Status: active.

A Second Reality.

Chapter 4


A few days have passed and the boys have been rehearsing on and off and doing other things to get ready for their show on Friday. I am their off and on keyboardist that they only have for certain shows so I get to perform with them this week. Being up on stage performing is something that I love to do. I love music so much and it just pours from me and onto the keys of a piano. I have played the piano for 9 years with lessons, but really all 14 years of my life. I love to talk about a picture of my sister and I at the piano together when I wasn’t even a year old, and I was already banging away.

I have always wanted to sing. I have always dreamed of singing and performing in front of thousands of people. But my voice just isn’t strong enough for that and probably never will. Plus I like my piano too much to not play it. That’s why I love being in their back up band, and because the other guys Greg Garbowsky, John Taylor, and Alex Noyes, are amazing musicians to work with as well. They have become very good friends of mine and we love to joke around saying we are the Jonas Brothers backup band…we’ve even made jackets.

Another secret about me is that I have always wanted to act. Not just in a stupid school production like when you were 9. But something much bigger than that, like a play or a TV show or just something. I don’t know what, but I have this thing inside of me that just drives me. It always makes me work hard and get the results I want and what others want of me. People help me reach my overall potential and it’s just because of their support that I get as far as I do.

I wish my mother could see that.


“Hey Emelia! Long time no see sister!” I looked behind me and saw Greg.

“Greg!” I freaked and jumped up into his arms. “How is my big brother?”

“I’m good little one,” he laughed setting me down.

No we are not actually brother and sister. But it’s weird how much he acts like my big brother, just as much as Kevin does. It always puts a smile on my face to know I have such great guys to always be looking out for me.

“So when do I get my bass lessons?” I eagerly asked with a smile from ear to ear. I love instruments; I think they are the most amazing things in the world. I have a goal one day to write, record, and produce an album where I do all the instrumentals and singing for it. But that will probably never happen.

“We can have one later,” he smiled. “Now what’s going on with you and Joe?”

“Nothing,” I somberly said walking back to the keyboard and sitting on my stool.

Nothing. Just a boatload of disappointment. I rolled my eyes as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from Emma but I decided just to ignore it for a little while. I just needed time alone to think.

I put on my large headphones that covered my ears and plugged them into the keyboard. I then turned it on and then played a soft Chopin lullaby to calm me. As I played I slowly felt more and more at ease with everything around me and became slowly more relaxed. I looked over and saw Joe laughing at some joke John just said and I smiled to myself. He is something much more to me than just a best friend.

I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Nick standing behind me. I quickly stopped playing and took off my headphones letting them rest around my neck.

“What’s up Tink?” Nick asked taking a step next to me.

“Nothing, I’m fine,” I said calmly.

“No you’re not,” he firmly disagreed.

“Fine enough,” I compromised.

“Want to hang out tonight? We can go see a movie,” he offered with a smile.

“Sure, just the two of us?” I asked making sure.

“Yep, unless you want Kevin or Greg to come or even Allison,” he said putting a thought in my head.

“Maybe, for now just you and me though,” I smiled. I love spending time with Nick alone. I feel like we bring out different sides of each other that most do not see. He brings out the less energetic more calm side of me, and I bring out his quirky funny side.

“Sounds good to me, I need time with my twin sister as much as Joe,” Nick laughed lightly.

“Whatever Chip,” I rolled my eyes.

“Hey guys!” I heard his voice from behind me.

“Hey Joe,” Nick and I both said in the same monotone voice.

“Awe, what’s up guys?” Joe asked as I turned around.

“We are just talking about how we are going to see a movie tonight together and hang out,” I said with a soft smile. I noticed Joe’s cheerfulness go down slightly in his face.

“Oh cool, I just thought you and I could hang out Emelia. But that’s cool, what movie are you guys seeing?” He asked trying to make it seem like he wasn’t as hurt as he was.

“We don’t know yet, but we’ll decide,” Nick answered. The twinge of pain in my heart as I looked up at Joe’s face hurt and I had to look away.

“Why what did you want to do Joe?” my mouth blurted out before I could think.

“I don’t know, just hang out the two of us. We haven’t in a while,” he said shrugging his shoulders.

“Why don’t you two hang out after the movie?” Nick suddenly said from behind me. I turned around and gave him a look but he ignored it.

“Sounds like fun to me! Do you want to Ems?” Joe asked suddenly all of his cheerfulness back again.

“Yeah, sure,” I said still giving Nick a look and slowly turning back around.

“Awesome.” Was all Joe said before I just put my headphones back on and started to practice, Just Friends.


“Allison I don’t know what to do! Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up!” I yelled into the phone before slamming it closed. I tossed the cracked blue phone onto my bed as I stared at my open closet deciding on what to wear.

Of course Allison, Emma, Laila, Emily (Osment), and Miley (Cyrus), did not answer their phones. 5 girls out of the about 10 on my phone that could help me, I just needed to talk to a girl and fast about what to do. Olivia was with Nick getting a late lunch so I knew there would be no point in trying to get a hold of her. I sighed and laid down on my freshly made bed. I don’t like lying on my bed fully clothed when it’s unmade, it grosses me out because of all the germs I could have on my clothes now getting in my bed where I sleep. I guess it is just a pet peeve of mine.

I went through the list of girls in my head again. My best friends: Emma, Laila, Miley, Emily, Allison, Olivia, Susie…I am missing some.


“YES MOTHER?” I yelled back at the obnoxious scream from downstairs. Yes what a joy she is isn’t she?

“Kevin is here to see you! Come down here now!” I cringed at her last word and shut my eyes to pretend like I didn’t hear it. I tore myself away from my bed and opened my door.

“Can Kevin come up here please?” I asked nicely. It would be the only way for him to be allowed up here if I was nice.

She looked up at me from the bottom of the staircase and sighed heavily. “Yes he may.” She said seeing how eager I was. She knew we were just going to hang out and maybe go through my closet a little because of how much we love clothes.

If there is one thing my mom and I won’t fight over, it is clothes and fashion. I don’t know why but we always just seem to be on the same page with it. It might be because she always wanted to be a fashion designer and it is her passion. But she never got the chance. So now she is a stressed out school administrator…how fun does that sound?

“Hey Kev,” I said as he was now climbing up the stairs. He reached the small landing between the two sets of stairs and I looked down at him.

“Hi, need any help? I got a distress text from Emma and Miley telling me that you were freaking out and needed someone to talk to,” he said before climbing up the rest of the stairs.

“Oh they text you but not me…awesome,” I said more to myself then him.

“Come on, let’s explore this closet of yours,” Kevin said ignoring my comment and walking straight into my bedroom he has been in many times.

“I have, and there is nothing,” I said sighing and flopping onto my bed.

“Then what is this?” Kevin said immediately pulling out a red shirtdress with black, yellow, white circles on it.

“My shirtdress I got in Italy last month…” I said eyeing it and hiding my face from him.

Last month I went to France, Italy, and Greece with a student ambassador program. It was possibly one of the best experiences I have ever had in my entire life. We got to do things as a group that others weren’t allowed to just because we were representing the United States as a student group of about 17 kids.

“Why have I not seen this on you? It’s adorable!” he said taking it off of the hanger and chucking it at me.

“You’re crazy Kev,” I rolled my eyes.

“Just wear a tank top under it and a pair of white leggings. See you are all good,” he smiled sitting down next to me.

“Thank you,” I said sitting up and giving him a hug. “What would I do without you?”

“Probably not wear something cute,” he said with a laugh.

“Well not as cute,” I said resting my head on his shoulder.

“Do you know what you are wearing on Friday for the show?” he asked.

“Umm…the usual probably, Greg, Alex, John, and I haven’t decided,” I mentioned. The four of us usually match in some way, but typically its jeans and a cool t-shirt. Sometimes if it’s a fancier gig we will talk more about it.

“I think you should wear something ridiculously awesome,” Kevin said, then suddenly his eyes got huge. “Can I take you shopping and help pick out your clothes for once like you do for us? Please! I want to freak Joe out.”

“Oh so now you are going to use me for your own enjoyment?” I stared at Kevin.

“Yep! Now get changed, I am driving you and Nick to the movies,” he said walking out of my room. Right when he was about to close it he peeked his head back through. “Ems, everything’s going to be fine.”

And with that he shut the door. “Right Kevin…easy for you to say.”


“Hey Mr. J,” I smiled as Kevin and I walked into the Jonas kitchen.

“Hello Emelia! How’s my girl?” he asked as we went for a side hug. Kevin ran straight out of the room and up the stairs.

“I’m fine,” I smiled at him. “How are you?”

“I’m good, just reading over some papers Disney sent me. Joe has been thinking about acting. So they sent some summaries and scripts over to me,” he said just as Joe walked into the kitchen. My breath caught in my throat for a second as we stared at each other for a moment.

I quickly coughed and turned back to Mr. Jonas. “That sounds really interesting. I think acting is so fascinating. Anything interesting?”

“Well, Joe, these are for you to decide,” Mr. Jonas held up some papers. “But there is one.”

“What do you mean Dad?” Joe asked coming and standing on his other side.

“Well, Disney is casting a new movie called Camp Rock. It’s about a summer camp that is all about music, the leads have to be musicians,” he said looking from me to Joe.

“What’s it about?” I asked resting my elbows on the counter and my head in my hands.

“It’s about a 15 year old girl named Mitchie, that goes to the camp with her mom because that is the only way she can go is if she helps in the kitchens. There she lies and pretends to be something she isn’t just to be popular. She sings in the background when she really wants to breakout and sing on her own. Until she is caught for lying by the mean girl Tess,” he said looking at me. For some reason this oddly sounded like my story…

“Then there is the rock star Shane Gray,” he turned and looked at Joe. “He was a camper at the camp previously and by the time of the movie he has completely let the fame get to his head. His uncle is the owner of the camp and he convinces Shane to work at the camp as a counselor to see if he can get him to realize why he loves music again. Until he meets Mitchie…” he said looking back at me.

Joe and I were confused but something about it made us more intrigued. I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be in that story.

“What happens to them dad?” Joe asked curiously.

“Well they like each other, and then become a couple in the end,” Mr. Jonas smiled.

“Oh…” I slightly blushed. “I really like it.”

“Me too,” Joe smiled.

“You two are ridiculously blind. The audition is next Tuesday, I told them I am bringing a Mitchie and a Shane,” he said collecting all of his papers and getting up. “Yes that means you two, Joe help Emelia, Emelia help Joe. You both need it,” he said chuckling to himself and leaving the room. He left one thing on the counter though.

The Camp Rock script.

“Everyone set us up.” Joe stated.

“I’m not going to the movies am I?” I questioned.

“They so set us up.”

“Don’t say that again,” I suddenly snapped. I stared at the script. “I…I…want it.” I lightly touched it. My fingers draped over the title.

“I…I do too,” Joe whispered after what seemed about a minute.

I sat down on the chair that was recently occupied by Mr. Jonas. Out of my own curiosity I opened to the first page and started to read. When my eyes hit the opening song titled: Who Will I Be?

It was difficult. It was high and low, and the melody was fast. The music for it on the other hand was easy. I just stared at the vocal part though.

“I…I can’t,” I whispered. Tears began to form in my eyes. My face fell forward and into my wrapped arms on the table. “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.”

“What are you talking about? You are one of the most dramatic people I know. And you would be amazing at a part like this because you know how it feels. You know how to put real life into something which can possibly be the hardest part,” Joe’s soft voice came next to my ear as I heard him shuffling a chair as he sat down. His soft hand formed circles on my back.

I couldn’t hold it in anymore I raised my head and tears were falling. No matter how hard I wanted this part. There would be no way I could sing. If you heard my singing you’d understand. I love singing, but I’m talking about singing in the shower or in the car. Never ever for real…in front of people, I am literally horrible.

“I can’t sing Joe. You know that, especially something like this!” I pointed to the song in front of me. “You’re dad is just going to have to call and say he has no Mitchie to bring because there is no way I will be able to learn to sing in less then a week!”

“Emelia…your voice is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. Maybe your singing isn’t up to the level of your speaking voice. But don’t worry, you have a whole family of singers that are going to get that voice,” he pointed at my throat. “To sound just as beautiful as I know it can.”

“Really? You really think my voice is beautiful?” I asked looking up into his eyes.

“How could I not? I think the most beautiful girl in the world has the most beautiful voice,” he grinned resting his forehead on mine.

“Thanks,” I am pretty sure my cheeks were as red as they could be. I mean I could feel them burning. I moved my head so it dug into his neck and I pulled him close into a hug.

“No problem beautiful,” I could feel a smile against my hair. I have no idea what I should think about this new found beautiful word.


“Joe, you ready?” I asked him as he read the script. It was a couple hours later and we were at the Sauna Club by ourselves. We currently were sitting on top of the picnic table that was on the lawn in front of the water.

“Hold on a second, I…I have an idea,” he said reading. I rolled my eyes and looked back at my copy. It was a scene with only Joe and Mitchie. It was actually set to be right next to the lake. It was highly convenient in my opinion.

“Every time I think I’m closer to the heart. Of what it means to know just who I am,” Joe’s voice sang, I heard the soft strumming of his black acoustic guitar. I looked up as he continues to sing the song.

But it wasn’t the same song. It wasn’t the song in the script. I stared from the lyrics and the chords on the music to Joe. But he kept on going.

It was great. My heart sang as he looked at me and sang his song. I looked from his guitar to him. He was singing to me. Not Mitchie.

“You’re the missing piece I need. The song inside of me,” he was ending and I could tell. I didn’t notice the smile that was implanted on my face. “I need to find you, I gotta find you.”

He just stared at me. My mind was a cluster of thoughts. I didn’t know what to say or what to do. I was completely lost.

Finally after a second I realized I did know what to say. I had a script.

I read my lines and so did Joe. I felt like it was natural, the lines just seemed to come and the way we reacted to each other just fit.

“Well I need to go,” I said unsurely standing up.

“Back to the kitchens,” Joe smiled. My heart melted, and then suddenly I freaked out.


“To get some dip for these chips?” he chuckled with a smile.

“Uh…oh yeah…yeah,” I blushed smiling.

I think this almost wasn’t acting.
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i hope you guys like it :)

comments and banners would be loved!! seriously i love how active this story is :)