Did You Have To Turn Your Back When Forever Didn't Last?

Chapter Two

I left ten minutes later and was on my way to a place I wasn’t even sure I wanted to be. I didn’t know what side they are on of if they wanted me to die. What if they wanted to keep Crimson? I couldn’t let that happen. It was to easy for Trace to take him away.
The Cyrus mansion was down the street from my mom’s, my childhood home, where my parents had sex and created two beings, a boy and a girl three years apart, where Trace and I first had sex when I was sixteen, where we made Crimson three years later, where I ran away from. That’s a little dramatic, but it was my home all my life and I can’t even stand going near it now. It’s kind of horrible.
I pulled up to the gate in front. The guard noticed me immediately.
“Hello, Young Mrs. Cyrus.” He said pushing the call button to reach the house.
“Percy.” Billy Ray’s voice answered from the speaker.
“Kelsey is here.” Percy the gate guard told him. “Your daughter-in-law, sir.”
“I know who Kelsey is. Let her through. Does she have and passengers?” Billy Ray answered curious.
“Little Crimson sir.” She heard Billy Ray curse a little.
“Dang, no baby, yet.” I giggles when he said that. They still loved me after all. “Bye.” Percy pushed the open button and the gate buzzed open. I pulled through and parked close to the door. I got Crimson out as the front door swung open.
“Where is my grandbaby?!?” Tish shouted running at me, smile plastered on her face. That’s normal. She hugged me and Crimson at the same time and then rushed us into the house then into the living room. It was quite full. Lot’s of people all staring at me. I let go of Crim’s hand and he stumbled through an archway and into the kitchen after his grandma. I smiled at him. Miley pulled me into a hug.
“Your so big!” She cooed down at my stomach. I sighed, I was tired of people saying that. I just kept smiling. “Mom’s trying to sober up your wayward husband. In the kitchen.” She whispered in my ear. I remember Crimson was in there too. I tensed up. “He’ll be okay.” Miley reminded me. I didn’t know who she was talking about, Crimson or Trace. I hoped both would be okay. I sat on the couch, standing for a long time makes my feet swell up. It was painful.
“How’s the family?” Billy Ray asked.
“Well, my Dad’s better then ever. I think when I’m off his hands he’ll start bringing his mew girlfriend home more often. She’s pretty. Her name is Alice. I think. David and Alice. And I haven’t talked to my mom since Crimson’s birthday and even then I just said hi thanks for coming. Got a letter from Cam the other day. He said he would hopefully be back before the baby was born. His tour should be over in two weeks. He might even make it to the shower. He told me he bought the baby something already. Adrian is hectic, with Ariella visiting from the home and Cam coming back.”
“Visiting from the home?” Miley asked eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. It looked like it was hurting her brain.
“It’s the nice way of saying asylum. She was a bit odd. She all was had this OCD that everything had to be in threes and clean. She got a bit messed up and had a fit. Her parents had to send her in. She tried remodeling her room to have three walls and doors and windows. You get where I’m going? She went to a plastic surgeon to see if they could add another eye and ear and two more noses and mouths, a third arm, another leg. It was bad.”
“Wow…” Everyone said at the same time. I looked around the room and stopped at a picture on the mantel over the fire place. I half smiled at it remembering that day. It picture showed a man and a woman kissing. The man in a black tuxedo (red vest and white shirt, though) his neck tattooed so heavily it came out over the bright, crisp shirt. His hair dark and in his face a bit. In his arms was that beautiful woman. She, she was like a stranger to me. She wasn’t though.

“Kelsey! Kelsey… Kelsey!” I turned to look at the man in the doorway. My father, David Bane, who barely looked ready to give away his only daughter to a troublemaker like Trace Cyrus. That’s what he had told me this morning.
“What, Dad?” I almost sounded annoyed with him disturbing me. Today, I was nervous as ever.
“Fifteen minutes ‘til show time.” He reminded me. I sighed.
“What TV are you watching?” I asked trying to be a smart ass. Came off kind of rude, though.
“A great show where a beautiful woman decided to marry a miscreant of a man who is what so ever not good enough for the woman and so didn’t ask her father for permission.” He replied sweeping over to me.
“I thought I told you to stop watching the Soap Network, Dad?” I commented hurrying back to the mirror across the room to play with my earrings (They where new…). I looked at my reflection. My Aunt Sara came in with the veil box. Which she sat on the bed next to my dress box. I sighed as much as I enjoyed walking around Trace’s old bedroom in a bathrobe I was going to have to put the dress on. Kara and Miley rushed in to help with me. Aunt Sara opened the bigger box and out came a custom tailored dress. All the designers where fighting to make my dress. I picked someone almost unknown to the world. She did a glorious job. It was the best I’ve ever seen. I sighed again and shooed my father out of the room. I wasn’t prepared for him or any other male to see my post baby body with only my panties (counting as my something blue!) on. And he was my dad. It would have been weird. When he left Miley closed the door and curtains. My privacy was well preserved and I was thankful. The only person who has seen my post baby body has been Trace and even then he was a little preoccupied by other things…
“Okay Kels take off the robe.” My aunt commanded. I leniently followed directions. I waited to hear something about how I was fat. I didn’t hear anything they just stood there. I looked at them urgently.
“Trace left his vest in- Wow.” Braison stood at the door staring at my pretty much clothe less body. Mason walked in.
“What’s taking you so- Maybe I shouldn’t have let Trace know you loved him four years ago… I would do so many things to-” Kara cleared her throat. “Kara. I would do so many things to Kara. I love you, babe.” He took one last look at me biting his bottom lip. I could just see the fantasies going through his and Braison’s minds. He walked over to the dresser picking up the red vest and walking out of the room fast.
“Kelsey, if you decide that Trace is not your soul mate in the next fifteen minutes… You know where I am.” Braison winked at me and shut the door.
“Well, that was embarrassing.” I finally spoke. “Please let me get clothed.”
“Sorry, Kels, but you have huge boobs. Are they real?” Miley asked. Kara and my aunt nodded.
“I had a child, those things tend to do this to you. It’s the milk. It’s like natural lipo. It’ll go away after a while, I think.”
“Unless you have another baby.” Kara reminded me that coming soon would be a huge sexual experience I had to go through. Trace and I had problems keeping me not pregnant. In our relationship going back four years, we’ve had over twenty scares and I have been pregnant twice. He doesn’t know about the first one. I was sixteen and I was scared so I killed it. Abortion, I know now is wrong, but I was afraid of what would happen. The second was Crimson. Our miracle child, he went through a lot. Another baby was our of the question for awhile. I groaned at the thought.
“Please just let me get dressed and stop talking about my boobs. The wedding starts in ten minutes and the bride… Well she’s still mostly naked.” They all nodded and Aunt Sara started taping my skin color backless bra to me.
“Before we go any farther, did you pump?” Sara asked.
“Yes, three times and if I have to I can escape at appropriated times to do more.” I answered her. Kara and Miley held up my dress and I stepped into it. I felt them sticking the dress to me with the two sided tape. Trace was going to hate this dress tonight.
“I like how it shows your tattoos. We should have had Trace go shirtless to show off his.” Kara laughed. The last piece of dress was attached to my body. Sara forced the veil (my great grandma’s, something old) into my heavily sprayed hair , I slipped on my shoes (borrowed from Kara) and they all looked at me smiling.
“Time to line up!” Tory came in. “Who’s that in Kelsey’s dress?”
“Who kidnapped Kelsey and hired an actress to take over for her?” Didi asked poking her head in.
“It’s me. I’m just girly.” I mumbled waking to the door and out into the hall. Every one followed and I saw Billy Ray across the grand staircase waiting and Tish put her hand on my back.
“I’ll help you get to the midway room where your dad is.” She then whisked me of and left me in the room where I would wait for the doors to open with my father.
“Your so beautiful, princess.” He said putting his hand on my shoulder and my bouquet in my hands. I heard a change in music down stairs. The band (cello, violin, piano, and harp) where playing the song which would bring Trace to the front and his parents to meet at the top of the staircase from opposite sides and walk down to their seats. My mother followed alone. The tune changed to something a little more uppity. I looked through the crack in the door as the wedding party two at a time from each side met in the middle by the door in front of me. I stood up as the last made it down the stairs. Noah would be walking by now throwing flowers. Just as my dad took my arm in his and started smiling the music changed and I smiled too. I was almost done with this. The doors opened and everyone down below stood and turned to watch me gracefully make my way down the stairs attached to my fathers arm. When I got past the stairs I started down the aisle. Everywhere was covered in red and black and white flowers. It was radiant. Everyone’s eyes were on me though. I looked ahead to see Trace, smiling at me waiting for the second I’d be in his arms again. I smiled more and more as I took slow steps toward Trace. When I got to him I took both of their hands and the pastor up front cleared his throat.
“We are gathered here today in the face of this company, to join together Trace and Kelsey in matrimony; which is an honorable and solemn estate and therefore is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly. Into this estate these two persons present come now to be joined. If any one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” He spoke out clear and loud and slowly. He had paused briefly. He nodded and continued. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?” I father squeezed my hand.
“I do.” He replied looking down at me. He pulled my hand up and kissed it, then handed it to Trace. “Take care of my little girl.” He whispered to him. He kissed my cheek and then went to sit down. Trace led me to stand up right in front of the pastor our hands still together.
“Trace,” The pastor started, “do you take Kelsey for your lawful wedded wife, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live?” Trace looked at my and with the thousand honesties I saw in his eyes right there he replied.
“I do.” I continued watching his eyes from down here. He smiled more. Then the pastor looked at me.
“Kelsey, do you take Trace for your lawful wedded husband, to live in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish him from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto him for as long as you both shall live?” I didn’t even think for a second before I replied.
“I do.”
“I Trace” The pastor said and Trace echoed with dramatic paused after some parts, “take thee Kelsey to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, 'til death do us part, and thereto I plight thee my troth.”
“I Kelsey, take thee Trace to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, 'til death do us part, and thereto I plight thee my troth.” Both me and the pastor had said. He then looked to Mason, I was glad the made amends for the wedding. “May I have the rings.” Mason handed them over. “May this ring be blessed so he who gives it and she who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end.” Trace took the ring from the guy and placed it on the finger saying:
“With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.”
“May this ring be blessed so that she who gives it and he who wears it may abide in peace, and continue in love until life's end.” The pastor handed me the next ring. I slid it down Trace’s finger as I to spoke:
“With this ring I thee wed. Wear it as a symbol of our love and commitment.” A slow and calm version of Kelsey came from the instruments. I suppressed a giggle.
“May this couple be prepared to continue to give, be able to forgive and experience more and more joy with each passing day, with each passing year. Trace and Kelsey, are now beginning their married life together, we hope that they may have loving assistance from their family, the constant support of friends, and a long life with good health and everlasting love. In so much as Trace and Kelsey have consented to live forever together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company, having given and pledged their troth, each to the other, and having declared same by the giving and receiving of a ring, I pronounce that they are husband and wife.” He turned to Trace to say, “You may kiss the bride.” Trace pulled me into his arms and lifted me of the ground a bit. Then we kissed, passionate, loving, it was the taste of forever. The people where to their feet clapping and cheering. “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the loving couple, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus.”

The picture just showed that it happened it said we where together. I didn’t just dream it happened. Trace once said to me that he would grow up and take care of Crimson and me. Be all he could be, but then both me and Crimson where on the verge of death. Maybe he didn’t mean it and there where other time when he said that.
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This took a bit to write, but at least no writers block. :) Still looking for names for babies. And the offer from previous books in this series stands if you want to be a character just say so.
<3 Kelsey