Status: Slowly being updated

I Promise That I Will See You Again

I think i'm ready to tell him

After I woke up from crying so much i quickly took a shower and went to wake Riley. I shook him lightly to wake him up, he rubbed the sleep out of his eye until he was finally up. I smiled at him and told him to take a bath, whiles I go to help his grandma with breakfast. I went down the steps to help my mom cook the french toast and bacon. We got done just in time because Riley walk in with a big smile on his face.

"Morning sleepy head, come eat your french toast, honey." I said as i sat his plate on the table.

He quickly walked over to the table to eat his food, I looked over toward my mom and she gave me a look that she need to talk to me. So I walked out to the living room as she followed me to talk to me about whatever that was on her mind. I sat on the couch with her next to me then she sat her coffee on the end table next to the couch and turned her body toward me so that we were facing each other.

"Sweetie, i know you get sick of me saying this but when are you going to tell Andy, you and I both know soon or later he is going to find out about Riley." My mom said

"I know, mom, I know. I guess i will tell him well I hope before I leave this weekend." Before I notice what I said I looked down at me feet, I cannot believe that I forgot to tell her that i had to leave this weekend.

"What? You're leaving so soon, why? I thought that you were going to stay for at least another week or two." My mom said sadly.

"Mom, I do have a job back home besides Riley has to go back to school soon. And I already told my boss that I was only taking a week off."

"Fine, just make sure you tell Andy before he leaves, ok, honey." My mom said grabbing her coffee off the end table and back into the kitchen.

I took a breath thinking about how I would tell Andy that Riley was his kid. My mind keeps thinking negative thoughts as I keep thinking of the way he would react, but i push those thoughts aside after all I do not want Riley to not no his dad and I do not think I could live with myself if I do not tell Andy about Riley.

I went up the steps to my room to text Matt to pick me up so that I could go to meet Andy to tell him about Riley, the sooner i get it over the sooner I can leave and go back home. Not a second later Matt text me back and said that he would be over in a few minutes so that i could go to talk to Andy. I went to put my shoes and went to where my folks and Riley were to tell my mom that I was going to meet Andy to tell him the truth. There was a knock on the door I walked over to the door to find Matt behind the door. I told my folks bye as I walked out the door and into Matt's car and asked Matt if he could text Andy to meet me so we could talk. We drove to the park and went to sit down so that we could talk. Matt finally got a reply from Andy saying that we could meet at his house if that was ok. I told Matt that it was ok, so Matt drove over to his house. When we stop in front of the house that Andy told us the address to, I remembered that this was his old house from when we both were in high school together. I told Matt that I would call him when Andy and I got down talking, i walked to the front door and knock a few times. The door open for me to see Andy's mom, she was happy to see me and gave me a hug then ushered me inside.

"Is Andy home?" I asked

"Yep, he sure is Elena. You do remember where his old room is, do not you?" She asked

"Yes, I do well it was wonderful seeing you again." I said

I walked up the steps to where Andy's old room was and knocked waiting for Andy to open the door. Not a moment later he opened the door and invited me inside, I smiled thinking about what it was like being in his room back in high school when I would have to come over to work in projects for school.

"So what did you want to talk about, Elena?" Andy asked as he sat on his bed and padded on the spot next to him.

I slowly walked over to him and sat down next to him, and took a deep breath then thought about how I was going to tell him about the news.
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