Status: Done!:P

It's Cruel When You Burn Me, I Love How You Hurt Me

It's Cruel When You Burn Me,I Love How You Hurt Me Chap.12

It's been a day since the incident. I haven't talked to Tom since then. The last words I said to him were.
"Ich HASSE dich!" He seemed stunned. I've been trying not to talk to him,look at him,or even sleep in the same bed. I slept on the couch. He seemed sorta sad after I said that to him. I shook my head. I shouldn't care! He already doesn't love me! I felt the pang in my heart. Every time I think/look at him I feel it. Ever since I said those words to him.
"Beeca!" Stephanie looked at me with confused/worried eyes.
"What's up with you and Tom?" My heart thumped uneven.
"Nothing!" I started to laugh awkwardly.
"Stop lying!" She glared at me. I knew I was a bad lier,but not that bad! I sat down. I felt the tears coming on.
"H-he doesn't love me!" I felt a tear trickle down.
"Becca." She walked over towards me and hugged me.
"What happened?"
"W-we had sex a-and I said I l-loved him." She made a thinking face.
"H-he said let me think bout it." I pushed forward.
"He likes you." She seemed certain.
"Not love though!" I made a sobbing sound. She patted my back.
"I'm not him,I can't say for sure!" She said soothingly. I heard footsteps.
"I-I gave him my heart and he threw it and stepped on it!"
"Becca,I'm sure he was-"
"Becca!" Georg was looking at me.
"I need you to clean my room."
"What the fuck Georg?!"
"Bitch I told you to clean my room!" I sniffled.
"The bitch crying?" He smirked.
"I'm not cleaning your fucking room! It smells like fucking sweat and sex!"
"Be that way then slut!" He walked away.
"I'm coming Bill!" She got up and shot me and apologetic face. I sat there for a second. I got up and made my way slowly towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see a beer. I grabbed it. I opened the top and took a swing. I felt the cold beer go down my throat. It taste like shit! I took some more swings in till it was gone. I looked through the fridge looking for food. I found nothing appealing. I went through the freezer and still nothing. I gave up and went back to the living room. I really wish I had my guitar,but HE had to crush it. Like my heart! I laid down. Today it was almost silent,except the moans from Gustav's and Bill's rooms. It was sorta awkward for me.I laid there tuning out their noises. I closed my eyes and fell into a dreamless sleep.
"Becca!" I looked up to see Bill.
"I need to talk to you!" I looked at him. I walked with Bill into his room. I sat down on his humongous bed.
"Tom's acting weird!" He seemed concerned and pissed.
"What the fuck did you do to him!"
"He keeps mumbling and looks like he's thinking."
"Why should I care!"
"Why,why! Because you're the one who did this to him!" He snapped at me.
"I didn't do anything! He ripped my heart out and crushed it!" I stood up quickly.
"Wait! You did NOT tell him YOU LOVE him!"
"I did." I sat down after mumbling.
"He's never had a girl to that before! He's confused!"
"Fucking Kristy seem to love him!" I looked towards my knees.
"She never meant it! You did though!" Bill was pacing holding his head.
"You had to do it!"
"Do what?"
"Had to fucking be the one!" I looked at him confused.
"He fucking LOVES you!"
"No,he doesn't!"
"He had to THINK about it!"
"He was confused!" I stood up. Bill walked out of the room. I heard him swing open a door. I was fixing to run out of the room,but Bill pushed me back in. He had Tom. I sucked in a breath. I tried not to cry. He looked at me.
"Tom tell HER!" Bill was being impatient,but was smiling.
"Bill move out of my way!"
"Hell no!"
"Bill!" Bill stood there.
"Say it! Or I will!" Tom glared at him.
"I fucking hate having a twin." He mumbled.
"Bill!" Tom threw a punch. He missed Bill by a centimeter.
"lo-" Tom kicked at Bill. Bill moved gracefully around those kicks.
"T-Tom." He stopped and turned towards me.
"Why don't you love me?" I asked being the stubborn/persistent.
"Becca." I shivered at the way he said my name. He took a step forward. I stood my ground. He hugged me. I quickly relaxed into his arms.
"Becca,I-Ich liebe d-dich." I looked at him for a second. I buried my face into his neck.
"Ich liebe dich!" I wrapped my arms around his neck. I kissed him on the lips forcefully. It was sorta sloppy,but sweet. I pulled back and smiled. I then heard a hurling scream. It made my blood go cold. I ran after Tom and Bill. I ran into the living room to see Stephanie on the ground.
"STEPHANIE!" I looked up to see Robert Way!?
"What the fuck?!" I heard Tom said in disbelief. Bill stood there shocked. I heard footsteps and saw Tom throwing a punch at Robert.
"Bill!" He seem to snap out of it. He ran to help his brother. I ran over towards Stephanie. She was on the ground crying from the pain. I grabbed the knife and pulled it out. She felt out another blood hurling scream. I grabbed the end of my shirt. I yanked on the him of it. I kept in till I saw it rip. I then ripped off my lower half of my shirt. I wrapped it around her leg. I tied it around her thigh and looked up. Bill was on the ground trying to get up. His right eye black. I looked at Robert who was on the ground. He was supposed to be in jail! He kicked Tom in the leg.
"Tom!" He fell to the floor,but quickly regained his balance. I looked towards Stephanie. She was looking at Bill in horror. I got up and ran to Bill. He was breathing heavily.
"Is she alright?"
"Ja! Now get up!" I started to help him. He got on his feet. I saw something shimmer in the dim lighting. It was a gun! Tom was two feet away from me. I ran towards him quickly and got in front of him. I pulled him away from the barrel.
"This is what you get!" Not in time though. I felt immense pain go through my shoulder.
"Becca!" I held my shoulder. I fell to my knees. I heard shuffling and another shot. I looked up to see Robert on the ground. Tom was holding the gun. I felt relieved. He ran towards me. He gasped at the sight of my shoulder.
"Call fucking 911!" I yelled at him.
Stephanie is alright ad I guess I am. Robert was pronounced dead at the scene. Stephanie had to get surgery done. I had to also. She had 20 stitches and I had 16. She was able to go to sleep. I wasn't so lucky. They started to cut into me while I was awake. I could feel it,but the pain was going away as I slipped into sleep. I woke up and found out that Bill's eye wasn't that bad and Tom was the only one that did have anything wrong,besides Georg and Gustav. I'm still laying in this hospital bed alone and tired. I closed my eyes. Today was a long day. Tom was laying by my side. He was already asleep. I cuddled into him. I listen to his heartbeat and fell asleep.
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Hope you like it!:D