Status: Done!:P

It's Cruel When You Burn Me, I Love How You Hurt Me

It's Cruel When You Burn Me,I Love How You Hurt Me Chap.16

Tom looked at me,his eyes red as tears fell out of mine.
"Because." He looked at me with a goofy smile."I wanted to!" He started to come towards me and I came up to him slapping him hard in the face.
"What the fuck,Becca?" He was glaring at me.
"Tom why?" I started to sob."I thought you loved me?" He looked at me,his face looking deadly.
"I don't." Right then and there I could here my heart shatter into a million pieces."I only loved the sex." I fell to my knees.
"You sick bastard!" He walked towards me and grabbed my hair like he use to.
"Nein!" He slammed me into the bed. I heard shuffling,Bill came rushing into the room.
"Bill,help!" He stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at me with sad eyes and walked up.
"Tom?" He looked over at him as Bill gasped."What are you doing?" Bill knowing what the red eyes meaning.
"Bill,get the fuck out of my room!" Bill stumbled away.
"Bill Help!" My voice cracking as Bill turned his head. I looked back at Tom,he smirked as Bill closed the door. Tom grabbed at my shirt with one hand as he held my hands with the other. He crawled on top of me more giving me the opportunity to knee him,like always. This time he stopped me.
"You aren't going to do it this time!" My heart started to beat faster,if that was possible.
"Tom!" He had my shirt off."Nein!" My throat was dry and my head was pounding,why would he do this to me. My body felt hollow,but why am I still resisting?

Tom's POV

I closed my eyes feeling even better than before,my head was pounding in a way that feels so good. I open my eyes smiling looking back at Becca.
"Aw,come on,lets get started." I got her shirt off.
"Tom." Her voice was weak and she looked so depressed. I looked at her for a second and got off of her. What was I doing and thinking? I got up and walked into the bathroom,slamming it behind me. I looked at my reflection,my eyes red and my face looked stressed. What am I doing to her? She's my life and I'm killing her? I fucking love her,then why do I screw up so much? I'm a dick that's why! I walked away and opened the door.
"Becca,I'm sorry!" I looked up and saw no one there,where the fuck is she?

Becca's POV

I looked up and saw Tom walk into the bathroom,I scrambled up and dashed towards the door. Bill was nowhere in sight,so I ran as fast as I could towards the city. I made it to an ally way and sat down. The rain was pouring down on me soaking me to the bone. I sat there as I let the rain mix with my tears,hoping for dead to creep onto me soon,from hypothermia. I laid there for what it felt like days,but probably only hours. I felt my conscious slipping,but I felt warm.
"Becca!" I looked over to see a happy Tom with a little boy in his hands.
"How's my 2 men doing?" The little boy was just smiling at me.
"Mommy!" He was trying to get out of Tom's grasp,but Tom wouldn't let him go.
"Tom let my baby come to me!" I looked Tom in the eyes.
"No!" I let my mouth hang open as Tom started to walk away with him in his arms. The whole entire time the boy screaming for me,as I couldn't move a single muscle.

"Miss!" I opened my eyes to see a bright light again. I looked over to my right hoping to see Tom,but it was a man.
"Where am I?" I looked over towards him.
"At my girlfriends house,she found you." I looked down to see that I was in different clothes.
"I didn't change you! My girlfriend!" He was blushing. I looked behind him and there was a young woman that walked in. Her face was so beautiful,it made me want to shame myself for being alive.
"Here you go dear." She smiled kindly at me. I looked at her again.
"Thanks." My voice sounded hollow,even to me."Where am I?" She looked at me.
"The ally is where my dumpster is,so I saw you unconscious and had to help you!" She seemed so kindhearted. My eyes started to water,there weren't many saints anymore.
"Thank you so much!" I hugged her and she smiled at me.
"Why were you there?" I looked at her with sadden eyes,I grabbed my heart."Never mind!" She smiled in a comforting way."Do you wan anything to eat?" I looked at her.
"No thanks!" She looked at me and tilted her head.
"Are you not from here?"
"I am,but I speak different languages,so I sorta sound different." I sounded dead,lifeless.
"Alright,how about you go to sleep!" She started to usher the man away."By the way I'm Ronnie." She sounded like she was from England,now that I listened fully.


I saw the light coming from the window,I made it through the night with out sleeping. I quickly got up and saw my clothes laying next to me. I put them on and pulled on my wet shoes. I opened the window and crawled through it,landing on my face,but I didn't feel anything. I started to walk aimlessly. People stared at me and whispered. I felt someone follow me. I looked back and saw someone I never wanted to see again,Tom. I started to run and found another ally,I hid behind another dumpster.
"Becca?" He must have saw me. He started to come back here,I could hear his foot steps. I tried to muffle my sobs. I closed my eyes hoping he wouldn't see or hear me,but my hope was gone when his arms wrapped around me. His body heat made me recognize how cold I was.
"I'm sorry." He picked me up as I kept still and stiff like a log. He put his coat around my arms trying to get me warm,as soon as he got me on my feet I started to run,but he got me before I made it out of the ally.
"Don't leave me! I was stoned out of my mind,I didn't know what I was saying!" I looked up into his eyes.
"Why are you doing heroine?!" e looked away for a second.
"I felt guilty!" He looked me in the eyes,my legs felt like jello.
"Why,Tom?" He took a deep breath.
"Because I killed a baby and I'm hurting you!" He fell to his knees,he really is sensitive sometimes.
"I for gave you,that's why I'm here!" He looked into my eyes,my voice still sounding like crap. I felt dizzy and I could feel my body now,cold,wet,and shaking.
"Becca?" He looked worried.
"Yeah?" I looked at him,my vision blurring a little. He grabbed me and started to run.
"Tom?" He knew what I was going to say.
"Hospital!" I turned my head.
"Noo! Just water!" I knew what was happening. He stopped and pushed me into the car and running to the other side and handed me a water bottle. I sat there chugging away as he handed me another one.
"I need more!" He looked panicked. He started to drive like a crazy person. I closed my eyes,tired out of my mind. I felt him pick me up and then I felt something warm,I was on it. I opened my eyes. Tom was handing me something warm. It was water and it was hot? I smiled weakly and started to drink some. I stopped and turned on my side curling up trying to get warm. I kicked off my pants,they were still wet. I felt someone next to me.
"Ja!" He was really worried.
"Please don't do anymore drugs!" My eyes started to water as I looked at him.
"I promise." He kissed my forehead,his lips felt warm."Now just go to sleep!" I kept shivering though,as he got under the covers with me and pulled me close to him. He sucked in a big breath as my cold body met his warm. I felt him pull me closer as I stopped shaking. I laid there letting my body warm up and drift deeper into sleep.
"I really do love you." I cuddled into his collarbone and he wrapped his arms around me tighter.

Tom's POV

I felt her cuddle into me. I hugged her tighter,hoping I could keep my promise.
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Hey my peepz!:DDD Hows you doin? Like the update? I ish sorry you if dont!D: but hey I got one today! After I made a crappy oneshot yesterday,but hey I think I'm doing good!:D