Status: Finished. Read The Sequal: I've Grown Up I WIsh You Could See

I'm Younger Than I Look

Did I Want To Know This?

Two weeks pasted and it wasn’t easy being in high school. I skipped most of my classes daily, if I even went to school that day. All Time Low and Fall Out Boy had one more week on tour then they were coming back to Maryland for a month’s visit. I had to admit I was nervous as hell. Sure Alex and I had been talking a lot but he had me checking my phone every minute just to see if he texted me or responded. I found myself liking Alex more and more with every word he said.

“Olivia!” Storm screamed at me. I zoned back in from the message I was reading from Alex and looked up at her.

“Girl what’s wrong with you lately?” Mckenna asked taking a bite of her fries. We skipped fourth and fifth period to go get something to eat.

“Sorry guys, it’s nothing really.” I lied returning to my message from Alex.

“Well who you texting?” Storm looked over at my phone. “AWH, you’re texting Alex?” She cooed. Mckenna smiled over at me and nudged Storm.

“She hasn’t stopped texting him since day uno” I rolled my eyes and set my phone on the table.

“Shut up. I just don’t know what to do. I like him a lot and I can’t stand keeping this big ass secret from him you know?” I took a bite of my salad and sighed.

“I know how you feel” Storm injected. “I dated one of Pete’s friends from some band a couple years ago, I think he was twenty-five and I was sixteen” She laughed. “He thought I was twenty. Only we had to keep it a secret from Pete as well.”

“Bet that panned out well” I said with sarcasm.

“Yup, got cheated on twice, and little did I know, he was married” She grinned looking back on the memory.

“Oh Stormy” I said.

“I know better now, research guy’s in bands before you date them” I thought about that. I
never ever thought about researching Alex. It never crossed my mind.

“Do you guys think maybe I should research Alex?” I said looking over at them.

“I don’t know, if you plan on dating him anytime soon” Mckenna teased.

“Let’s” Storm said getting up from the booth and throwing a fifty dollar bill on the table.

“Where we going?” I asked following behind her with Mckenna.

“To research my girl’s future boyfriend” She replied.

We arrived at her house and piled into her room. I plopped onto Storms bed as she sat on her computer chair with Mckenna next to her.

“What are you guys doing here?” Her mom asked her from the door way.

“Important boyfriend business for Olivia” She replied turning on her computer.

“Who?” She asked interested.

“Alex, Pete’s friend”

“The one in the band with Jack?”

“Yeah” I interrupted. “And he’s not my boyfriend” I threw at Storm.

“Well you guys have a long distance relationship” I looked at her confused.


“Well you know, your in Maryland and he’s just in the future” She smiled at me.

“Well I’m going to leave you girls alone then” Her mom said leaving the room.

“Alex Gaskarth” She said as she typed his name into the computer.

“Read it out loud” I said sitting up on one elbow.

“Okay, he’s in a band called All Time Low, we know that. Uh, he was born December 14 in England. Let see here, he has an off and on girlfriend named Lisa Ruocco.” She paused. I flew over to the computer screen that picture a girl with brown hair with a tint of orange.

“Wait so are they currently dating?” I asked nervously.

“Let me see” She said getting closer to the computer screen and scrolling down. “Sorry Livy” She said turning to me as she nodded her head yes.
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Sorry i didn't get the chance to update yesterday. I spent the day catching up on Teen mom and Pretty Little Liars.
OH & i do need someone to help me write this story if anyone's intrested. Let me know, send me a message and we'll work out the details. It will save me some time<3 thank you. Comment and subcribe as always! -XOXO