Plans Change

I Hope He Is A Gentleman

From: Daisy Hansen (
To: Ralene Campbell (


Life here at camp is ... okay. I have a pretty cool roomie, Elaine. She's tiny, blond, and -get this- in the hip hop and modern dance program. Mind. Blown. But that's because I tend to be superficial sometimes.

Anyway, the classes are fun, and the college I'm at has a beautiful apple orchard next to it. I heard someone say that campers sometimes take their crushes out there to make out and ... well, other stuff. Which, being the apparent prude that I am, I find ridiculous. I'd rather just collect apples and eat them under the sweet, sweet shade of the trees.

Other than that... nothing big has happened. Did I mention that there's ballroom dancing classes? I didn't really get much out of the first one but I have a feeling that it might be a bust. We'll see.

I miss you,
Your BFFL,

After a week of summer, a week of laying out in the sun, Ralene was really showing the benefits. Her legs looked ten miles long despite her small five foot four frame and her hair had lighten to a honey brown in the sunlight.

When she wasn't sunbathing or playing Frisbee on the beach, Ralene was working at Maddie's Frozen Goodies, where the ice cream was sweet and the employees sweeter. This particular day everyone in the town of Pinte seemed to be crammed into the small shoppe and none seemed to know the meaning of "please shut the door."

Despite the heat and impatient customers, Ralene was having an incredible day. She was scheduled with her ex boyfriend turned best dude friend, Garrett. It was a brief relationship their sophomore year that didn't even get to the kissing stage, but both remained close friends. Ralene and Garrett had started working at the ice cream shoppe at the beginning of April and made an amazing team.

Just as Ralene finished with the last customer in line, she turned to Garrett with a smile. "I love when it's busy."

Garrett shook his head. "I love when it's slow. Gives me time to mack on the lay-dees."

"Oh, you're such a playa. I better start warning the women Pinte," Ralene said with a chuckle. Garrett feigned offense for a moment, then turned back to the custard machine he was refilling.

With a little sigh, Ralene turned back to the counter when the door opened with a jingle. "Hello! Welcome to Maddie's Frozen Goodies!" She said with a cheery smile that wasn't one ounce false.

The boy from the beach the other day stood in front of her with a smile, his stormy eyes crinkled. "Ralene, right? Nice to see you again."

Ralene squinted her eyes, her memory failing her for a moment before she put a name to the face. "Conner? Wow, nice to see you again." She covered her face with her hands, "Not here to get sand in my eyes again, are you?"

Conner let out a sheepish laugh, "No. I thought about it. But reconsidered. Thought it'd be best just to get a ice cream cone. Double scoop."

"Good, what flavor would you like?" Ralene asked, grabbing a scoop and a cone.

"Hm... surprise me."

"Oh, you're crossing into dangerous territory there, mister!" Garrett called from the back.

Ralene shot him a dirty look before turning back to Conner. "One double scoop surprise coming up," she said as she walked over to the five gallon ice cream containers. After a few moments, she decided on classic chocolate and orange sherbet. When she walked back up to Conner, his face was still smiling, even once he looked at the orange and brown thing in Ralene's hand. "Here you go," she said as she handed it to him. "That'll be one dollar and sixty-five cents."

Conner took the cone in one hand and dug in the pocket of his low-slung swim trunks with the other. "Do you except sand dollars?"

Ralene grinned, "Yes, we do!" She took the sand dollar from his hand and gazed at it. It was near perfect, but had a single crack in it. Which made it all the more perfect to Ralene. She looked back up at Conner. "Now I just need a dollar and sixty-five cents more."

Conner laughed, "You're tricky. Here," with that he handed her a five dollar bill and licked the melting ice cream before it dripped on his hand. He stuck his free hand in his pocket and started for the door.

"Oh, but wait!" Ralene called to him. "Your change?"

"Keep it." The door jingled again.

Ralene looked down at the abnormal tip she'd just gotten and with a smile she stuck it in the tip jar.

"Ooh!" Garrett said as he came up to Ralene. "Looks like I'm not the only playa here. Who was that?"

"Just some guy Sandy and I ran into at the beach the other day."

Garrett bumped his shoulder into Ralene's, which meant he had to practically kneel to do so. "Just some guy. I can tell," but before Garrett could pick at Ralene anymore, a pretty brunette came up to flirt with him. Ralene didn't really mind - she didn't really want Garrett to make fun of her for nothing. Because, that's what is was. She thought so at least.
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<3 You