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Where You Belong

Who Knows

“I don’t mean this to sound rude, but what the heck happened to your face?” Tyler asked as we waited in line at the Jack in the Box drive through.
“Heck?” I asked and laughed. It was funny hearing that word after being around Austin and his cussing 27-7.
“Is it wrong?” he asked, his expression turned mockingly worried.
“Not at all.” He smiled. I looked at him, the light coming through the window made his light brown eyes brighter and his ear length, light brown hair curled up at the ends.
“Well…” he urged the answer to his previous question.
“I could ask the same question,” I said when I noticed a long scar on the inside of his left eyebrow.
“Oh this?” he pointed at it. “I got into a car crash when I was little,” he said and poked at it with his index finger.
“Yea? Well I’m glad you’re ok…?” it came out as a question cause he was still poking himself. The car behind us honked and stopped and pulled up.
“If you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to…” he said.
I stared out the window for a minute trying to decide how to explain it. “It’s just…family problems,” I said finally.
He nodded and faced forward. “I get it. You don’t want to tell your business to a stranger,” he said very understandingly.
I looked at him. “Sorry…”
“It’s cool. I don’t want to talk about my problems, period. But who knows maybe well get to know each other better. Then you’ll be lucky enough to hear all my crazy secrets.”
“Pssh! Is I feel like dealing with your conceitedness,” I joked.
He smiled and pulled up to the order box then rolled down the window. “May I help you?” the lady asked.
“Yea, I’ll have a number 4 with a coke,” he said then looked at me. I opened my mouth to tell him what I wanted but he turned back to the box. “Make that two number 4… with a coke.”
He turned back to me. “I always wanted to try that ‘in control’ thing,” he said with a sideways smirk.
“Oh really?” I said sarcastically.
“Is that it?” the lady asked through the box.
I leaned over his lap and said, “Actually, make that second number 4 a number 2, with Dr. Pepper,” I said and stared at him with challenging eyes.
He slowly smirked and chuckled. “I think well get along great.”
“You think?” I noticed how close we were when his finger twitched against the skin on my arm and his eyes flashed down to my lips.
“Next window please,” the lady said.
I felt myself blush and leaned back in my seat. Tyler was still staring at me with gorgeous eyes. “Next window!” I yelled and gestured in front of us.
He shook his eyes and his sexy expression was replaced by a goofy one. “Right!” he said then hit the gas pedal.


“Thanks for the food,” I said and popped a French fry into my mouth.
“Don’t worry about it,” he replied and took a bite of his burger.
“You know what,” I said and reached for my wallet. “Dang I left my wallet in my backpack,” I said when I noticed it wasn’t in my pocket.
“Really its fine!” he said while covering his mouth, his mouth full of food.
I smiled and stared out at the rushing cars that passed us as we sat parked at the empty parking lot. The sun was setting behind the buildings, light reflected off of the cars and into my eyes. I flopped the visor down. “How old are you anyway?” I asked Tyler. He finished his food and stuffed the wrappers in the bag.
“You’re seventeen. We do NOT seem like were the same age.”
“I know right? I mean, I’m so much more mature than you.”
“Ha! Yea right,” I laughed. “What school do you go to?”
“Enterprise High. On Churn Creek,” he answered.
I looked at him doubtfully. “You even go to the same school as me? Do you stalk me or something?”
He laughed. “No I really go there.”
“No way, I would I have seen you,” i said as I looked at his muscular arms. “Where do you live?”
“Whoa! That’s a lot of questions little one. I can’t tell you everything straight out. I have to seem mysterious you know?”
“Well jeeze,” I said and crossed my arms over my chest. This guy was pretty hot but totally full of himself.
He sat there looking at me like he expected me to beg him to tell me. Then when I didn’t he said, “Well if you REALLY want to know…”
I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “That’s why I asked.”
His arrogant expression turned serious. “I live in a group home downtown.” I wasn’t expecting that one. I opened my mouth to say something but he cut me off. “This is usually the part where you tell me to drop u off because you can’t be hanging around with a delinquent.”
I touched his arm to stop him from rambling. “Dude. I was just going to ask why. And wait. Did you say delinquent?”
He stared at me for a minute looking shocked, then regained his cocky smile. He placed his hand on top of mine. “In due time.”
“Ugg!” I pulled my hand away.


We pulled up in front of my house and sat there, quiet for a while. Today had been great, well at least the part of it spent with Tyler. I was surprised at how easily Austin popped out of my head.
The memories started coming back and I shook my head.
“You ok?” Tyler asked.
“Nice house…: he said awkwardly, trying to break the silence.
“Yea….” It was silent for a minute. I couldn’t find the words to say. I saw my dad’s car in the driveway and wondered if he was passed out already. “Well I better…go,” I said and reached for the door.
“Wait,” Tyler said and grabbed my arm.
I looked back and saw that he was leaning in for a kiss? I leaned in too but turned my head just in time. “In due time…” I said using his words against him. “And I don’t go around kissing random strangers.”
He laughed and let open the door. “Maybe you should call me sometime then?”
I got out and stood at the open door. “Well what’s your number?”
“I already programmed it into your phone.”
I looked at him amazed. “’in control’ act huh?”
He winked. “You got it.”
I closed the door and looked into the window. “See you at school tomorrow? If you even go there,” I joked.
He smiled a heartbreakingly cute smile. “Sure thing.”
He took one last look at me before driving away. And I walked up my driveway feeling high with butterflies and hoping my dad was in a better mood then when I saw him last