Sequel: Undecided
Status: Compleat!


One Can Only Hope I Guess

*Mollie’s POV*
“Mollie I really think that you should come to bed,” Cat sighed while standing up with all of her completed homework.
“No! I am determined to get this done before the weekend!” I protested while leaning even farther over my Transfiguration homework.
“That’s what the weekend is for Mollie, homework.”
She had seemed to forget the fact that she had completely finished all of her homework.
“No, the weekends are for relaxing and doing stupid things that will piss McGonagall off,” I scoffed and I saw her smile out of the corner of my eye, “Friday nights are for homework.”
“Whatever you say baby sister, whatever you say,” she laughed before patting me lightly on the shoulder and then walking up the spiral staircase to our dormitory.
I looked around the room from where I was working and saw mostly everyone else had gone to bed by this point. There were a small cluster of third years in a far corner and I saw Fred and George sitting across the room from me with a roll of parchment between them. I smiled at the sight of George before leaning my head back over the piece of parchment that was nearly full now. Just five more minutes and I would be done with all of my homework for the weekend.
“Well hello Lady Mollie,” a voice said above me and I looked up impatiently.
“I should smack you for that,” I glared at George and he smiled innocently.
“You remember Fred, right?” he motioned behind himself and I saw his twin brother looking rather sheepish.
“Of course, you’re the one who practically had a heart attack when you found out George and I literally ran into each other,” I smiled up at him and he returned it lightly.
“So what are you up to?” George questioned and I looked back down at my nearly finished essay.
“McGonagall homework,” I sighed before picking up my quill and starting to scribble out the last of my essay, “Just about done though, thank God.”
“She’s something isn’t she?” Fred spoke for the first time and I chuckled.
“That permanent scowl on her face suggests that someone shoved a wand up her rear-end actually,” I joked and I heard the boys laugh.
“Well I’m going to head off, I’ll talk to you guys later,” Fred said suddenly and then quickly walked off leaving me and George alone with my essay.
I looked and saw that the group of third years from earlier had turned in and that fire was beginning to die down.
“It is late,” George commented and I looked back at him to see that he had been staring at me the whole time.
“Trust me, when you grow up sharing a room with Cat, late is only the term you use when you see the sun coming up,” I joked and he smiled.
“You guys share a room?”
“Of course, our parents keep offering one of us the spare bedroom but we’d miss each other too much so we never even considered-“
“Spare bedroom?” he asked and leaned forward, “You make it seem like there’s only one.”
“Well…yeah, there is.”
I could feel the confusion start to flood my mind and knew that I was missing something.
“I thought your family lived in that huge mansion in-“
“Oh!” realization suddenly took the place of the confusion and I was glad my blonde nature wasn’t going to show right now, “No, that’s Grandma Ashling’s house. Cat and I live with mom and dad in a town house in Dublin.”
A look of confusion suddenly dawned on George’s face and I racked my brain for anything that I left out.
“But I thought you’re family was like insanely rich and stuff,” he commented and I could feel the self consciousness nearly dripping off of him, he knew I barely took anything as an insult so I saw no need for it.
“Cat and I basically grew up as muggles. We never had any idea about any of this stuff until we got our letters,” I explained and the confusion slowly flooded away from his face, “Grandma Ashling left Cat and I a bunch of money and her estate so in this world we’re rich I guess. In the muggle world though, we’re just normal people. I miss that part actually…”
“You’re getting ranked down towards normal status,” he assured me, “Everyone is sort of getting the hint since Cat nearly killed that second year Ravenclaw that bowed to her yesterday and asked if there was anything he could do to please Lady Catherine.”
“I think that kid is suicidal,” I laughed, “Everyone else has at least gripped the fact that we don’t want you all bowing and addressing us like royalty but that kid…”
“He could have just been stupid,” George protested while stroking an imaginary beard and glancing at me out of the corner of his eye.
“Maybe both,” I suggested and shrugged as I started packing up my ink and quill.
“Going to bed?” he asked as I closed my bag and lifted myself off of the floor and onto the chair next to his.
“Depends,” I sighed and pulled my legs up to my chest before wrapping my arms around them.
“On what?”
“On whether you’re going to bed or not,” I traced a small pattern on my leg while watching him out of the corner of my eye; a smile had appeared on his charming face.

“Mollie?” Cat mumbled as I tiptoed into our dormitory, “Are you just coming to bed?”
“Um…” I thrught rapidly for an excuse but couldn’t think of anything.
“What were you doing all this time?” she asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes, “It’s nearly dawn and McGonagall’s essay shouldn’t have taken this long to finish, even by your standard.”
Might as well settle for the truth.
“I was hanging out with George,” I answered sheepishly and a large smirk appeared on her face as I started changing into my night clothes, “Don’t give me that look. We were just talking.”
“Well, it’s a start,” she commented before staring out the window, “But what were you talking about this whole time.”
I sighed happily and she looked back at me again.
“Well that sure narrows it down now doesn’t it.”
“We just got to know each other. Did you know that there are more Weasley kids?”
“More than the four that are here?” she asked.
“Yeah, it turns out that Percy isn’t the oldest and Ron isn’t the youngest like we thought. Bill and Charlie are older than Percy and they all have one little sister named Ginny. She’s a year behind us,” I explained while crawling into bed, “He found it hard to believe that it was just the two of us.”
“We probably amount to more work and patience to deal with than seven kids,” she laughed and I smiled before closing my eyes and trying to block her out, “You’re seriously not going to bed now are you?”
“No Cat, I’m just laying in bed with my eyes closed to trick you,” I scoffed and I could have sworn that I heard her roll her eyes before she got up and started getting dressed, “You’re getting up early even for you.”
“The sun is starting to rise so I thought I’d take a walk around the lake,” her voice seemed distant but I brushed it off as morning irritability.
“Have fun,” I mumbled before turning over and I falling into nothingness.

“Mollie, you have to wake up or else you’re going to get yourself all switched up,” Cat whispered while shaking me awake and I cringed, “Don’t give me that look. I let you sleep six hours. Now come on before you miss lunch too.
“I want to sleep,” I swatted her hang away impatiently before I realized what I did and what was coming next.
“Aguamenti,” Cat said lazily and I felt a wave of cold water run over my face.
“Was that necessary?!” I yelled angrily while bolting up and rubbing the water off my face.
“You’re awake now aren’t you,” Cat teased while starting to dry my mattress, pillows, and sheets with her wand.
“You really get on my nerves sometimes,” I complained while ringing out my hair.
“You love me and you know it,” she smiled up at me and I rolled my eyes before getting up and pulling a pair of jeans out of my trunk, the good thing about the weekends was that Cat and I could wear muggle clothes and McGonagall couldn’t punish us for it.
“So how was your walk around the lake?” I asked while pulling an old T-shirt over my head.
“It was nice,” she answered while using her wand to dry my hair.
“Care to be a bit more specific?” I laughed.
“There’s not much to say,” she laughed in return but I knew she was forcing it, I knew my sister.
“Are you okay? You’re acting weird.”
“Look who’s talking,” she teased while smirking at me and I sighed before giving up, if she decided that she didn’t want to tell you something then you weren’t going to find anything out until she changed her mind, “So what do you want to do today?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged and started brushing all of the knots out of my hair, “We have all of our homework done and there really isn’t much to do around here…”
“We’ll figure something out,” she assured me before walking out the door and down the spiral staircase.
I threw my brush back into my trunk and started after her while trying to figure out what she might be keeping from me.
“Hi Mollie,” Neville called from the portrait hole as I emerged from the girls’ dormitories and I smiled before walking over to him, “Cat already went down for lunch.”
“Then we should head down after her now shouldn’t we,” I chimed and he smiled before climbing out of common room and waiting for me to follow.
“So why did you sleep so late?” he asked as we walked down a deserted corridor.
“I was up a bit later than usual last night,” I explained while silently praying that he wouldn’t ask why, I made it a habit not to talk about George when Neville was around because he had become grouchy every time I did.
“Did McGonagall’s essay give you that much trouble?” he questioned and I sighed heavily in relief.
“Yeah,” I lied, “I wanted to finish it though so I stayed up.”
“Well at least you got it done,” he smiled at me again and I returned it as we headed down the Marble Staircase.
“So how is your essay coming?”
“I’m stuck on it actually; I’ve been spending so much time trying not to flunk out of potions that I’ve been forgetting to pay attention in class.”
“I can always help you if you want,” I suggested and his face brightened up, “How’s tonight for you?”
“Yeah, tonight’s great,” he said immediately as we walked into the Great Hall.
“Do you see Cat anywhere?” I looked down the Gryffindor table searching for a head full of red and white hair.
“No, no I don’t,” he answered as I spotted Hermione in our usual spot, alone with her nose in a book.
“Have you seen my sister?” I asked her as Neville and I sat down.
“Not since she left to wake you up,” she sighed and turned a page.
I turned my head in every direction while trying to find her and spotted something rather odd at the Slytherin table, Crabbe and Goyle sitting alone without Dorkfoy. I felt my eyebrows pull together and wondered whether Dorkfoy was sick. One can only hope I guess.
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enjoy my chapter! :D