You Can Let Go Now


"Can I have a blue cotton candy please?" Elizabeth asked, her mouth watering as she looked at it. Her and Sidney just arrived and she dragged him over to the cotton candy stand.

Sidney made a face as Elizabeth pulled off a chunk and put it in her mouth. "How can you eat that?"

"How can you not? It's amazing," Elizabeth said once she swallowed.

"Because it's all sugar. Looking at it makes me sick," Sidney said, pretending to gag.

"Do you ever eat unhealthy foods?" Elizabeth asked.

Sidney shook his head and said, "No, to be honest I've forgotten the taste of most of it."

"That really sucks," Elizabeth said, "I can't imagine life with out ho-ho's."

Sidney chuckled and said, "I'm pretty sure that you would be able to carry on life with out ho-ho's, Elizabeth."

"I'm not so sure, Sid," Elizabeth said seriously before adding, "now, let's go on a ride."

Elizabeth watched as Sidney looked at the rides uncomfortably and led them the teacups, hoping he could handle them. Once they got in line, Sidney pulled his cap lower, glad it was dark. He didn't want to be recognized.

"You know, I don't think a hat is going to hide who you are," Elizabeth said as she watched him try and shrink away from people's views.

"Yeah, but it's worth a try, trust me," he said quietly.

It was almost their turn to go when Elizabeth heard her name being called. Turning around she saw Mike walking toward them. He was with two of his friends who she didn't recognize.

She wondered how he remembered her, because she barely remembered him. She hadn't talked to him since that night. She couldn't help but to realize how drunk she must have been to hook up with him because he was creepy. His eyes weren't as innocent as she thought she remembered them to be and his features were a bit more standoff ish. Elizabeth suddenly felt cold.

"Hi, how are you Mike?" she asked, trying to be polite.

"I'm great, how are you beautiful?" Mike asked, smiling.

"I'm good," Elizabeth said trying not to grimace when he said 'beautiful', "This is Sidney. Sidney, Mike."

Elizabeth noticed the way that Mike tried to size up Sidney as he shook his hand; he clearly knew who Sidney was judging by the shocked look on his face. Sidney shook his hand and then stood a bit closer to her.

"Boyfriend?" Mike asked.

Sidney stepped in before Elizabeth could and said, wrapping his arm around her waist, "Yes, actually."

He could feel her tense and saw her try and cover her shocked face. Then she smiled, and played the role by leaning into Sidney. Mike nodded and said, "Well, I'll see you later Elizabeth."

"Bye Mike," Elizabeth said. Once Mike was out of sight, Sidney immediately dropped his hand and brought it back to his own side.

"You didn't have to do that you know," Elizabeth said.

Sidney shrugged. "Yeah I did. I could tell how uncomfortable he made you and you wanted him to leave. So I figured that would do it."

"Well thank you, Sid. Let's go on our ride now!" Elizabeth said walking in the gate.

Sidney sat in the teacup, aware that his stomach was already squirming. Elizabeth must have noticed his queasiness because she said, "Don't worry, I won't spin the teacup. Don't close your eyes, either. That'll make you really sick."

The machines started slowly and Sidney recalled the last time he did this. Within in seconds his stomach started hurting and when the ride finished he had immediately gotten off and ran to the nearest garbage can, Emily at his heels, laughing.

He was determined this time to enjoy these rides and this carnival. Nevertheless, as the cart started moving faster it was harder and harder not to feel sick. He closed his eyes for a second and when he opened them he could have sworn he saw Emily. However crazy it sounded, he thought he saw her face smiling at him. He knew it was irrational, but he wanted it to be true.

Shaking his head a little, Elizabeth's face came into view as she sat across from him. Could he have gotten them confused? It was the only way, he decided. Emily was...Emily was gone...

Finally, the ride was over. "See, you got through it just fine!" Elizabeth told him as they walked off together.

Sidney easily forced a convincing smile. "Yeah, it was better than I thought," he lied.

"So where do you want to go next?" Elizabeth asked.

"Let's play some games," Sidney said, eager to do something that he knew he would have fun with.

"Okay, let's play rings, it's something I might be able to beat you at," Elizabeth suggested.

Sidney laughed. "How's that? The game is practically impossible."

"That's the point, and I'm hoping that I am a luckier person than you are," Elizabeth said handing the worker three dollars.

As Sidney paid for his, he didn't doubt she was.

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