Status: Done!:P

It's Cruel When You Burn Me, I Love How You Hurt Me

It's Cruel When You Burn Me,I Love How You Hurt Me Chap.8

I woke up the next morning to hear moans and groans. It was Kristy.
"Do you need anything?"I asked rubbing sleep from my eyes.
"Get the fuck away from me,"She said.
"I'm trying to help,"I said as nicely as I could.
"Bitch,I said get away from me!"She yelled and regretted it. Tom shot up and looked in our direction.
"What the hell is going on?"He asked looking at me.
"I was asking if she wanted anything!"I replied quickly.
"Becca,"He began,"Don't worry about the slut."
"Tom,"I said,"I was helping her."
"I said don't worry about her!"he demanded.
"Sorry,"I mumbled. He got out of bed and I followd him.
"Get some water,"He said. I grabbed the bottle. I handed it to him. He gulped it down. I sat next to him. He looked at me. He was in deep thought. I looked at him frightened.
"Get dressed,"He said. I followed his orders. After I was done with myself. Tom made me change Kristy. It was fucking hard to get her to change. I finally got her changed after Tom threatened her. We pulled her out to the car. Tom made me tie her up again. He started to drive for the outskirts of the town. I sat there thinking of horrible things he might do. We're pulled to a stop. Tom smirked and got out of the car. I got out also. I ran through some of the worst case that could happen. It was murder.
"Tom,"I said.
"Hmm,"He said.
"Bitte,don't kill her,"I said my voice cracking.
"Sorry,"He said and pulled out a gun. I yet again pulled myself towards the hopeless girl on the ground. She was crying her eyes out.
"Becca move!"He said.
"I won't!"I yelled. He pushed me out of the way. I hit my head against a rock. I heard Kristy scream. I was trying to fight against the sleepyness. Trying not to fall unconscious. I moved my hand to feel something rushing out. I pulled my hand to see red paint.
I woke up to see blood smeared everywhere. Tom was sitting on a rock. He had blood spots everywhere.
"Tom,"I said trying to get up. He looked at me with the eyes of a murder. He was. I got up and walked unsteadly towards Kristy. She had 3 bullet wounds. I saw her faintly breathing. I brought her up on my knees.
"Tom,Why'd you do it!"I sobbed at the lifeless girl.
"I wanted to,"He said laughing. I looked at my hands. They were also smeared in blood. Everything was. Tom got up and threw her towards the curve.
"Nein!"I said trying to get her.
"Move the fuck out of my way!"He said and slapped me. He pulled her off the road. I stood there in complete shock. Nein! This can not be happening. He came back. I saw that he was looking at me.
"Becca,"He said. I noticed I was shaking really bad. He picked me up and put me into his car. I started to sob. That was another life I couldn't save. I shivered as his hands tried to comfert me. I pulled away roughly. He looked at me with cold eyes. He turned on the car. I tried to jump out to get her even knowing she's though. Tom managed to pull me back in only holding my wrist. He drove fast towards the city. He opened his phone and started to talk.
"Bill..yeah...bring clothes to us....yeah check out...bye,"He said and flipped is phone shut. I sat there emotionless.
"Bitte,kill me,"I said.
"Sorry liebe,like Adien said you're a keeper!"He said and smirked. I really love this man?! What the fuck is wrong with me!
"Becca,it's ok,I'm not going to hurt you,"He said.
"Now let me see your head,"He said. He bent over towards me knowing I couldn't move. His warms hands touched my temple.
"Good,only a scratch!"He said smiling. I nodded not wanting to upset him. We pulled up to the hotel. Bill was out there waiting for us. He had our bags.
"Danke,"Tom said smirking.
"So you finally did it!"Bill said excited.
"Ja,"Tom said. Bill handed some clothes for Tom and me. We got changed in the car. Since Tom said the blood splatter was everywhere on us. We left the small town and wen towards our next location. Magdeburg.
I woke up next to Tom like usual. It's been a week since he killed Kristy. He seems really happy. I got up and walked towards the living room. We've finally settled down in Magdeburg. I turned on the news.
"Breaking news!"The reporter said.
"There's been a body found,"She said.
"The body is Kristy Bach,"She said and they flashed a picture of her. I felt sick to my stomach.
"She was found brutally murdered!"She said with a fake glimmer of sadness.
"She was a runaway,"She said.
"The police has no suspects in custody,"She said. I flipped of the t.v. I then heard pounding on the door. I opened it to reveal Bill.
"Tom,"He said well yelled. Tom came out of the room.
"Ja,"He said.
"They found her,"He said.
"No worries!"Tom said,"I made sure everyhing was clear."
"Danke gott!"Bill said and smiled. He's happy his brother might get away with murder. What has the world come to!?
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Sorry its short!!!D: But hey it's a update!!!!XD Well comment/subscribe!