Status: active.

A Second Reality.

Chapter 5


“Katelyn!” Ashley blurted out. “We know the Jonas Brothers!”

They both squealed bouncing up and down. Olivia, Emelia, and I eyed them as they went back and forth. We were hanging out on the tour bus. The boys picked my sisters and I up early that morning and drove us all the way to Ohio for the concert. Since then they have been busy with soundchecks, management meetings, and as of right now an exclusive meet and greet with some contest winners. The boys had invited us to stick around, but we soon found out that the meetings were quite boring. So we decided to just hang out on the bus instead. Even if it included listening to Ashley and Katelyn freak out.

“Have you seen Nick’s biceps?” Katelyn asked putting a hand around her arm to demonstrate.

“I know their huge!”

Rolling her eyes Emelia groaned, “They aren’t that impressive.” She sat down on the dark leather couch of the back lounge grabbing a pillow that sat next to her.

“Yes they are.” Olivia and I said in unison. I felt my heart stop when she looked me up and down. Olivia then glanced back at Emelia and added. “You just think Joe’s are bigger.” This caused Emelia to bury her face into the thick red pillow.

“So?” She mumbled threw the stuffing.

Katelyn watched her then looked over at her twin. “Kevin gives the best hugs!” She changed the subject.

“Yeah he does! He was the nicest too!” Here we go I thought. Ashley was the queen of rambling; she would start talking and then never shut up. “He asked me if I was excited for the show and all I could do was look at him and be like uh-huh. When inside I wanted to go YOU’RE KEVIN FREAKIN’ JONAS! And of course I wanted to say something but couldn’t because he was right there in front of me. I’m so excited about the show it’s going to be awesome. So why couldn’t I just tell him that. I mean I can tell you guys. But you aren’t the Jonas Brothers and oh my god! It just hit me again! We’re on the Jonas Brothers tour bus!” She fell back onto the couch sqealing, it was only a moment before she yelled, “Kevin, Nick, and Joe sat here!”

“Yes their butts touched that very cushion where your head is at,” I laughed making her shoot up disgusted by the thought.

My sisters sounded like fan girls. They were both so starstruck when the boys showed up this morning they couldn’t even say a word. My dad actually thought there was something wrong with them, but he was pretty upset to find out the speechlessness was only temporary. He and I both found it amusing how Ashley and Katelyn squealed when they saw the huge brown bus slow down in front of the lawn. And then when Kevin, Nick, and Joe walked in the door their eyes went wide. My dad actually seemed to like the boys, he had small talk with their parents. Never once did he threaten them, and he kept the embarrassing to a minimum.

“Oh! I love Joe’s shoes!” Katelyn exploded into excitement; it didn’t surprise me that she noticed them since she has a thing for fashion. “They sparkle!”

“I know right!” Emelia agreed. I’m almost positive Katelyn is her clone. They act, dress, and even look the same. The only difference is that Emelia is musically inclined while Katelyn...well she kind of fails in that department.

“I like the silver and the random lime green strap. I wanna steal them!” Katelyn’s eyes went wide as she thought about this.

“Oh please no,” I began as Katelyn gave me an evil look. “Kevin’s already lost a bandana today. We don’t need another person taking Joe’s shoes. “

I was referring to when we arrived at the venue. As we drove into the parking lot there was a small group of girls standing behind the wire fence. They all shrieked at the top of their lungs as Kevin, Nick, and Joe came out of the bus to say hi.

“Someone took Kevin’s bandana?” Ashley asked cocking her head like a little dog.

“They asked if they could have it so he gave it to them.” Olivia answered for me.

Ashley’s face light up as she screamed, “LUCKY!” Unlike Katelyn, Ashley is down to earth. She is a bubbly person who can just make you laugh by all her expressions and by just the way she says things.

“I’m sure he would give you one if you asked.” I most likely shouldn’t have told her that.

“Back to shoes!” Katelyn interrupted. “I think it needs new laces because those just clash.” She turned to Emelia to finish the conversation; however it was cut short as Emelia’s phone began to go off in her pocket.

“Ooo it’s Joe,” I commented on the custom ringtone.

“Shut up.” She tried not to grin as she quickly pressed down on the keys.

“Are you and Joe dating?” Ashley questioned.

She slammed the phone shut then quickly remarked,” No.”

“But they should be,” Olivia and I once again spoke together. Emelia sunk into her seat farther and farther hoping that she would soon sneak out of this conversation.

“Oh so it’s like how Allison should get together with-“ I flashed Katelyn a quick look telling her to shut up before Olivia heard her. “What?” She went on not taking the hint. “You talk about him all the time! It’s not my fault I think you should just go out on a date with him or whatever.” I rolled my eyes at her last comment.

“Who?” Olivia questioned almost as though she figured out whom we were talking about.
My heart beat faster and faster as I tried to explain myself, I seriously felt awful. “No one…I don’t like him anymore,” I lied.

“Oh okay.”

I caught my breath as my heart rate began to slow down. That was close.

“So Olivia…” Emelia said taking the attention away from me. “How was your date with Nick last night?” She was trying to hint to Ashley and Katelyn that they were together. Katelyn quickly caught on while Olivia went into detail about their dinner.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know,” she whispered to me.

I gave her a small smile before I blurted out, “I’m hungry.” I then realized I should have waited two seconds to let Olivia finish. But it was too late; my mouth was already on a roll. “I’m gonna go get some food.” I said while walking past the bunks. I quickly ran out the bus and into the theater door.


Backstage was different then what I expected. The walls were thick white bricks and the floors were plain cement. Paper signs hung upon doors telling you what each room was for. As people walked past they gave me a strange look as if I didn’t belong there. But once my backstage pass caught their eye they looked away and kept walking.

The theater wasn’t very big, but for some reason I couldn’t find catering. Mr. Jonas told us it was to the right of the backstage door, down the hall, and then around the corner. I took another right turn as I saw a line of girls eagerly pushing their way to the front. A rather large dark skinned man wearing a security shirt stood at the end telling them to calm down.

Curiously I stepped past the large man and peered into the room. Kevin, Nick, and Joe were standing behind a folding table as a fan came up hugged them then moved on to the next Jonas Brother. This must have been the meet and greet they were talking about.

“Hey you!” The large man’s deep voice grumbled over the screams, “Back in line!” I looked at him confused then back at the boys. Joe grinned and waved unaware of what was going on.

“I’m not…uh…I mean…I know them.” I stuttered pointing towards Joe who looked over confused.

“I don’t care. Move. Everyone will get a turn.” His hand covered half of my back as he slightly nudged me towards the excited fans.

“Oh woah!” I heard Joe say. I glanced back to see him pull away from the table. The girls in the hallway screamed his name as he rushed towards us. “Big Rob it’s cool, she’s with us.” He pulled my arm stopping the security guard from pushing me any further.

“Really?” he asked. I nodded flashing him my pass. “Go ahead.” But before he allowed me to enter the room he pulled me back and said, “Next time just show me the pass.” I nodded again as Joe took my arm and drew me in.

“Sorry about that,” he apologized.

“it’s okay, I was just scared he was going to rip my head off or something.”

Joe to laugh and shook his head, “Nah. Big Rob wouldn’t hurt a fly. He was just doing his job.” I smiled as he placed me in a chair near the shiny table. “You can stay here. We’re almost done.” He then went turned around and took his spot at the end.

It took only fifteen minutes for the boys to get through the crowd. I noticed that there were about five different types of fans that went through the meet and greet. First there were the criers who you could barley understand since they were waling so much. The in-shock-speechless types who were so starstuck they couldn’t even speak. Followed by the girls who couldn’t shut up and just kept taking all the way down the line and sometimes even out the door. Then there were the “You’re so hot” crowd. They usually came in tight short skirts or shorts and very low necklines. And finally the “Don’t really care about being here, Just meeting you because ‘insert criers name here’ dragged me along with them.” Those of which were mostly guys.

It was actually quite amusing watching the fans go through. I couldn’t really blame them for acting the way they do. I am just like them, or was. It’s only been a few days but I don’t really consider myself a fan anymore. I mean, I love their music and think they’re awesome. But I’m not like those people who just walked in and out of the room. As I sit here watching the boys I notice different little things they do with fans then they would do with friends or people that they know on a more personal level.

Kevin puts on this professional persona. Always polite asks them how they are doing, if they are excited for tonight and what not. Nick is quiet. He often goes in for a hug and just says, “happy you came to the show.” Then Joe, well he’s just a flirt. I feel as though I know them as different people then the Jonas Brothers. I feel as though they are my friends.

“Well that was fun!” Kevin said as Big Rob shut the door blocking the fans that decided to wait around outside.

“That one girl was hot.” Joe observed opening and closed the sharpie in his hand.
“Which one?” Nick questioned implying he had flirted with many,

“uh…” he looked back in his head and tried to remember all the faces as he began to count. “One…Two…Five…Ten…”

“You’re ridiculous.” I rolled my eyes thinking of Emelia.

“Hey! A guy can look!” He stopped counting as his eyes froze.”I wouldn’t want to date any of them anyways. They aren’t…” he trailed off and began to mumble to himself. I glanced at Nick and Kevin. We all seemed to be thinking the same thing. They all weren’t Emelia.

“Do you guys know where the food is?” I asked out of curiosity. “I was looking for it but I ran into a big mob of screaming girls instead.”

“How did you manage that one?” Nick asked walking towards the door.

“I’m not good at directions.” He laughed while the three of us followed him.


“…And that’s when Kevin pulled me up over his head and I flew down dislocating my shoulder.” Nick told us as we all laughed.

“Kevin!” I shouted through my giggles

“Hey! I was 10!” He shouted back as we all began to laugh again. I felt closer to them, I felt comfortable, like I was able to just be me.

“Did you and your sister ever do crazy things to each other?” Joe asked me. I thought about it for a moment. My sisters and I had our fare share of fights, but nothing that ever required a trip to the emergency room.

“I think it’s a guy thing.” I answered taking a sip of my water.

“Probably.” Kevin agreed then turned his head towards Joe. “But I bet your sister never stabbed your leg with a pencil before.”

“What?!” I asked looking at Joe.

Kevin raised his eyebrow, “Joe?”

He looked back and forth at me and Kevin then tried to explain, “I didn’t want to go to school!”

“That’s no reason to stab Kevin.” Nick added fiddling with this straw as Joe gave him a look.
“Not helping bro.”

“Sorry bro.”

Nick smirked as his pocket began to buzz. He pulled out the brand new iPhone and read the message.

“Olivia wants me to…” Nick started as Joe and Kevin eyed each other.
“GO.” They both said.

He quickly stood up, “I’ll see you later” and with that he walked away.

“Does that usually happen?” I ask watching Nick step out of the door.

“Sometimes.” Joe said slurping the last of his coke. “Oh that reminds me!” He dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. “I told Emelia I would text her after we were done with the meet and greet.”

Kevin looked at me then replied, “Mhmm…”

I smiled at him as if saying, I understand completely. I think looked over at Joe and asked, “Are you going to leave too?”

“Nah,” he answered while typing. “I don’t feel like sneaking into a broom closet to make out like ‘Nivia’.”

My eyes fell; I didn’t realize that’s what they were doing.

“He’s joking.” Kevin softly spoke. It made me wonder if I was that obvious. Joe’s phone buzzed again as he quickly grabbed it.

“What’s the deal?” I asked eying his smile.

“What’s the deal about what?” He didn’t take his eyes off the screen.

“You and Emelia?” Hearing those words his brown eyes stared at me. I caught him off guard. I even caught myself off guard. Normally I would never ask someone that question. But for some reason I felt as thought it was ok to ask, since they are almost together.

“Nothing.” He looked back at the phone.

Kevin banged his coffee down onto the table, “Joe that’s a lie and you know it.”

“You like her don’t you?” His smile grew as my words flowed into his ears. He didn’t need to respond. I already knew his answer.

“Please don’t tell her.”

“I won’t.”

We sat in silence for a moment until Joe raised his eyebrow.

“What about you.” He asked.

I was completely confused on what he was asking me, “What do you mean?”

“There’s someone you like.” A slight smirked formed in the corner of his mouth.

“Um…no…there isn’t.” I lied, but he was on to me.


“JOE! KEVIN!” shouted a 20 something young man who came running up to us.

“Garbo! Hey! What’s up?” Joe shouted as slapped each other hands.

“Hey Greg this is our friend Allison.” Kevin said as Greg put out his hand.

“Greg Garbowski, base player to the Jonas Brothers.” He shook my hand then let go. “Guys, its time for lockdown. Everyone has been looking for you.”

“Oh crap.” Kevin jumped up off the table in a rush.

“Have you seen Nick?” Garbo asked us looking around the room.

“Did you check all the broom closets?” Joe joked; he and Greg were the only ones who laughed.

“See you at show time.” Kevin yelled back as they all rushed out of the room. Within seconds they disappeared behind the door leaving me alone.


“Hold on tight, it’s a roller coaster ride we’re on…” the three boys rocked out onstage. This was incredible. I watched as Joe ran around slamming his tambourine into his side while shaking his hips. “…Up and down. You’re all around, say goodnight, and goodbye.” Ashley, Katelyn, Olivia, and I stood backstage. We were close enough so we could see the crowd; however, we were far enough away that we wouldn’t be seen by the crowd.

“They’re amazing!” Ashley shouted as she jumped up and down.

“Aren’t they?!” Olivia screamed back.

Nick threw off his electric guitar and handed it to a crew member. He laughed when he saw us all rocking out. He then spun around and made his way towards Emelia. “Little girl, I’m sorry for disappointing you…” He teased her while she banged her hands onto the keyboard. Somehow she was able to keep on playing while taking one hand and pushing him away without missing a note. “…But I’m done with being up and down and pushed around…” It almost seemed as though they had planned that move to go with the music. All three of the boys made their way to the center stage. The crowd roared as the music slowed down, the lights fade as Kevin, Nick and Joe stood looking out into the crowd. “…No More....” Nick crooned the stage light up and JB broke into the chorus.

I looked over at my sisters. I haven’t seen them smile this big in a long time. It made me happy to see them this excited again. Katelyn saw me staring at her. She grabbed my hand as we both jumped up and down.

“Up and down…” Joe and Nick bounced a little to the beat. “…You’re all around…” They joined Kevin to the back of the stage near the drum kit. “…Say goodnight and goodbye…” They looked at the audience for one moment before burst out jumping, spinning, making their way towards the crowd. “…Hold on tight…” Joe spun around as Nick slid on his knees towards a girl who was freaking out. Kevin strongly strummed his guitar; he kicked off then spun around and around and around and around. “GOODBYE” Nick yelled finishing the song. The music went quiet as the crowd roared. There was no doubt about it. The Jonas Brothers are excellent performers.

“That was awesome!” Ashley screamed on top of the noise.

Nick and Kevin grabbed each an acoustic guitar as Nick whispered something into his ear. Kevin nodded then walked towards his microphone.

“I’m feeling a bit romantic tonight.” He said causing all the girls to scream.

“What are they doing?” I asked Olivia

“Just watch.”

“You know.” Kevin went on.” We’ve been doing this little thing we’re we invite one of you guys to come up on stage.” Everyone in the crowd screamed while a crew member brought out a stool. “Well tonight, we have someone very special that we would like to sing to.”

He took out his mic out of the stand and walked towards us. Ashley and Katelyn screamed when he got closer.

“Allison, come on.” He softly said grabbing onto my hand.

“Uh…I’m good.”

I tried to let go but Ashley and Katelyn both pushed me towards him saying, “GO!” They shoved me so hard I almost fell onto the stage. Kevin chuckled while he guided me past Nick, who seemed to have a pleased look on his face, then straight to the stool.

“Everybody give it up for our very good friend Allison!” The crowd cheered as I sat down. “We’re so happy to have you up here, thank you.” He said putting his mic back in the stand.

I tried to peer into the crowd but nearly went blind by the large spot light. I turned my head to see Nick placing his mic stand next to me. I tried to give him the evil eye but the way he smiled at me made me feel at ease. He strummed his guitar then sang, “Hello beautiful, how’s it going…”My heart beat faster and faster. I giggled while he sang the last words, “…it’s true.”

Joe stepped forward causing the girls to scream when he sang, “But tonight, I’m gonna fly…” I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Nick. The way he played and how he smiled. He was looking at me just as much as I was staring at him. But then Joe broke our gaze by stepping in front of us. “…Cause I could go across the world…” Then it hit me. I had an awesome idea. I looked up at Joe then over to Emelia then back at him. As he belted out the last line of the chorus I motioned for him to go over there.

He pulled his mic away from his mouth and yelled, “What?” above the music.
I looked back at Nick who seemed to understand what I was saying. He smiled at Joe singing, “It’s been a while since you’ve been on the line…” I almost lost myself watching him strum before I remembered my plan.

“Emelia.” I said to Joe just as Nick finished.

He looked over at Kevin who nodded in the direction of the keyboard.

“But tonight…I’m gonna fly…” He sang to me. I glanced over at Emelia one last time before he looked up at her. His eyes froze watching her set up the keyboard for the next song. “Yeah tonight…” his smile grew as their eyes met. They are so adorable. “…I’m gonna fly…” He slowly walked towards her “…Cause I could go across the world and never be satisfied…” Joe stood in front of her never taking their eyes off of each other. It was like they were both in a completely different world then everyone else. “…If I couldn’t see those eyes.” He sang pulling her into his arms he didn’t waste any time before he lean in and kissed her, right on the lips. Perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww...adorable. Did a ton of research on this one, and trying to remember things. Turned out great!

Drew the drawing in one day! YAY!

Comments loved!