bar,” he suggested and I followed.

“All you have to do is show your I.D. if you’re 18 or up, he’ll give you a drink,” Jack explained.

“But the legal age is 21…” I added on, hoping I didn’t sound too much like a good girl.

“Well, the bartender here feels that if you’re over 18, you’re old enough to choose. So just pull out your I.D. so we can get wasted,” Jack laughed as he pulled his out and slid it to the bartender.

“I don’t have an I.D.” I stated, quickly regretting it.

“You’re 19, right?” Jack asked as he cocked his right eyebrow.

“I mean, I don’t have it with me. I, uhm, left it in my purse back in Storm’s room. Silly me,” I blurted out, covering my horrid lie.

Does he believe me?
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Super short, sorry. :/ Not my best either. I haven't written in a while, so I'm a smidge rusty.

Hey guys. I'm Cori, the new co-writer, nice to meet you? (: Ha, anwyay. Constructive critism is great and very much so wanted/needed. Tell me what you like, but don't hold back on what you dislike. Comments motivate updates. We apprecicate 'em. ♥ Fanksss.