Status: Finished. Read The Sequal: I've Grown Up I WIsh You Could See

I'm Younger Than I Look

Go Away.

It’s now been four days since Alex slapped me. Four days since I talked to anyone. Four days I’ve spent in my room crying. My mom has gotten worried about me. I’ve been to school one in the last week, which wasn’t good. I lay on my bed staring up at the fan, my pillow to my chest.

“Sweetie?” My mom asked from the other side of the door. I didn’t answer, I couldn’t. She opened the door and stood between in. “Sweetie, you have to get out of bed sometime” She sat on my bed next to me and stroked my hair. “What happened to my strong Olivia? The Olivia that never let boys and other people get to her. Where’d she go?” I blinked away the tears at formed in my eyes.

“I don’t know mom. But if you ever see her, let me know, because I miss her too” I choked out.

“You need to get out of this house hun. Storm and Mckenna have came over here 9 times in
the last four days and you keep refusing to talk to them. Why punish them when they didn’t
do anything.”

“I’m not trying to mom. I’m just trying to pull myself together. I’m trying to figure out what I’m
doing next because lately I’ve been dancing in the spur of the moment and it’s got me nothing but hurt” My mom nodded.

“Let’s go out” I looked at her confused. Honestly I didn’t feel like leaving the house.

“Mom I don’t..”

“Get dressed and meet me down stairs in ten minutes” She informed me before walking
out. I sighed to myself. I threw on a pair of jeans and a pink tank top. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and applied a little bit of mascara before walking out of my room. I walked down stairs and slid on my flip flops that were by the front door.

“Let’s go” My mom said. I followed her into the garage and climbed into her Ferrari. I leaned my head against the window and looked out at all the passing houses.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“The mall to get Starbucks” I looked over at her like she was crazy.

“The mall? Mom I look like shit!” She looked over to me and rolled her eyes.

“You do not” I sighed, I wasn’t going to fight with her because that always got me nowhere.

We arrived in the mall parking lot after ten minutes. I dragged myself out of the car unwillingly. “Can we go in and go out?” I asked. She shook her head. I sighed and followed behind her like a puppy dog. My eyes scanned the mall for people I knew, hoping I wouldn’t find anyone. I exhaled with relief when I didn’t find anyone.

“I just want a green tea” I said going and finding a table to sit at in the food court. I laid my head down on the cold table.

“Funny seeing you here” The hairs on my neck stood up hearing his voice. My head shot up to see Alex sitting across from me.

“Leave. Now” I demanded. He looked at me with sympathy. He was probably looking at my eyes. They were red. I take that back they were blood shot red. It looks like I was turning into a zombie.

“Someone needs sleep” He commented.

“Will you seriously fuck off and leave” I spat looking over scanning the room for my mom. She wasn’t at the Starbucks counter.

“Why are you here?” I blurted out.

“Storm said your mom said you wanted to talk to me” He shrugged. I placed my forehead against my palm.

“Alex do me a favor and leave my sight” I growled.

“Not until you hear me out” I looked over at him and gave him a dirty look.

“If it’s about Lisa save it.”

“It’s not. It’s about you”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been so long. My computer crashed again! I'm pissed. Anyways, i thought my other author updated but i guess she didn't. Sorrry! I will try to update tihs daily again if i get feedback if people still want to read this.