Status: Done!:P

It's Cruel When You Burn Me, I Love How You Hurt Me

It's Cruel When You Burn Me,I Love How You Hurt Me Chap.5

After he raped me again he pushed me out of the shower. I guess he took one. I was in the corner fully dressed in my clothes. He wouldn't let me go out of the bathroom. He made me sit there. He probably knew I was going to make a run for it. He got out. I was staring vacantly at my knees. I stopped crying. He walked out of the bathroom to get some clean clothes. He came back and looked at me.

"Time to go eat!"He said and pulled me up.

"Brush that shit!"He said referring to my hair. It was sticking up. He pushed me towards the room. I went through my bag and saw my hairbrush. I pulled it threw my hair. I didn't wince like I usually do. I pulled it threw it a couple of more times. I stopped and he looked at me.

"Come on,"He said. We walked out of the room and went into the hallway. He knocked on the door. I saw Bill open it and look at Tom.

"Ja?"He asked him.

"Come on,"Tom said.

"Alrighty,"Bill said and called out Stephanie's name. She pooped up and saw us. She was dressed like a normal human being instead of a slut. she saw me and smiled. Then Bill banged on the other two doors. Georg and Gustav emerged from those doors ready with the girls. Kristy came out and looked even worse than before. Georg must have slept with her.

"Tommy,"She said and went to hug him.

"Get the fuck off,"He said and pushed her away. She wasn't dressed much differently than usual.

"Lets go get some fucking food!"Bill exclaimed. We went into the elevator. We pushed the first floor which is the lobby. I stood right next to Tom and Bill. Tom had his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Whatda want to eat?"Georg asked Tom.

"Pizza,"Tom said. I looked at him with a weird look. We got out of the elevator. I saw a clock and read 1:00. I followed them out of the building. Tom got in the Escalade and so did Kristy. She got in the front seat. Bill pushed me into the back seat with him and Stephanie. I tried to get out. Damn! He had child lock. That's why Bill push me in first. He started to drive rapidly towards a pizza place. We pulled up to a diner looking place and Tom opened the door. I got out. I followed behind him. We walked in and sat down. It was Kristy,Tom,me,Bill,and Stephanie. Georg and the rest of them were on the other side.

"Hallo,"A woman said and gave us our menus. We looked at them for a second. Well,I didn't.

"What would you like to drink?"She asked.

"I would like water,"Kristy said.

"I want a coke,"Tom said and looked at me. Everyone turned their head towards me.

"Nothing,"I said. Tom looked at me and raised his eyebrow.

"She'll have water,"He said. Everyone else told her what they wanted. She kept checking out Tom. Kristy kept giving her glares. She walked away to get our drinks.

"Bitch,you better eat!"He said to me. I looked at him.

"Nein!"I said. I guess that's my new favorite word.

"Bitch!"He snarled.

"You wait!"He said and smiled. I got a weird feeling in my stomach. She came back and handed me the water. I'm actually really hungry and thirsty. I gulped it down and Tom smirked. He knew I was. Tom made me order pizza also. We had it yesterday! He must really love it. I sat there eating it slowly. He kept looking at me. I sat there staring. I need to think of a way to get him back and find a way to escape. I sat there while everyone else was talking to each other. I sat there quietly wishing I was at home and listening to my ipod. I need to see if Adien packed that. I finished and so did everyone else. Tom payed and we left. Bill insisted on going shopping. So Tom took us to a mall. I surprised that he knew his way around. We got out and Tom wrapped his arm around me again. He knew I would try to run. I followed where he pulled me. Bill of course insisted going to Hot Topic. We did. I stood there looking at all the thing they had in there. Tom saw these skimpy things and bought them for me and Kristy. I stood there and looked at him like he was crazy.

"No way in hell I'm wearing it!"I said and he looked at me.

"Want your guitar?"He asked and looked at me evilly.

"Ok,"I said in defeat. I wouldn't let him hurt that. I stood there. That means I can't escape! He has my guitar. That's the only thing I care about now. I'm really in some deep shit.

"Becca!"He yelled.

"Ja,"I said as he ran.

"So,you finally decided to be with me,"He sad.

"Nein,I just won't leave my guitar,"I said and stood there. He wouldn't hit me in public. I already knew that.

"Bitch!"He said.

"Well maybe I should do something about that!"He said and I looked at him with frightened eyes.

"Bitte!"I said,"Don't do it!"

"Ha,it's what you get bitch,"He said. I called Bill and we left. He drove fast. We were at the hotel in a matter of minutes. He got out and grabbed me. He pressed the elevator button rapidly. It opened and he pushed me into the elevator. He guys had to run to get in. It was funny to see Kristy try to run in the heels she had on. He tapped his foot impatiently. The door reached the floor and opened. He dragged me out into the hallway. He opened the door and slammed it in Kristy's face. He opened the closet and there was my guitar.

"Bitte!"I yelled,"Don't!"

"It's what you get!"He said and slammed it to the ground. I fell to my knees.

"Nein!"I said as I saw him open the case. The neck was completely off. The strings were holding it together. I looked at him. I got up with pure rage in me.

"You!"I said and ran up to him. I punched him in the face. He snapped his head towards me. He grabbed me and I struggled to get out of his grip.

"You slut!"He said and I started to kick. I kicked him where the sun don't shine and ran. I was out of the door and I saw Kristy. She looked at me. She jumped on me and started to punch me.

"You whore,you stole Tom away from me!"She said as she hit my face. I saw Tom stumble out and hit Kristy.

"Get the fuck out of my way!"He yelled and I started to get up. He grabbed me and I started to scream. He put his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh,"He said as he pulled me into the living room. Where he started to beat me. I'm stuck in this hell hole! This is fucking great!
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Hope you like it!XD