Sequel: Undecided
Status: Compleat!


You shine like the Sun

I walked silently out of our last class as everyone else chattered about what they were going to do over the holidays. Normally, I would be bouncing around the halls like a maniac at this point but the fact that I had to spend a whole week alone with Cat at Grandma Ashling’s mansion had me a bit worried. Just me and her…and the ghost of our dead grandmother, of course.
“Mollie!” a voice called out from down the corridor and I picked up my pace as my eyes fell to the floor, “Mollie wait up!”
“What did I tell you, George?” I heard Cat hiss as she intercepted him, “Let her come to you.”
“I just wanted to…and…right, sorry,” he mumbled and I turned the corner before biting down on my lip and trying to keep myself together.
The sound of pointless chatter and shuffling feet echoed off the walls from every direction but eventually began to die away as I headed off in a different direction as everyone else. I just needed some time to think by myself. No noise, no people…and no George and Neville competing for my attention.
“Where are you going dear, the Great Hall is in the other direction,” one of the paintings asked and I sighed to myself, “I asked you a question dear.”
“I’m not in the mood for dinner,” I answered monotone.
“My dear child, how can you not be in the mood for the last dinner before Christmas break? It’s a Hogwarts tradition,” she gasped and I looked up to see that the women I was talking to was from nearly two centuries ago, at the least, and was rather porky looking.
“Do you know who I am?” I demanded and she stared at me blankly, “I am Mollie Isabelle Sheehan, a direct descendant of the Moore family line.”
I hated pulling this card but I was in no mood for this right now.
“Oh! Well, my dear! I’m so sorry!” she choked out before stumblingly into a curtsy.
There was a wave of mumbling before each and every painting in the general area sank into either a deep bow or low curtsy.
“That’s what I thought,” I scoffed before re-embarking on my journey to…well…wherever really.
The paintings frantic mummers echoed off the walls behind me and I tried to stay focused on the floor ahead of me and not what they were saying. Even the paintings from God knows how long ago knew about the Moore family. Had our family always been so influential and powerful? Would we always stay so influential and powerful? Why were we so influential and powerful to begin with?
“I’ll Google it when I get access to a computer at Grandma Ashling’s,” I muttered aloud to myself and then started laughing once I realized how stupid of an idea that was.
Not only would Grandma Ashling most likely not even know what a computer was but it was probably just as unlikely that Google would have any answers about the most powerful and influential family in Wizarding history. But, it was more likely that Grandma Ashling herself would know.
“Dig in everyone!” I heard Professor Dumbledore yell from somewhere as I scrambled down a spiral staircase that I had never come in contact with before, “And a very joyous holiday season to all of you!”
“Very joyous my arse,” I scoffed as all sense of humor from a few moments before was lost.
I felt a cold burst of air blow down the hallway that I found myself facing at the bottom of the staircase and I shivered before pulling my cloak on tighter and continuing down the hallway. Maybe that random gust of air meant that there was an entrance to the castle nearby. Or in my case, an exit. I just needed a short walk on the grounds, away from the lake of course, and then I could head back to our dorm and catch some sleep before we had to leave for Grandma Ashling’s tomorrow morning.
“Thank god,” I sighed as I saw an open door to the grounds at the end of the hallway.
I didn’t care if it was freezing outside or if it was nearly time to be back in the common rooms, I just needed to get away from everyone’s constant bickering. I know that it makes me seem like a complete brat but I just need everyone to leave me alone until I can fix things with Cat…if I can that is.
“Get away from there you two!” I heard Hagrid shout and I looked to see two similar looking figures running away from the Forbidden Forest.
I smiled lightly to myself as I let my eyes follow the figures back up to the Main Entrance of the Castle where the light from inside illuminated their bright red hair and confirmed my suspicions; Fred and George had tried to make a break for the forest again.
“And stop trying to get past me!” Hagrid bellowed after them before shrinking back into his hut and slamming the door closed.
I quickly melted into the dark shadow of the castle in an attempt to ensure Hagrid didn’t catch me. The last thing I wanted was a lecture from him and Professor McGonagall.
“There she is,” I heard a high pitched voice whisper softly from the woods as I walked along it.
“Quiet, she might hear you!” another voice ordered and my head snapped in their direction to see that there was nothing there.
“Hello?” I whispered uncertainly, “Is anyone there?”
The silence that followed was anything but comforting. It wasn’t the type of silence that made you think nothing was there after all; it was the type that made you think there was a rapist watching you. See, anything but comforting.
“Hello?” I repeated and stepped up to where the grounds met the brush of the woods, “Hello?”
I heard a few murmurs from inside the brush and tried to convince myself out of investigating what exactly were just feet away from me. But as you should know by now, I was never good at self-restraint.
“Get back!” I heard a small voice order as a twig snapped under my right foot.
I pushed a lose branch out of the way and squinted into darkness in an attempt to catch a glance of the mysterious voices.
“Hello?” I called out again and my voice echoed off before falling silent.
“She knows we’re here, we might as well get this over with,” the first high pitched voice I had heard said from a few yards away and I looked in that direction before starting towards them.
“I thought that we had to wait until she was-”
“We have no time! Besides, Cassidy already let the secret lose to the other girl,” one of them protested and my eyebrows pulled together as I tried to make sense of what they were talking about. I stepped into a small clearing and looked around to see a cluster of fairies sitting in a tree on the other side.
“Princess Catherine?” one of them asked and I shook my head no while trying not to flinch at the word princess, “Princess Mollie?”
“Obviously if she isn’t Princess Catherine then she’s Princess Mollie,” one of the others whispered harshly and I smiled lightly.
“Princess Mollie, we are three of the Sprites of the Forbidden Forest,” the first one that spoke went on as she ignored the others comment, “I am Clarissa and these are my sister’s Luna and Andonna. Has your sister told you anything about her encounter with the Mere-people?”
“No,” I answered and tried to keep the confusion of what they were asking from cluttering my mind, “When did Cat encounter the Mere-people?”
“It is not important when she had the encounter but as to what she found out,” Luna answered and I looked around at the three of them.
“What are saying? What did Cat find out?”
“Sweetheart, have you noticed that you excel in your classes more than any of the other students?” Andonna went on, "All of your classes of course besides Astronomy, the only night class that you currently have. That you love being in the sun more than anyone can begin to comprehend? That you shine just as powerfully as the sun? That your strong and determined and don’t let anything get you down?”
“Um…no,” I half laughed and they all exchanged looks before smiling.
“My dear, no matter what you have or haven’t noticed, you are indeed a very special young women. As is your sister and together you two alone can save this world from anything because you are the sun and your sister is the moon.”
“I’m the sun? What do you mean I’m the sun? How can I be the sun?” I asked frantically.
“Every so often when the world is in danger, the Lady moon will send her spirit to live and thrive in a baby girl who will eventually lead the world out of danger and back into serenity. The world was a dangerous place eleven years ago when you and your sister were conceived and it will become just as dangerous within the years that you both become of age. But this time is unlike any other because this is more than just one spirit holder can handle on their own. That is why the moon’s sister, the sun, put her spirit in you eleven years ago. Combined, you and your sister possess the power to lead this world back into peace,” Luna explained, “Your sister’s spirit is the sole reason for every drop of water and gust of wind and my dear, you are responsible for every movement of earth and flicker of fire.”
“Your powers are still developing just as your magical ones are and should not be a problem for at least another year. But they will soon begin to blossom and sprout and you must not be frightened by this.”
“Blossom and sprout? What are you talking about? Am I getting powers or a patch of flowers?” I nearly cried and they all looked at me worriedly before Andonna silently flied over to me and took my face in her small hands.
“Princess, you have the power to end this world if you wish. Once you have your full powers then you could start untamable fires with the snap of your fingers-”
“Donna, you’re scaring her!” Clarissa yelled and I knew that I was falling to keep the fear off of my face.
“She needs to know Clara!” Luna agreed with her sister and I waited for Andonna to continue.
“You alone could create more destruction then anyone could try to repair. You sister could create just as much damage and possibly even more. Your sister has not been warned of the extent of her powers but once her powers come to her she will be able to control every drop of water that exist on this earth and do just as much destruction as your powers can. You must warn her that her powers are not anything to be fooled around with. You must explain to her that if both of you cannot learn to control your tempers then the world could end even more miserably then if you do not save us. Though I have complete faith in you and your sister and I doubt that you need to be warned, we need to you to explain this to your sister. Also your other element earth is the counter element to water just as your sister's other element air is the counter element for fire, though theas poweres can also caouse great distruction they are a buffer just in case you or she looses your temper the other can at leat contain or stop the mass chos of the dominant elemnet of the other.”
“Cat’s not talking to me,” I tried to explain to her and she shook her head, “She hates me, you don’t understand, she’ll never forgive-”
“But she will child, she will,” Luna cut in and smiled at me sympathetically; “You two are the spirit holders and cannot exist without the other. She will forgive you.”
“Sweetheart, our time has been cut short but we must be sure that you understand,” Clarissa interrupted me and peered over her shoulder, “The centaurs are approaching and they certainly won’t tolerate a student in the woods without Hagrid no matter what’s at risk.”
“Do you understand Princess?” Andonna demanded kindly.
“Yes,” I lied and she nodded before removing her soft hands from my cheeks and floating back over to her sisters.
“If you have any questions, ask your grandmother, darling, she will have all of the answers,” Luna instructed me, “She will train you and teach you. Now go back to the castle child, the centaurs are close.”
I turned around and headed back out the way I had come who knows how long ago before pushing my way out against the brush and branches and back out into the grounds.
“Hello Bane, how are you on this lovely evening?” I heard Luna chime enchantingly from behind me and I hurried to exit the forest before he could figure out that I had been there.
“You have a student in the forest, haven’t you?” a deep male voice demanded and I pushed through the brush even harder before finally breaking through a cluster of thick branches.
“Of course not! Why would we?” Clarissa played dumb and I bolted off towards the castle before even waiting to make sure the three sisters were going to be okay.
My school bag swung back and forth as I ran and I found myself wishing that I could just dump the thing due to the fact that it was slowing me down so much. I needed to get back to common room. I needed to talk to Cat. I needed to explain to her that we possessed something far beyond our comprehension. I needed to beg for her to forgive me. I needed to get her to understand that I knew she was just as strong as I was, and even stronger in my eyes.
“Password?” the fat lady asked lazily as I stopped breathlessly at the portrait hole.
“Pig Snout,” I gasped out and she looked down at me before gasping in horror.
“What on earth have you been up to dear you look like-”
“Just let me in,” I begged and she stared at me for a moment before swinging open.
I clambered into the common and looked around for Cat. Everyone else had gone off to bed besides one red haired boy that was frozen in the entrance of the boys dormitory as he stared at me in shock, horror, and relief.
“George, where’s my sister?” I demanded.
“She’s up in your dormitory, but where have you been? We’ve all been worried sick about you,” he answered and started walking over to me.
“I don’t have time to explain, I just need to talk to my sister,” I nearly cried and nodded understandably as he took my face into his hands and stroked some hair out of my face, “George, please, not now.”
“Mollie, you look like you just lost a war with a set of nails,” he ignored me and went on and I rolled me eyes before trying to pull out of his grip, “Why are you so scratched up and frantic? What happened?”
“Not now!” I yelled breathlessly and pushed him away roughly before bolting for the staircase to the girls dormitory.
I took the steps two at a time before finally colliding with our door and pushing it open hurriedly.
“Cat!” I yelled and looked around to see her sitting up in bed reading the book that Hermione had gotten her for her birthday.
“Mollie, what happened to you?” she gasped and tried to keep my voice steady so that she could understand me, “Where have you been? I was worried when you didn’t come to dinner and then I never saw you tonight and-”
“I went out on the grounds,” I started and she waited patiently for me to continue, “and I went into the forest when I heard some voices and…and I talked to the Sprites Cat.”
A look of realization crossed her face and I tried to keep myself together.
“Cat, they told me everything. They told me about how we’re the spirit holders and that the world is depending on us and…and they told me that…that…”
“What Mollie?” Cat probed and she threw the book onto the floor and scooted up to the edge of her bed so that she could take my hands in hers, “What happened?”
“Cat…Cassidy didn’t tell you everything,” I choked out and she looked at me confused, “We have the power to save the world from whatever is coming but…but we could also end it. If we don’t learn to control our tempers before our powers come in full force next year then we could be responsible for the end of the world.”
“What?” she asked and stared at me blankly.
“Andonna said that it wasn’t very likely and that she had faith in us but if we don’t get Grandma Ashling to help us control our powers, we could end the world that we’re meant to save,” I answered and she fell back against her headboard again, “Cat…I’m sorry. I’m sorry for ever saying that you were weak. I’m sorry for even thinking it. I’m sorry for trying to control you. I’m sorry for everything. I’m-”
“Mollie, you need to calm down,” she spoke gently as if speaking to a scared toddler and I let out a sob while finally letting it all get to me, “Mollie, we can do this. We can control our powers and take on this world. We can prove to everyone that the Sheehan girls are more than just the Moore dynasty continuing on. We can do it all because we’re going to do it together.”
I looked at her as she spoke and I took in every word while trying to get myself to calm down, I couldn’t do it.
“I think you’re going into shock,” Cat laughed and patted the space on her bed that was open.
“I bet you took this a lot better than I did,” I whimpered as I ripped my torn bag off of my shoulder and then tossed it onto my bed, “You were always better at taking in big news.”
“I was always better at a lot of things,” she teased and I laughed wetly as we both climbed under her sheets, “Good thing too or else this world would be in a lot of trouble.”
“I missed you Cat,” I whispered into her pillow and her smile pressed into my tangled hair as she pulled me into a comforting hug.
“I miss you too Mollz,” she sighed and rubbed my back like she always did when she was trying to calm me down.
There was a short span of time were neither of us spoke and the only sound in the room was of Cat’s breathing and my lightening sobs. She was all I needed. All I needed to calm down. All I needed to fulfill my destiny and all I needed to live.
“Goodnight my sunny sister, may your dreams be as bright and beautiful as you are,” I heard her murmur and I smiled at the familiar saying knowing I would have a great dream tonight.
I realized then that she must have said it to me last week too even though I didn’t hear it because I had a great dream that night as well.
“Hey Cat,” I whispered tiredly.
“I think you can control dreams.”
“It wouldn’t surprise me, I am the moon after all.” She chuckled in my ear. “Now get some sleep, we have to get up early in the morning to go to Grandma Ashling’s house.”
And with that said I fell right to sleep.
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Sorry it took me so long...I've been really busy and Cat's too patient with me lol Hope you liked it!