Status: Finished. Read The Sequal: I've Grown Up I WIsh You Could See

I'm Younger Than I Look

Its Getting Better.

My face softened up but I was still eyeing him.

“Go, you have five minutes” I said pretending to look at a watch that wasn’t on my wrist. He exhaled and played with his hands.

“I’m really sorry about last week at Storms and everything” He drifted off. I rolled my eyes.

“Alex it’s whatever I’ve gotten punched in the face before by a guy, a slap isn’t a big deal” I said not really caring and wanting to think about it. He played with his hands some more and ran them through his hair like he wanted to say something but couldn’t. We sat there in silence for a couple minutes and I decided to break the silence. “Well if you’re done talking then I’m going to go find my mom” I said pushing my chair back.

“Lisa and I broke up” He said looking up at me as he spoke. I raised my eyebrow up with interest.

“Why?” I questioned. He looked at me like I was stupid.

“Olivia I like you a lot and I wasn’t going to let a girl who acts her shoe size push an amazing girl away from me.” I stared at him in awe. I didn’t know if I should have forgiven him for everything but staring at him made me cave him. I leaned across the table and pressed my lips against his. I could feel him smiled as he moved his hand around my neck. “Olivia I want you to be mine” He said without hesitation when we broke apart. A smiled crept onto my lips as I smiled.

“Alex Gaskarth it’s about fucking time you said that” He smirked and kissed me again on my lips. We got up from the table and looked around for my mom. I heard a faint sound of clapping so I turned around, Alex must have heard it too cause he turned around at the same time. Storm, Mckenna and my mom were all sitting at a table smiling and clapping. I rolled my eyes as we walked their way. His hand slipped into mine as we walked over and I couldn’t help but let the smile creep onto my face.

“Are you guys good now?” My mom asked smiling. I looked up at Alex and he grinned.

“I can’t stay mad at him, he’s too cute” I admitted.

“DID HE ASK YOU OUT ALREADY?”Mckenna said butting in I winked at her and she took the answer.

“AWHHH!” Storm said in union with Mckenna.

“We’ll I’m going to go home.” My mom said standing up. “Olivia I’m guessing you’ll catch a ride with one of the girls or Alex?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Yes Mrs. Rush, I’ll make sure she gets home” Alex said untangling our hands and grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. She gave him a playful hit and walked towards the exit.

“Mckenna and I are going to leave you too cuties alone.” Storm winked grabbing Mckenna’s hand and prying her away.

“What? No I don’t want to leave them!” Mckenna whined.

“We can go spy on the hottie in Abercrombie” She suggested. Mckenna grabbed Storm’s hand and they ran the opposite direction. I shook my head and laughed.

“Mckenna is such a good girlfriend” I teased. Alex twisted me so I was facing him. His hands were both on my waist as I stared up at him. He smiled big.

“What?” I asked smiling back.

“You’re just so adorable” He said pushing a piece of my black hair from my bangs behind my ear. I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.

“Let’s go Gaskarth” I said pulling his hand towards the exit.

“Where we going?” He asked.

“Where ever” I smiled. He kissed the top of my head and pulled me closer to him. We walked to his car and climbed in. I buckled up and turned on the radio. Looking for a staion . A familiar voice came through the speakers and I smiled. It was ‘Let It Roll’. He smiled too.

“Looks like someone’s going to be well known” I winked at him as he pulled out of the parking lot.

“Want to know what this song reminds me of?” He said ignoring my statement.

“Hmm?” I asked.

“The first night I met you” He simply stated.

“It was the first song I ever heard you sing” I said remembering that night. I couldn’t help but blush as I heard his mutter the lyrics as it played.
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