Sequel: Undecided
Status: Compleat!


Little Show Off

Cat's POV

I opened my eyes and glared at Artemis.

"Is there some special reason you are waking me up at midnight?"

She cried out a little and I got up and looked at Mollie who was trying to push Apollo way from her but he wouldn't go. It looked like he had already thrown her pillows and comforter off her bed and was working in her fleecy. I giggled and pushed her off the bed.

"OUCH! What was that for?!" She complained as her head popped back over the edge of her bed.

"Artemis and Apollo are trying to tell us something." I told her as they dropped our wands in our laps.

I picked mine up and tucked it up the left leg of my boxers for easy access seeing as I had no pockets. Mollz picked hers up and slipped it into her robe pocket.

"Lead the way to whatever it is you two.”

They flew over to the door and I opened it slipping on my black fluffy slippers as Mollie put on her white ones. They flew down the spiral staircase singing softly. Once we were in the common room they stopped next to the portrait hole. Mollie pushed it open and all of us climbed out of it. They led us down the hall, down a set of stairs and then into a secret passageway that had Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville on it trying to pull Neville free from the trick step.

"What the bloody hell are you four doing out of bed?!" I asked them harshly.

"We could say the same to you." Ron growled at me.

"Watch that temper boy; I will hex you from here to next week if I have to." I warned and he shut up.

"Besides we were in bed, until Apollo and Artemis woke us up and led us to you. Hermione, tell us what's going on here." Mollie said while trying not to yawn.

"Harry and Ron are going to meet Malfoy and duel him even though it's a VERY bad idea and if we're caught it means expulsion. I tried to stop them but when I went to go back into the common room the fat lady wasn't in her frame. We found Neville on the stairs asleep because he forgot the password when he got back from having his wrist fixed." Hermione explained to us while glaring at the two boys responsible for our little predicament.

"If I get to beat up Dorkfoy I'm in!" Mollie exclaimed and smiled at the boys. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Fine, but if we get expelled your telling mom what happened and you get to get your butt beat." she just glared at me.

"Oh by the way I forgot to tell you, Dorkfoy thought I was you the other day when I went to go study with George. He said he wanted the potions homework, but why would he ask you? There were a whole table of Slytherin first years he could have asked, but even more than that, we didn't HAVE potion's homework to do." I looked at her confused.

"How am I supposed to know what he really wanted? He never came and talked to me that night. Actually he did, we went on another walk around the lake but she didn't need to know that.

"I don't know, how about are you secretly dating him?"

"Mollie, I've been putting all of my energy into you and your relationship thing how could I possibly have a secret boyfriend on top of that?"

"SHHHHHHHHH!" Harry glared at us. Mollie glared right back at him and walked into the trophy room first, everyone else following. We were waiting in there for Draco when we heard Filch in the hall.

"DAMN!" Mollie cursed.

"He tricked us!" Harry and Ron exclaimed.

"Duh!" Hermione scoffed.

"HIDE!" I told them all jumping into a hiding place near the far door. All of them hid and we started backing out of the room quietly. As Filch entered we were out the door and running as far away from him as we could get. When we finally stopped we were down by the Charms classroom. That’s when Peeves appeared.

"Oh, ickle firsties out of bed, should tell Filch I should I should!" he cackled.

"Just MOVE!" Ron exclaimed angrily and tried to hit him. Big mistake.

"FIRST YEARS OUT OF BED DOWN THE CHARMS CORRIDOR!!" Peeves yelled as loud as he could. We booked it. When we got to a door we could hide behind it wouldn't open.

"Alohamora." Hermione said using Harry's wand. The door opened and we all rushed in. We listened to Filch and Peeves in the hall. The jest of it was, Peeves pissed Filch off, Filch left. I sighed and turned to look behind me to see where we were. We were standing in front of a shocked GIANT three headed dog. It was losing its shock though and starting to growl. We all booked it out of there and up to Gryffindor Tower. The fat Lady was back.

"Pig Snout PIG SNOUT!" harry gasped right away.

"Where have you lot been?" She scolded us. I looked at her and glared.

"We said the password now let us in, it's not your job to lecture us it's McGonagall's." she glared in my direction but when she saw that it was me speaking she shut up, bowed, and let us in.

'Who would keep a thing like that locked up in a school?" Ron asked as he flopped into a chair.

"Don't you use your eyes? It's not there by accident, it's guarding something."

"Yeah guys that was the forbidden third floor." Mollie told them.

"And the cutie was standing on a trap door." I informed them.

"You thought it was cute?" Ron asked incredulously.

'Yah I did."

"She’s always loved the weird and unexplainable. It's just like her so she feels comfortable." Mollie told them while teasing me. I tickled her side for it too.

"Wait, it was standing on a trap door?"

"DUH!!" Hermione, Mollie, and I exclaimed before going up to bed. Hermione stopped and turned around.

"We're going to bed before either one of you thinks up another brilliant idea to get us killed, or worse, EXPELLED!" and with that she turned on her heel and stomped up stairs.

The next morning I woke up before Mollie did and told Apollo to make sure she wasn't late for breakfast. I sent Artemis to Draco telling him to meet me out by the lake. About twenty minutes later he was outside and walking toward me. I handed him some butter and jelly toast from my stack I had gotten from the Great Hall.

"What's up?"

"Not much, didn't get much sleep last night, it was crazy."
"Tell me about it?"

"Ok, we'll first off, Artemis and Apollo woke us up last night around midnight. Then they led us out of our common room to where Harry, Ron, Neville, and Hermione were on one of the secret passage ways. They told us that they were locked out because the picture that guards our house was out gallivanting somewhere. They also told us that Neville forgot the password that's why he was there, Hermione was trying to stop Harry and Ron, and Harry and Ron were on their way to a duel of some sort. SO we went with them to the trophy room where we waited for the others people. Then Filch turned up and we ran for it, got stopped by Peeves, and then scolded by the portrait that guards our tower." I looked at him. He looked upset about something."Please tell me you didn't tell Filch on purpose and he only found out about it because you were talking about it too loud when we was around."

"Well he did find out because I was talking about it too loud but he found out because I wanted him to. I thought it would just be Weasilby and Potter. I would never do anything to get you expelled." I looked at him again and smiled.

"Well lucky for you we all run faster than Filch, he never even saw who was out of bed. If he had I'm sure McGonagall would have been in our rooms pulling us out of bed at about 2 am.”

"So you're not mad at me?"

"I'm mad that you would purposely try to get someone expelled like that, but I'm not exactly mad at you." I told him smiling.
"So why are you asking me this in the morning, normally we only talk at night or when we're partners in class."

“I was up early, and accidentally forgot to wake Mollie up too."

"Oh really? You never accidentally forget to wake her up. Are you sure you just didn't want to see me?"

"Don't flatter yourself." I told him hiding a blush. This is exactly why I didn't wake Mollie up, I wanted to see him. Something about him pulled me in, I couldn't resist, or I didn't want to. What is this feeling? I don't understand and it's hurting my head.

"Are you ok?" I looked up at him threw my hair and smiled.

"Yeah I'm ok, just a head ache." He sat me down on a rock and started to comb his fingers threw my hair. "What are you doing?"

"My mom does this for me when I have a headache. It normally helps but sometimes it doesn't."

"Your mom seems to me like a nice lady, very caring, and has a killer sense of style." he smiled down at me.

"Yeah, she is and she does." he glanced down at my bag that she had given me for my birthday and that I now use as a school bag. "I see you like your birthday present."

"Yeah I do, it's awesome. It's stylish, and I can keep all of my school books with me at all times as well as all my parchment, potion ingredients, my quills and ink, my cauldron, scales, telescope, my philes, and lots of thing that don't pertain to school and it still feels like it's empty. Not at all like Hermione that carries all of her books around with her all the time and has sore shoulders to show for it."

"That was the point. To make it easier to pack around everything that you need without having to pack more than one bag. If you’re traveling you can just put everything you need in there as well as any souvenirs you might get and still only need the one bag."

"That is very true." I told him with a smile as he stopped running his fingers threw my hair.

"Feel better?"

"Yes but who told you to stop?" he chuckled and started to do it again.

"Better?" I nodded and looked over the lake at the school, the sun was almost risen over the lake by now and the colors reflected on the water were so pretty closed my eyes and just relaxed.

"Hey Cat, Artemis sent you a flaming feather." I opened my eyes and looked at it. Sure enough there it was, a dark blue feather floating in thin air surrounded by bright blue fire. "What is she trying to tell you?"

"That Apollo just woke Mollie up and she realized I wasn't there."

"Is she freaking out?"

"No just curious. I better go, I’ll tell her I had to go to the library for some reason. First class this morning is flying class, maybe today I'll get to actually fly and not sit on the ground and watch you, Neville, and Harry fly." I told him with a smile and a wink. “I’ll see you then.” He nodded and I took off up the castle to go and see Mollie and then go get breakfast with her and then go off to class.

"Alright class, yesterday you learned how to grip your broom. I want you all to show me." Madam Hooch directed. We all did, well all of us but Neville, he was too scared to try again and Madam Hooch told him it would be better if he just watched. "Good now I want you all to hover, just three feet off the ground will do. I trust you all read the book I assigned to you?" all of us nodded. When she blew her whistle we all kicked off and hovered. I glanced at Draco for a moment across from me. He was about five feet off the ground and looking at me, smiling. I looked over at Mollie she had a big grin plastered on her face. "Very good, now I want you all to show me something you learned from reading the book.

There were people that flew straight, went up higher, landed or did a loop, when it was his turn Draco shot straight into the air and flew around really fast, next was Mollie. She shot straight forward and did a barrel roll, she looked like a human bullet. She stopped spinning and was upright on her broom and flew back to us.

"Way to go Mollie that was fantastic." I whispered.

"Thanks, good luck to you. Do you know what you're going to do?" I nodded and smiled.

"Lady Catherine, you next please."

"Just Cat please Madam Hooch." I told her as I shot straight up into the air. This was not in the book well it kind of was but not what I was about to do. I remembered the gymnastics classes that mom had made us take to try and get rid of some of our energy. I leveled out the broom and stood up on it. I heard a gasp from below me, shocking, that was what I was going for. I did an illusion and went into a dive still standing on the broom. I was laughing while everyone else was screaming. I reached down and pulled the broom up five feet from the ground and then I returned to my place and resumed hovering.

"CAT!" Mollie yelled at me. "What the bloody hell were you thinking?!"

"I would like to know the same thing young lady!" Madam Hooch added.

"The book told me that some of the best flying moves are made up based on past experiences."

"So you've flown before?" Madam Hooch demanded.

"No, we took gymnastics, Molls, remember last year at the final competition when the top uneven bar broke during my routine after my illusion?"

"Well yeah, everyone was scared to death."

"Remember how I slid down the broken bar, grabbed the shorter bar and sat myself on it and I was fine, not even a scratch on me."

"Yeah I remember that, it was the coolest thing I had see in the competition that day, I was so BORED!"

"Yeah I remember, you quite gymnastics as soon as mom would let you and took up swimming. The thing you did today is based on swimming, I read that in the book, that's why you chose it because it was familiar to you. There are no gymnastics based flying moves, so I invented one from something that at the time felt like flying."

"So you were really in control the whole time, knew what you were doing, and knew that you wouldn't get hurt?" Madam Hooch asked. I nodded and smiled at her. "Well I have to say then that that is the best bit of flying I've ever seen a first year do. 100 points to Gryffindor for sheer intelligent idiocy!" I smiled and hugged Mollie. I looked over her shoulder at Draco and he mouthed 'Way to go!' and gave me a smile. I smiled in return and mouthed 'Thank you!' "Now you lot, class is over for the day, I'll see you all on Friday. Off to your next class with you!" I picked up my bag from the ground by the wall of the school and walked inside with Mollie, Hermione, and Neville to go to Transfiguration Class all of us talking about my little stunt and me explaining the thing I did on the broom to all of them.
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The title came from what Mollie replied to me when I sent her this chapter... i thought it would make a good title.