The Story of a Demon and a Fallen Angel


Zacky crawled up through the hole that opened up when Lucas sent him up to Earth. He stumbled over the rocks in his way. He wanted nothing more than to get this mission over with.

"Master Vengeance."Izac,Zacky's severant who was more of his best friend,said.

"What is it Izac,I have no time for games I must find Markus then kill him for our King."Zacky spat. He began shaking. When ever he thought of Markus it got his blood boiling.

"Yes Master,I know, but you have know idea who's there."Izac said. Zacky's nostrils flared. He didn't have time to be distracted by the smaller demon. Zacky had years of practice and training for this day. He was supposed to go in,kill the nasty son of a bitch, come out and be next in line to rule all of Hell.

"What Izac,tell me, stop beating around the fucking bush."Zacky snarled. Izac fumbled a bit. He hated it when he made his master angry. He knew it wasn't his fault Master Vengeance had a horrible temper.

"The king's daughter,she isn't human like they told you, her mother isn't the queen."Izac started."The king cheated on his wife,Ellena,with a Fallen Angel,her name was Stephanie Callister."

"She became very sick and later found out she was pregnant with a little girl. Stephanie didn't know what to do so she waited the four months,since they develop much faster than any species, and had the little girl. She didn't know how to take care of the half bred child so she named her Alicia Aleana Callister and gave her to Markus."

"Markus drugged Ellena so she believed that she conceived the child,but Markus killed their real child that had been in Ellena's womb. Ellena woke up from her daze and Markus lied to her saying that the little girl he had,who was two weeks old when Ellena came around, was their's and told Ellena that he named the child since she was out for so long."

"Ellena went along with it and she recently found out what happened. She had the girl locked up in the dungeon,but Markus found out and had a talk with Ellena so now the girl,Alicia,gaurds the tower."Izac finished with a sharp in take of breath.

Zacky nodded taking in this information. So he was dealing with a mix bred. This should be fun. He smirked.

Izac followed Zacky to the fort,where all mystical creatures were gathered. Zacky kicked the door opened and the pub like building was silent. All eyes were on Zacky as he pushed his way through the creatures to get to the bar.

"Hilda.I'll have the usual."He said. The Witch nodded her head and got to work. Hilda worked in both the Hell fort,which is a pub, and the one on Earth.

Hilda laid down a glass of Jack Daniels. Zacky nodded at the young Witch and took a swig of his drink. His eyes wondered around the pub. He noticed there wasn't as many creatures in here as there were supposed to be. Markus must have them in his dungeon.

It hit a nerve whenever Zacky thought of it. Markus was a three hundred and thirty-five year old creature who happened to be part Incubus and part Fallen Angel. His father was a confused man and had mistaken the Fallen Angel,Antelha(Ann-te-el-a), as a human. He had intercourse with Antelha and later on Markus was born,without a father of course.

Zacky stood up from the bar and nodded to everyone who stared at him. Kayla smirked at him. He had been seeing her in Hell a lot on his off days. Demons have that need that every living creature has.Kayla was a Succubus and knew how to mix things up in the bedroom.

Zacky smiled politely at her then ran out of the pub and into the streets with Izac right behind him. Izac was attached to his hip the whole way to the hotel they would be staying at.

"Hello welcome to the Hilton Hotel I'm Penelope and I'll give you whatever you want."The girl at the counter said when Zacky walked to her. Zacky shook his head and his eyes changed from emerald green to firey red.

"I'm Zachery Vengeance,I made reservation three days ago, you promised me the presidential suite."He lied to the girl. She was hyponotized by his flaming red eyes so she nodded and handed the key to him.

Izac watched carefully as his master took the key from the girl and his eyes turned back to there normal color. Penelope shook her head and stared off into space. Whenever you were hypnotized by a Demon, like Zacky, you would forget what you were doing and just stare off into space for a few minutes.

Zacky and Izac made their way up to their suite where they fell on the beds and slept for a couple of hours.

"Mr.Vengeance,it is your wake up call!"A young Irish voice called through the cracks of the door. Zacky groaned and sat up. Izac was sat on his bed looking at the Demon phone(cell phone).

Zacky got up and looked around for a pair of boxers. He found some in his suitcase. He sat back down on the bed in his clean boxers and thought. He needed a way to get into the castle some how.

"Glendora!"He shouted,which caused Izac to fall on his ass. Zacky pulled out a phone and quickly dailed the number.

"This is Glendora."

"It's Zacky I need to meet you."He told the Witch. He could hear her tapping her chin,something she did often.

"Alright ZV I'll meet you at Baren's cafe in ten."She said before hanging up the phone. Zacky jumped up and pulled on a pair of shorts along with a black tee. Izac got up and followed Zacky to the small cafe just five blocks down the road from their hotel.

"Well you just get better lookin' everytime I see you."Glendora said looking up from her coffee into his emerald green eyes. Zacky took a seat and grabbed her open hands.

"What is it that you need, love?"She asked smacking her pink plump lips. Zack swollowed the lump in his throat and tried to remember what it was he wanted to ask her.

"Oh yes, I need some kind of potion to make me look like somebody else."Zacky whispered. He noticed some beasts' ears pop up. He growled at them and they turned away.

"Ah, well Mr. Vengeance you are in luck. Come with me to my house."Glendora smiled while walking out. Zacky got up and followed her like a lost puppy. It had something to do with those silver eyes she had. They made him weak to the knees.

They reached her house and Zacky walked into the office room he'd been in several times before. Glendora reached into her cabinet and pulled out a vile. She turned back to Zacky.

"You have to take a drop of this,so it will last you at least three months,but you have to think of someone then you have to chant their name in your head until you feel a pop in you stomach."She explained. Zacky nodded and took the vile from her soft hands.

"Good bye Glendora."He said. She kissed his cheek and smiled sending him on his way. She hated playing with his emotions but she had to do it. It was a curse.
Zacky was almost to the castle when he remembered Izac was still in the cafe. He pulled out his phone and called Izac. Soon Izac met up with him and they were on their way.


They reached the castle and Zacky grabbed Izac then hid behind a giant willow. He looked at the top of the castle and noticed a black haired girl with wings pacing back and forth.

"You think that's the princess?"Izac whispered. Zacky nodded. He knew it had to be her. From far away she was beautiful. He was sure she was gorgeous up close.

"Come on Izac we gotta just drink this shit."He mumbled. He popped the bottle open and a drop hit his tongue. He imagined the royal gaurds. He heard a pop then looked at Izac.

"Well did it work?"He asked. Izac nodded.Zacky put a drop on Izac's tongue. "Think of a horse."

Izac heard a pop and opened his eyes. Zacky smirked. Izac was a pink horse with yellow spots.

"Well what breed are you?"Zacky chuckled. Izac looked into the metal on Zacky.

"What the hell did that shit do to me?!"Izac cried. Zacky shook his head and jumped on Izac's back. Izac walked forward to the gates. Alicia looked down at the odd colored horse with the handsome knight on its back.

Zacky waved at the beautiful angel. She swooped down and put her gaurd face on.

"What are you doing here knight? You are supposed to be inside the castle with the King."She said in mono tone. Zacky could tell the girl hated her job.

"We got lost and stumbled out of a ditch some ways west."Zacky lied skillfully. Alicia stared at the knight in disbelief. She knew there was no ditch some ways west. She shrugged and let the knight with gorgeous green eyes pass into the castle.

"Alicia!"Horence,the King's assistant,called. Alicia turned away from the spot and stared up at the short fat elf.

"What do you want you fat fucker?"She asked annoyed. Horence gasped and shook his head. He was the only one that knew about Alicia really being the next to the throne. It broke his heart to know that her idiotic father did this to her.

"We must go to the meeting,it's starting."He called. She sighed and flew into the window,quickly fixing the creases in her outfit. She ran to the throne room and took her seat on the far left of the King.

"And now we are all gathered here because as you know my step brother,Lucas, wants me dead. So you are here because you are going to war.
"We are going to plot a way to get into Hell and destroy Lucas! We must behead him and throw him in the pits and destroy every part of him we can! He is after me because I am the one killing off these useless magical creatures. Each and everyone of them but if you fight for me you will live."Markus smiled at the knights.

Zacky was grinding his teeth together and at one point he thought he'd broken some of his teeth. Alicia was the only one to notice Zacky was the only knight who was acting differently. She smirked at him. She knew who he was,he was in all of the prophecies.

Markus finished his speech and dismissed everybody. Alicia walked quickly to catch Zacky she rested her hand on him and smiled. He was annoyed that somebody had the nerve to touch him. He turned and saw it was that gorgeous Fallen Angel again. A small smile grew on his face.

"I know who you are,I'm so glad you've finally come...but if you want to destroy my father you must be very sneaky."She whispered. He nodded. He hoped he could trust this girl.

"But for now just go off to the knights room and rest up,you'll need some if you plan on killing that bastard."She growled but then smiled. She kissed his cheek and ran off to do her duties.
Zacky was laying in bed thinking about that gorgeous angel. It didn't help that she was a Fallen Angel. Everything about her made him go crazy. She was all he wanted at that moment. He closed his eyes and imagined the girl his age doing forbidden things to him.

"Master Vengeance!"hissed Izac. Zacky's eyes popped open quickly. He looked down and realized his tights had gotten tighter. He covered his erection before any other knight noticed. Izac chuckled lowly at his master.

"Ha ha ha its so fucking hilarious."Zacky mocked. He rolled his eyes and rolled over to start dreaming about Alicia again. He didn't want to be embarrassed again but at that moment it didn't matter to him.


"All knights rise and go to the meeting room with King Markus." A loud voice echoed through the semi large room Zacky was in. He sat up and started dressing in his suit. He hated being ordered to do something to please that sick son of a bitch.

Zacky left the room before anyone else and started his way down the long hall. He was snatched and pulled behind a statue. He looked at the person who had him and realized it was Alicia. He smiled at her even though her hand was still over his mouth.

She removed her hand and pushed a brick which made the floor beneath them move and they went tumbling down into a dark hole. Alicia grasped Zacky's hand and then they floated down safely thanks to Alicia's wings.

Zacky looked around the large room and noticed the several tvs. He saw the room he was supposed to be in with Markus. Markus was standing in front of his throne and yelling at some elves. Alicia turned up the sound so Zacky could hear the foul things her "sperm donor",as she referred to Markus, said to the poor creatures.
"Are you stupid?! I said mayonaise not mustard you stupid short-"
"Sire we have intruders in the castle, uh Master Vengeance...your brother sent him!"Horence told the large,concieted man.

"Lucas sent his most loyal demon to kill me?"Markus chuckled. Horence nodded. Alicia slapped a hand on her face. She looked at Zacky and decided it was time that they went on to killing the man who helped create her.

"We must go Zachary."She whispered. Zacky stared at her and frowned. He knew once he killed Markus he'd have to go back to Hell and fuck whores every night. He wanted just one time with Alicia so in years when he thinks about her he doesn't think "What if..".

"Alicia wait."Zacky said. He sighed nervously. It was now or never.

"Can we just be together once before I do this...I need it."He mumbled. Alicia gulped. She couldn't believe he was interested in doing something like that with her. She knew that Demons,unlike Fallen Angels,needed sex. They normally lost their virginity at the age of 5. While Fallen Angels could go centuries without it.

"O-of course."She stumbled over her words.

Zacky pulled her close to him and kissed her delicate lips hungerly. Alicia wrapped her arms losely around his neck and poked her tongue into his mouth savoring his taste.

Zacky moved her to the couch she had in the room. He slowly raised the tank top off of her tone body. He kissed her medium sized breasts and moved down her fit stomach to the top of her pants. He slid them down and began kissing her thighs. He paused when he reached her warmth and almost lost his strength. He was going to give in so quickly. He knew it was her first time and he wanted it to be slow and special-ish.

He moved his hands down to her thighs and began rubbing her clit. He shoved his tongue into her and she pulled his hair. He moaned slightly and she became puddy in his hands.

"Zacky!"She screamed. He felt that tightening of his pants again. He stripped himself of the heavy armor and tights underneath. He was completely naked,as was she. Zacky moved above her and kissed her passionately before thrusting in.

Alicia let out a loud cry. It then dawned on Zacky that she was a virgin meaning he had to be gentle. He frowned. He was the one causing such a beautiful creature great pain. He moved out slowly and moved back in slower than when he pulled out.

"Are you okay now?"He asked quietly. She shrugged. He moved back in and she gripped his shoulders. He took that as a sign to go faster. He picked up the speed a little and she began moaning again. He kissed up and down her neck and leaving love marks,or marking his territory if you must call it that.

Zacky felt that familiar feeling in his lower region and he knew Alicia was just as close as he was. He bit her several more times then he came inside her making her have the best orgasm he'd ever witnessed.

"That was amazing Alicia."Zacky whispered in her ear. He got up and dressed quickly. Alicia frowned. She really thought that they were making love but obviously he being a demon it was just more "fun time". He glanced at her and realized she wasn't moving just sitting on the bed frowning.

"You gonna get up and come with me baby girl...or did I do something wrong?"Zacky asked. Alicia dressed faster than she had in her 19 years of living.

Zacky grabbed her hand and they walked to the room. Zacky pulled his phone out and dailed Lucas's number. Alicia rested her head on Zacky's shoulder. She was hoping her uncle she'd never met would let her and Zacky be together.

"Ah Lucas yes we are on our way to the room do you want me to open the portal so you can send the troops in to help the others escape or what?"Zacky asked. There was a deep voice coming through the phone and Alicia assumed that would be Lucas,her uncle.

"Okay,yes sire we will. Bye."Zacky said then put the phone away.

They traveled up into the dungeon and Zacky made a portal where many Demons and other creatures of Hell crawled out. They destroyed the locks on the cell doors.

Zacky ordered Alicia to help Izac and Maria,Izac's wife. Alicia did as he said. She didn't want to upset the man...uh creature she loved.

Zacky ran up the flights of stairs and ripped the sword off the wall that he was to used to kill Markus. Zacky contiued running. He saw Markus slip away into his master room. Zacky pushed the door open and found Markus attempting to rape an Angel...a Fallen Angel by the name of Stephanie Callister.

Stephanie saw Zacky and tears of joy flowed from her eyes. Zacky raised the sword above Markus's left side of his back so it would pierce through that black hole he calls a heart.

"You know attacking a man from behind is the coward way out. I'm glad you've joined us Lucas."Markus chuckled. He turned and frowned. It was that wimpy Demon boy he met long ago. Zachary.

"Well well well Zachary what are you doing here?"Markus smiled. Zacky growled at the monster in front of him.

"Fuck you."Zacky mumbled. Markus laughed deeply.

"So you in love with my daughter I see? Haha so how tight was that little slut? Man I can't believe you got her virginity I was going to take it from her tonight and you beat me to it..."

Zacky put the sword in the pouch on his side and threw a punch at Markus which sent three teeth flying out of his mouth.

"You're gonna pay for that fuck boy."Markus growled. He jumped on Zacky and punched him in the nose. It didn't crack but it did bleed. Alicia walked through the door and cried when she saw the scene in front of her.

"Get off Zacky you fucking bastard!"She screamed at her father. She kicked him in the back and he grabbed her leg then threw her against the wall. She laid there unconscious. Zacky's blood began to boil. He felt his muscles tense up and a deep growl emit from his stomach.

"Don't.Touch.Her.Ever.Again!"He screamed shoveing Markus against the wall causing a nail to go through his back. Markus spit up blood and laughed. Zacky pulled the sword out and stabbed it through Markus's chest.

"Haha see you in He-" Markus tried to say but fell to the ground and his body burst into flames. Alicia was still laying unconscious. Tears pricked Zacky's eyes. He walked over to the girl he loved. He picked her up and held her to his chest.

"Oh god Alicia please wake up baby,I need you!"He sobbed. He felt a gentle hand on his back. He looked up and saw Stephanie.

"You want to know the true story?"She asked him. He shrugged. He didn't care Alicia wasn't waking up. He knew that much.

"Nineteen years ago I ran into a handsome man at a bar. I was still a virgin. We began dancing and having a good time. He said his name was Markus and he was king. I went back to his house and we began making love. I found out the next day I was pregnant with Alicia. It was the happiest day of mine and Markus's lives when she was born. She had those big blue eyes and a head full of dark hair."

"I thought we'd last forever. Well Markus was out all the time leaving me and Alicia home alone a lot. He came home one night and I was packed and ready to leave. I couldn't handle him leaving us all the time. So I had my suitcases full of clothes and supplies for Alicia. Markus walked in with Ellena right when we were leaving. At the time Ellena was our maid. I was pissed and punched her. I began to leave but Markus grabbed me."

"He took Alicia away from me and through me in this room. When Alicia began questioning why she and Ellena didn't look alike Markus told her that lie that I gave her up. And they put her on gaurd duty because they thought that would stop the questioning."

"There is a prophecy about you. You come in and kill that sorry son of a bitch and save all the magical creatures. Alicia gets knocked unconcious...and possiblily dies then I give her my life. The love of a mother can only save her. Its terrible I'll never get to know her but she has so much life ahead of her and me well Its time for me to go see God. He needs me know I suppose."Stephanie began sobbing at this point. Zacky was crying too. He was so happy that he could have Alicia back.

Stephanie hugged her daughter who was "dead" and stared at Zacky.

"Treat my baby right,I'll be watching."She winked then a large bright light exploded from her and passed into Alicia. Alicia woke up and looked around.

"Mommy?!"She screamed. She looked around and noticed her mom wasn't there. She began crying.

"Baby please don't cry...she told me a story,want me to tell you?"Zacky asked. Alicia nodded and hugged him. They began making their way through the portal to Hell and Zacky told Alicia about her childhood. He didn't know how he knew all of it but he figured that Stephanie gave him the knowledge.
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Finally finished it :P