Status: Finished. Read The Sequal: I've Grown Up I WIsh You Could See

I'm Younger Than I Look

The End

“You didn’t know she was fourteen?” Matt inquired.

“No, she told me she was nineteen the first day I met her” He spat.

“How can someone keep a secret like that away from their boyfriend?”

“MATT SHUT THE FUCK UP” I screamed in between breaths.

“Olivia calm down!” My mom said.


“So Alex how do you feel about all of this?” Matt asked. I look up at Alex and he turn towards me. He just shot me a rueful look and shook his head, walking towards my front door. I climbed to my feet to ran after him but Matt slipped his arms around my waist

“Fucking let go of me” I yell prying his hands off me. By the time I did get them off of me Alex was already out the door. I ran to it and threw it open letting it slam behind me. “Alex stop please I can explain. He was already in front of his car door. He stopped not looking up. I ran towards him and stopped right before I reached him giving him some room. He chuckled and looked into my eyes. I could see anger. That’s all I could see.

“Explain then Olivia” Alex laughed. “Because I don’t see how you can keep a secret this big from me for 6 months” Alex’s smile disappeared as he spoke.

“Alex, I just didn’t know how to tell you” I cried. “How was I supposed to tell you I’m 7 years younger than you? You wouldn’t have thought the same of me! You would have never given me the time of day to get to know you. You would have never gone out with me!” I cried harder as is spoke.

“So you decided to lie to me?” He said sternly.

“Storm said it and I went along with it! I never changed my personality once around you! How can age be such a big deal?” He laughed.

“It’s really not, but it’s when you find out your girlfriend has been lying to you for the past 6 months that it is a big deal”

“I didn’t mean to lie to you! I just didn’t know how to tell you the truth cause I knew this right here is what would happen!”

“How long were you going to keep this from me?” I thought.

“I don’t know, I knew I had to tell you. Alex do you know how hard it is to wake up knowing your keeping the biggest secret of your life from the person you’re truly in love with?” I wiped my tears away. “Alex it’s hardest thing I’ve ever done”

“Then why did you do it?”

“Alex I told you!”

“I’m sorry Olivia” He stated

“Please forgive me, I’m so sorry. I love you with all my heart I can’t just let you go like this. We’ve been together for 6 months. How can you just let all of that go? You said you loved me Alex. You said that you loved me and that I was the most amazing thing that had happened to you. How can you just take all of that back now and act like you didn’t mean it?”

“We’ve got all the time in the world to get a grip on the fact that we did not last. Olivia I’m done with you” He changed the lyrics but with that he got in his car, started it and drove away.

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SEQUAL? SAY WHATTT. Let me know if you want a sequal because i've already started writing the sequal so let me know if you want it and the first couple chapters will be posted today<3 And if you want to help write it send me a message!
-XOXOXO. Thank you so much for reading