Status: New story; comments and feedback welcomed!

Darling; You're The Only Exception.

Eight :)

*Dan’s POV*

Woah...I felt like the world’s biggest asshole right now...Well done Dan you messed up again. I was her first time and I took advantage of her...ergh...what do I do now? Also I forgot protection...which means there is a possibility of her being much for the best tour ever.

“I’m sorry I” I started to apologise as much as I can

“Sorry won’t go back in time and change anything will it Daniel? Why did this have to happen?” She shouted at me and I was scared to answer. Charlie ran off in floods of if I didn’t feel bad enough I can add making her cry to my list of stuff I’ve done wrong.

I ran my fingers through my hair and walked off to find someone to talk to...anyone. Actually I figured I should probably find someone who won’t want to beat me up...I would gladly punch myself in the balls. Just when I was thinking of ways to fix everything and so far I had I should fly home and never come back I saw Josh and Matt walking in the distance...I weighed up the choices in my head. Matt would take the piss and make comments so I decided to get rid of him somehow.

I jogged over to them.

“Hey can I talk to you, it’s pretty urgent” I said gasping for breath

“Yeah sure” the guys said at the same time...woah that was weird

“Not you Matt, Beth’s pretty upset. You may want to go find her and sort everything out” I said which I was hoping would get him out of the way so I could talk to Josh.

“I’m gonna go find her” Matt ran off.

“Josh, I slept with Charlie, we were both drunk and it was her first time. I didn’t use protection and now she hates me when I’m falling in love with her” I said all at once to Josh

“Are you being serious” Josh said

“Yes...what do I do?!” I said getting annoyed with no one really helping

“Honestly...I think you should leave her alone for a bit. Give it all chance to digest and let the situation cool down. I think that’s probably the best thing that you could do right now” Josh said

Finally some helpful advice!
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Sorry this is crap, late and probably has a million and one mistakes
I just got back from France today