Status: Updates are slow for now!

Half a Heart for Each

Arrival and Introductions

“I so cannot believe that we are actually going to be in the sweet Bahamas for four entire weeks!” Jane said excitedly as she watched August finish packing.

They were leaving tomorrow morning to catch an eleven o’clock flight to the Bahamas from Cincinnati, Ohio.

“I know right?!” August said equally excited, “Can you imagine? Laying on the beach, sun tanning away, drinking Starbucks, and waiting for it to be evening so we can eat a fabulous dinner and go to the club?”

Jane sighed in happiness and laid on August’s bed, “This is going to be pure heaven!”

They looked at each other and squeaked in pure joy.

“What about all the hot guys?!” Jane asked, “Oh my gawd; what if Justin freakin’ Bieber is there?!”

They screamed. Yes they were Justin Bieber fans.

“But what’s the chance of that happening? Don’t you always know when Justin’s gonna be there?” August said sitting next to Jane on the bed and flicking a piece of almost-blonde-hair out of her face.

“Well yeah, but, we’ve done our research, you and I both know that he sometimes goes there without announcing it. He said it was his favorite vacation spot remember?” she told her friend.

“That’s true,” she looked down and then a smile sprang on her face, “Oh my god I’m too excited!” she stood and started bouncing on her queen size bed.

Jane joined her and the first thing that ushered out of their mouths at the exact same second was, “Baby, baby, baby, OHH!”

And that was that. They jumped on her bed singing Baby until they heard August’s mom downstairs yell, “Would you girls get back to packing? August Michelle I know you are not finished yet!”

They giggled and climbed off her bed and August finished her packing.

Total, she had two giant suitcases, an overnight bag with her shower and personal items in it, and her Vera Bradley backpack/suitcase thing that was going to be her carry-on on the airplane, which held her electronic entertainment devices (laptop, all her charging cords for her phone, iPod, and laptop, and a couple DVDs, along with her pen-drive for her documents, she enjoyed writing fan-fictions in her spare time).

Her cell phone and her iPod remained in her pockets at all times which meant that they had not been placed in the bags yet.

Jane’s packing situation was exactly the same. She also had a Vera Bradley that was her carry-on; and of course it was a different style and pattern.

After she had finished packing it was 11 at night. It took her so long because Jane and her were constantly bursting into song.

Jane headed home and August went to bed by one in the morning.


“Aussie!” Jane shook her shoulder. They were on the plane.

“It’s time to land, strap your seatbelt!” she said to her.

August did what she was told and looked out the window, only to see the shore of the island of the Bahamas.

She felt the plane descend from the air and a rush of excitement rolled over her like a giant wave.

And it must have hit Jane to because when August glanced over at her she was grinning from ear to ear.

Once the seatbelt sign was turned off, they both unbuckled themselves and shot up in their seats to wait for the announcement to get off the plane.

“Sissy are you excited?” Christian, August’s little brother, asked her as he ran down the aisle to her.

“Of course I am! Are you Christian?” August said picking him up.

He was only 9 but he was tiny for his age which made him easy to hold. He also loved hugs.

“Duh!” he said adorably, wrapping his arms around his sister’s neck.

She squeezed him tightly and petted his red hair.

He was an average ginger, had freckles everywhere.

“I wish my brother was that adorable!” Jane said to her.

It was true. Jane’s little brother Noah, was an average, annoying, 12-year old, brunette, with an outstanding sense of style. It wasn’t unusual though, Jane’s entire family were total fashion divas. August had definitely learned a thing or two from them.

August just chuckled and put Christian back down on the floor and he went and hugged Jane around the waist with him being so tiny his head came right under her chin.

“Aw, thanks buddy,” she said to him wrapping her arms around him too.

He cheerfully walked back over to their parents and then the plane began to release the passengers.

August and Jane grabbed their Vera Bradley bags and followed the line of people out of the plane and into the corridor leading into the airport. They followed their parents, got their larger suitcases, and they got a cab to take them to the Atlantis Resort where they were going to spend the next 4 weeks.


Once they had gotten settled into their pretty much apartment sized room, which had 4 bedrooms (two with king sized beds for the parents, one with two queen size beds for the girls, and one with two full sized beds for the boys), 3 bathrooms (one in each of the parents rooms and one that the kids had to fight over), and a living room, game room, and kitchen; the girls changed into their swimsuits and headed down to the pool (with permission of course).

August was sporting a swimsuit that had stripes of color all over it.

And Jane’s was a simple two piece navy blue with white hearts.

Upon arrival, they had spotted numerous hot and cute guys in the lobby of the hotel and on the pool deck.

“I cannot believe how many amazing looking bods I’m seeing,” Jane said laying her towel down on one of the lounge chairs outside by poolside.

August did the same with a chair that was closer to the pool.

They had chosen the spot closest to the diving board to watch the guys do their fancy tricks while diving into the pool.

The girls laughed at most of the guys trying to do something cool and their failed attempts, but this one really hot guy with sexy abs, shaggy brown hair, and blue swim trunks did a cannon ball off the diving board getting August who was closest to the water covered in it by his splash.

Jane laughed at her as she squealed when getting splashed.

The guy climbed out of the pool and came right over to them.

He shook his wet hair out of his face and said, “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to get you all wet!”

August stared up at him and eventually laughed and said, “Oh! It’s fine, that’s what swimsuits are for right?”

Jane giggled behind her.

“What’s your name? I’m Logan; Logan Price,” he said offering her his hand to shake.

She took it and said, “I’m August; August Reynolds.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you August,” he brought her hand up to his mouth to kiss the back of it softly; he never took his eyes off hers.

She giggled and looked back at Jane and then back at Logan, “And this is Jane Mathews, my best friend.”

He gently dropped her hand and said, “Well, nice to meet you too Jane, and I’m glad I finally met someone here! I just got here yesterday.”

“We just got here this morning!” Jane said cheerfully.

“That’s great! How long are you staying?” he asked them.

“Four entire weeks! We are so excited!” August told him.

He chuckled, “That’s how long I’m staying too!”

“Awesome! We should hang out!” Jane suggested.

“That would be great!” he said but he was interrupted by his two other very attractive friends calling for him down on the other end of the pool.

“Well, I guess I gotta go,” he said scratching the back of his neck, “I’ll see you around?”

“Definitely!” Jane and August said together.

“Well, bye! It was nice meet you!” he said walking backwards, he winked at August and then jogged back over to his friends.

“Oh my gawd he’s totally into you!” Jane exclaimed.

“I know right?!” August said and they squealed.

Eventually they calmed down and they sun bathed for awhile until they decided it was getting late and they should head back up to the room to see what everyone else was doing.

They took quick showers and made themselves look presentable then they asked what the plans for the evening were.

“I was thinking we could go one of the restaurants here in the resort?” Jane’s mom suggested.

“That’s a great idea!” August’s mom replied.

So it was settled they were going to Bimini Road. One of the many restaurants located in the Atlantis resort.

Once dinner was over they decided to visit the Dig; which was the giant underground aquarium, Christian wanted to go see it.

They had all decided to split up to visit the exhibits they wanted to see. Jane, August, and Christian wanted to go see the Jellyfish; so that’s where they went.

“Christian slow down!” August said chasing after him.

She turned her head to make sure Jane was following when she ran into something (or someone) and fell to the ground.

Whoever it was their hood had fallen off and August was lying on top of them.

She looked up at the face of the stranger she had ran into and fallen on and saw one heck of familiar face.

It was Justin Bieber!

“Oh my god,” August said, wide eyed.

“Um,” he started, “Hi!” he grinned at her.

“You’re Bustin Jieber!” she said excitedly.

He chuckled and she shook her head and said, “No wait, sorry, I mean you’re Justin Bieber!”

He covered her mouth with his hand and whispered, “Don’t say that too loud, I’m trying to lay low!”

She smiled and began to stand up.

Jane made her way over to them laughing her head off.

“You should’ve seen that collision from my point of-,” she stopped herself when she saw who it was August had fallen on.

“Yo-yo-you’re Justin-,” she was cut off by August laying a hand over her mouth.

“Shut up, Jane!” she told her friend.

“You’ll blow his cover!” she said as she offered Justin a hand and helped him up.

Justin chuckled and flipped his hood back over his hair. He also grabbed his sunglasses that had fallen out of his pocket and put them back in their rightful place. Then one of his friends whom the girls knew was Ryan came over also laughing about the collision; but then his eyes laid on Jane.

“Well, Justin, I’m glad you ran into two beautiful ladies,” he said smoothly.

“Shut up Ryan,” Justin snapped.

Jane couldn’t take her eyes off him, she smirked.

“Well, if it isn’t Ryan Butler!” she said.

“That’s my name, try not to get too addicted to it,” he winked.

She scoffed, “Oh don’t worry I won’t.”

“So, I can tell you guys are fans?” Justin asked them shoving his hands into the pockets of his grey skinnies, trying to change the subject.

“Hell yes we are!” Jane exclaimed, not realizing what came out of her mouth.

August turned to the guys and put on a nervous smile, “She only cusses when the adrenaline is pumping through her body.”

“Aw crap! Did I really just say that?” Jane said putting her hands on her hips.

August, Justin, and Ryan chuckled at her.

“Well, Justin, it’s nice to meet you finally, and you too Ryan! I’m August Reynolds and this is my bestest friend in the whole world Jane Mathews,” August said motioning to Jane, who waved in return.

“Nice to meet you,” Justin said shaking their hands, “So can I trust you not to let the entire resort know I’m here?”

“Of course! Your secret is safe with us,” August said sincerely putting a hand over her heart. Jane nodded behind her.

“Awesome, so you guys maybe wanna hang out sometime?” Ryan suggested.

“Hang out with Ju-,” Jane said letting her voice rise, but she was cut off by August’s hand again.

“Shush!” August snapped at her.

“Oh,” Jane said, “Sorry, sorry, sorry! I swear I will calm down!”

Justin chuckled again, “I trust August here to keep from spilling,” he said sweetly, bumping August’s shoulder with his.

A grin spread on August’s face and she nodded.

“Sissy, sissy, sissy! Did you see all the cool jellies?!” Christian said running up to them and jumping into August’s arms.

“I did! Don’t you think they look cool?” August said to him.

“They look aweso-, hey, who are they?” Christian asked, noticing Justin and Ryan standing next to them.

Justin smiled and said, “I’m Justin, what’s your name?”

“I’m Christian, Aussie’s little brother,” he said proudly, using her nickname.

“Well it’s great to meet you Christian!” Justin said cheerfully.

“And I’m Ryan!” Ryan popped in. Christian laughed at him.

Then they heard the sound of August’s mom shouting at them from down the corridor, “Come on girls! It’s getting late we are heading back to the room!”

“You are gonna put me to bed tonight, right sissy?” Christian asked her.

“Of course little bro, now go run on over to mama, I’ll be right there,” she said setting him down and watching to make sure he got over to their mom safely.

“Well, it was awesome meeting you Justin!” Jane said, “I could’ve done without dweebo here but either way it was great!” she said motioning towards Ryan.

“Hey!” he said mock offended.

“Yeah, it was great,” August said too.

“I hope I’ll see you girls later,” he said and he gave Jane a hug then turned to August. Ryan gave August a hug while Justin hugged Jane and they switched.

Justin wrapped his arms around August and whispered, “Here’s my number, text me later,” and she felt his fingers stick something in her pocket in her shorts.

“Ok, see ya Justin!” she said cheerfully.

She waved and followed Jane back over to the end of the corridor and they made their way out of the aquarium and followed their families back up to the room.

“Did Justin stick his number in your pocket too?” Jane asked her.

“Let me guess, Ryan did the same?” August asked her.

“Yup, and I’m tempted to text him,” Jane giggled.

They had only been here for a couple of hours and she had already met two hot guys, and one of them was famous!

How could this trip get any better?
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I've had the idea to start this story for awhile now and I'm just now getting it into motion! I hope you guys like it so far?
Don't know how fast updates will be...