Sequel: Undecided
Status: Compleat!


First Day Mayhem

*Mollie’s POV*
“Come on Lazy, you have to get up,” Cat said while nudging me repeatedly.
“Stop touching me,” I whined in response causing her to laugh before ripping back my covers, “Why do you hate me!?”
“I don’t hate you Mollz, I’m trying to save you from being late for our first day of classes,” she chuckled before walking away.
Classes? What was she talking about? Since when did mom and dad give us classes-
“Hogwarts!” I yelled and bolted up in bed in time to see Cat give me a odd look.
“Of course at Hogwarts. Where else do you think you can learn magic in Great Britain?”
“Grandma could probably teach us,” I answered while getting up and opening up my trunk.
“She’s a ghost Mollie, she probably isn’t the best teacher.”
“I dunno, I heard that one of our teachers here is a ghost.”
“I highly doubt that,” she laughed while rapidly changing into her school uniform.
“I don’t know, I heard some kids talking about it,” I protested as I followed suit and began to change.
“How many times do I have to tell you not to listen to gossip,” cat sighed while looking at me disappointedly.
“It’s sort of hard not to listen when there’s a whole pack of people saying it right in front of you!”
“Well I guess I’ll just have to close your ears then.”
She smirked wildly at me before picking up her wand and shaking it in my direction.
“You wouldn’t dare,” I glared in her direction while picking up my own wand and pulling my school bag on over my shoulder.
“How much are you willing to bet on that?”
“Nothing,” I laughed before spinning on my heel and running out of our dormitory and down the spiral staircase two at a time.
You see, when things like this happen I always have an advantage over Cat. She might be my big sister (by two minutes mind you) but she’s an inch shorter. This very gracious fact leads me to be able to out run her most of the time.
“Wait up!” Cat called from a ways behind me.
“That would be counterproductive for me!” I laughed over my shoulder before jumping the last few stairs and landed gracefully, for once in my life, at the foot of them in the common room. I looked around and saw that most people were heading out through the portrait. I spotted a small group of boys with their heads together by the fire but had no time to make out their faces before I was tackled from behind and landed with a thud on the floor.
“I got you!” Cat yelled triumphantly causing those still in the general area to look over their shoulder.
“Get your fat arse off of me!” I laughed while trying to pull myself out from under her.
“It is not fat! It’s just rather large!” she protested and I let my hands and face collapse onto the floor as I erupted into laughter, “What?! It is!”
“I love you Cat!” I managed to choke out in-between laughs and I could feel her glare burning into the back of my head.
“If you loved me then you wouldn’t make fun of my arse!” she yelled causing my laughter to intensify, “What?!”
“Look around half whit!”
I looked up and saw that people were frozen where they were as they watched us. One boy who I guessed to be a fifth or sixth year was halfway in, halfway out the portrait hole as he watched us in frozen shock.
“Nothing to see here,” Cat said and started to get back to her feet.
“Nothing at all, just a couple of fat arses enjoying their first day,” I added and everyone started to slowly move again, a few people contemplating whether or not to bow before moving on.
“Come on Moll, let’s go get breakfast,” Cat whispered in my ear and I looked over towards the fire to see that the three boys I had seen earlier had put their heads back together again, all for one. He had bright red hair and was staring at us while the other two went on plainly with whatever they had been doing before, “He is rather cute.”
I looked at Cat confused to see her smirking at me before her eyes flashed to the red haired boy.
“And he’s checking you out. Well go on!”
Everyone at the portrait hole had stopped again and stepped out of the way as if waiting for us to go first. At Cat’s order however they all started running toward the hole to be the first to get out. Cat and I both smacked our foreheads with the palms of our hands before looking at each other and rolling our eyes. We waited patiently, a very great achievement for my dear sister, before climbing out of the common room ourselves and walking down the corridor with our elbows linked together.
“Are you going to be able to stand seven years of this?” I asked out of the corner of my mouth as people’s stares followed us all the way to the Great Hall.
“I’d take stares over being called Lady Catherine and having everyone bow down to us,” she replied quietly as we both started looking around for Hermione and Neville.
“There they are!” I said and pointed to the end of the table where the two of them were sitting alone.
Cat and I walked quickly down the table and then sat down across from Hermione and Neville.
“People are staring at you,” Hermione whispered and I looked down the table to see practically every head turned in our direction.
“I really wish that they’d stop that,” Cat sighed before grabbing some sausages and putting them on her plate.
“Try to use the right side of the knife this time,” I whispered to her and she blushed a light pink before picking up her knife and examining it closely to make sure she used it correctly this time, “So how was your night you guys? Make any friends besides us?”
They both looked at each other before staring at the two of us again and shaking their heads.
“Aw, well you can always stay in our dormitory Hermione,” Cat said through a mouth full of food.
“I’d say the same to you Neville but something tells me that would force a stick up McGonagall’s arse,” I added and Neville blushed a bright scarlet as Hermione gaped at me and Cat began to choke on her food as she laughed, “Breathe!”
“Thanks,” Cat mumbled as I stopped thumping her on the back.
“We better get going Neville,” Hermione sighed, “We’ll meet you two in class?”
“See you there,” I reassured her before starting to help myself to some delicious looking food.
“Save us some seats,” Cat added through yet another mouth full of food.
Hermione smiled and nodded before picking up her bag and walking off as Neville trailed after her.
“Here are your schedules girls,” Professor McGonagall said a few minutes later as she handed us each a piece of paper.
“Thank you,” we replied together before looking over our own piece of paper and then swapping, “We have all our classes together!”
“Of course you do, they assign classes by house,” a familiar voice scoffed and I looked up glaring into the face of Draco Malfoy.
“We’ve been through this before Dorkfoy-“
“It’s Malfoy. Say it with me,” he interrupted me and started to draw out his name.
“Like I said before, I don’t give a rat’s rear-end about what your name is if you interrupt me!”
“Come on Mollie,” Cat mumbled before standing up and tugging on my arm, “We don’t want to be late.”
“Yeah, okay,” I grumbled before standing up and picking up my bag again, all the while glaring at Malfoy and keeping one hand on my wand.
“Going so soon?” he teased but I could sense a bit more in his voice, disappointment maybe?
“Anything to get away from you,” I scoffed before allowing myself to get pulled away from him by Cat.
“We don’t need to start our first day by getting expelled because you picked a fight with Draco Malfoy,” Cat mumbled to me as we walked down the aisle between the tables again.
“He started it!” I protested while glaring at a bare patch of wall that was becoming closer with each step.
“They won’t care who started Mollie. They’ll only that it happened.”
“Oh come on Cat! You and I both read Hogwarts, a History. We know the school rules. If he was trying to-“
“But he wasn’t trying now was he. You simply just hate him.”
“I’ll show you, hold on.”
I started digging in my bag for the book that I knew was probably at the bottom. I managed to balance Magical Theory, The Standard Book of Spells (Grade1), and A History of Magic in my left arm while still searching deep within the confounds of my bag.
“Found it!” I yelled before starting to pull it out of my bag.
Three things happened within the next few seconds: Cat yelled my name, I ran into someone, and I dropped all four books on my foot.
“Oh fudge monkeys!” I yelled while hopping on one foot and holding the other in my hand.
“Smooth Mollie, real smooth,” Cat laughed while bending down so she could help a boy pick up the books that I had dropped.
“Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going-“
“Neither was I, we’re both at fault,” I interjected before letting me foot hit the ground again and taking the books Cat had picked up from her and shoving them back in my bag.
“But I really should have been paying attention,” the stranger protested as he handed me back my books.
“We both should have. It’s never been one of my strong points but I should have been doing it anyway,” I joked and he chuckled lightly.
“Well I’ll try to pay attention for both of us next time,” he teased and I smiled as I looked up.
My bright blue Irish eyes bore into his and I suddenly recognized him as the boy from the common room who had been staring at us.
“Alright there George?” a voice sounded from the entrance to the Great Hall and I looked over my shoulder to see a boy who looked exactly like the one I had walked into, “Oh!”
“Please don’t!” Cat nearly cried as the boy in the entrance hall went to sink into a low bow.
“I’m fine Fred. I just sort of walked into-“
“You walked into a Moore?!”
“We walked into each other,” I protested hopeing that the cutie wouldn't get in troble.
“Yes well…alright then,” Fred said and then turned before walking into the Great Hall.
“I’m George. George Weasley,” the other boy introduced himself after Cat and I had turned back around to face him and stuck his hand out for me to shake.
“I’m Mollie. Mollie Sheehan,” I replied and smiled up at him as I shook his hand.
“Wait a minute…” Cat seemed to slip into a thinking face before her face lit up, “I know where I know your name from! Mom told us about you!”
“She did?” George and I asked at the same time and Cat rolled her eyes.
“Yes Mollie, she did. Not directly but she did. Remember? When she was having that argument with the Minister? She warned him. She told him that we were worse than Molly and Arthur Weasley’s twins.”
“I don’t recall…”
“Well there’s a shock,” Cat scoffed and I glared lightly at her before sticking out my tongue, “Mollie! Did you eat Skittles again last night?!”
“No!” I lied while pulling my most likely bright colored tongue back into my mouth.
“Liar,” Cat glared at me and I glared back.
“Come on now! You’ll all be late for your first day of classes unless you hurry!” Professor McGonagall said while shooing people out of the Great Hall.
I dropped my glare and went to say good-bye to the red haired cutie but he had left.
“Don’t worry, you’ll find him again,” Cat whispered in my ear and I laughed silently before linking my arm through hers and heading off towards our first class.

“What do you mean you don’t know where it is?!” Cat shouted at Peeves and he snickered before floating off through a wall, “He knows where it is. I know he knows.”
“Calm down Cat, we’re going to be late unless we start looking again,” I sighed before starting to drag her off, “And from what I heard, Professor Snape is not the best person to cross.”
“I swear, when I get my hands on that little-“
“He’s a ghost Cat; you can’t get your hands on any part of him.”
“Yeah well we’ll see who-“
“Oh! I’m sorry!” I apologized while turning my head to look up at the person I had just walked into, “Oh, hi!”
“Hi,” George laughed while smiling down at me, “I see that you haven’t tried to strengthen your weakness of paying attention.”
“Um..not yet, no.”
I blushed and looking down at my feet.
“Shouldn’t you two be in class though?” he asked and I chanced a glance up at him over my eyelashes to see him smirking at Cat and I.
“We got lost. Can you tell us where Professor Snape’s classroom is?” Cat replied when I failed to say anything.
“It’s down in the dungeons,” he answered, “Just follow this corridor and take the first downward staircase you come to.”
“Thanks,” Cat and I cooed together before starting to head off down the corridor again.
“We have about a minute and a half to get to class,” Cat whined while looking at her watch.
“Oh stop being so negative when the sun is up. We’re going to be there on time.”
“There’s the stairs! Hurry up!”
I laughed but followed after Cat.
“Cutting it close aren’t we?” Hermione teased us as we both plopped into the two seats she and Neville had saved for us just as the bell rang, “Are we going to have to save chairs for you two during every class this year?”
“You wouldn’t have to save us seats if you didn’t keep losing us and we didn’t keep getting lost,” I laughed while placing my bag down at my side and looking around.
I spotted Draco Malfoy on the other side of the room and sent a glare to the back of his head before tuning back into the conversation that was happening at our table.
“…and so Peeves just left us there!”
“Well what did you expect? He thrives off of other people’s frustration,” I scoffed.
Before Cat could reply or retort in anyway a man who I assumed to be Professor Snape billowed in through the door and with a flick of his wand, the door slammed shut behind him. I looked at Cat and she stared past me at Professor Snape. Everyone sat in a chilling silence, only speaking up when their name was called for roll call.
“Sheehan, Catherine,” he called out at last and Cat mumbled her presence before bowing her head to the table, “Sheehan, Mollie.”
“Here!” I called out loudly and every looked at me as I smiled.
Professor Snape stared at me blankly for a moment or two before returning to the roll of parchment that housed everyone’s names and continuing on with the list. Once everyone in the room had confirmed that they were indeed supposed to be there, Professor Snape looked up at the class before beginning to talk.
“You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don’t expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly shimmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the minds, ensnaring the senses…I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death-if you aren’t as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach,” he spoke and Cat and I shot each other a curious glance before looking back at him again, “Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”
Cat and I both looked to see Harry and Ron exchange clueless glances as Hermione’s hand shot up into the air.
“I don’t know, sir,” Harry eventually said.
“Tut, tut-fame clearly isn’t everything,” Snape continued on as he sneered at the boy he barely knew, “Miss Sheehan, what I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?”
“The Draught of Living Death,” Cat and I answered together.
“Then again, it does seem to be whom the fame is thrust upon that matters,” he turned his head back to Harry again and his sneer reappeared at the mire sight of him, “Let’s try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?”
I looked at Hermione as her hand reached even farther into the air and laughed silently.
“I don’t know, sir,” Harry said again.
“Thought you wouldn’t open a book before coming, eh, Potter? Miss Sheehan, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?”
“A goat’s stomach would be the most appropriate place,” Cat answered absentmindedly while doodling on a spare piece of parchment.
“Very good. What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?”
Hermione stood up looking a bit impatient and I shook my head, amused, before catching a glimpse of Malfoy and his posse snickering. I glared with full force in his direction and the second that he caught my eye he fell silent.
“Miss Sheehan?”
“There is no difference, sir,” I answered and tore my eyes away from Malfoy to look at him, “They’re the same plant but go by either name and also by the name of aconite.”
“Very nice girls, very nice,” he hissed at the two of us and then turned to Hermione, “Sit down.”
Hermione obeyed instantly and everyone began the work on the potion that Professor Snape had sent forth.
“I don’t like him very much,” I whispered to Cat and she nodded in agreement before taking out her cauldron and potion ingredients.
♠ ♠ ♠
Enjoy my dears!