Status: active.

A Second Reality.

Chapter 6


I didn’t quite know what to do with myself to be completely honest. But apparently my lips did because I was kissing Joe back. My body went limp and the screaming of the crowd kept my adrenaline up.

Joe was kissing me…me. This had to be a dream, because it has happened there so many times. But no, it just couldn’t be real. But when we separated and his big chocolate brown eyes stared back into mine…it was just too real.

A smile remained glued to my face for the rest of the show. Which was only 3 more songs, and as soon as we left the stage Joe was right at my side.

“Follow me,” he smirked and my heartbeat sped up.

“Joe!” I heard Nick from behind us. I rolled my eyes. Of course, Joe and I can never be alone.

“Nick, go away,” Joe glared at his younger brother as he threw off his shirt to reveal a wife beater dripping with sweat. My heart pounded in my chest.

“Yes, Nick…leave,” I said eyeing Joe in an obvious way. What’s the point in hiding it anymore?

“Just going to say be back on the bus in a half hour or we are leaving you two here.” Nick said and Joe waved him off and took my hand.

“We’ll be there,” he said smiling at me before turning and leading me through the big tunnels of backstage.

* * *

“Oh it’s so much better up here,” Joe said as he opened the door to the roof.

“You sure we can be up here?” I asked as soon as I stepped out into the cool night air letting the door slam behind me. “I don’t care.” I laughed embracing the cool night air.

“Neither do I,” he smiled grabbing my waist and pushing me against the door.

Before I could respond he was kissing me again. I personally couldn’t stop smiling against his lips.

“What?” he said breaking away resting his forehead against mine confused.

“I’m just so happy we can finally do that,” I giggled.

“I’ve wanted to for months now,” he confessed.

“You could have the moment we met,” I smiled grabbing his neck pushing his lips onto mine again.

“Sorry I took so long,” he whispered when we broke apart a few seconds later.

“It’s okay,” I replied with a sincere smile.

Joe just looked at me, into my eyes. He looked at me as if I was the only person in the world. I bit my lower lip almost insecure with the way he was looking at me.

“What?” I asked unable to contain the question. His facial expression was clear and vacant.

“I love you.” Clear and precise, he said it.

My smile grew from ear to ear. Joe actually said it. He actually said he loved me.

“I love you too!” I almost laughed I was so happy.

Joe stared at me almost in shock. “…Seriously?”

“Yes seriously!” I laughed.

“You love me?” Joe continued.

“Yes Joseph, I love you,” I think it finally hit him.

He suddenly let go of me and ran to the edge of the roof screaming with happiness, I couldn’t help but laugh more.

“Joe…what are you doing?” I asked through my giggles.

“You love me,” He smiled turning around to face me again.

“Yes I do.” I smiled back.

“She loves me!” He screamed turning back around looking towards the sky. “She loves me!” He yelled again down to whoever would listen in the parking lot floors below. He let out another yell of happiness.

I started to walk over to him as I heard yells from the parking lot up to Joe.

It’s kind of crazy how happy I am right now. I stopped half way and just looked at Joe. I never even thought this was possible. I am going to have a smile permanently on my face. Before I knew it was being spun around in Joe’s arms.

“You’re crazy,” I giggled looking down into his eyes.

“You’re crazy for loving me,” he smiled.

“Nope, you’re perfect for me,” I returned his smile.

“Perfectly crazy for you.” He said placing his lips on mine.

* * *

As Joe and I approached the bus all of the lights were on and you could hear loud noise from about 20 feet away.

“I don’t want to go in there and share you,” Joe said leaning me against the side of the bus. He kissed the knuckles of my hand he was holding.

“You’re going to have to learn how to share,” I giggled as he placed his hands on my waist kissing my neck lightly.

“But you are finally mine,” he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine. If this is how it’s going to be from now on…I don’t mind.

“I already was,” I said quietly back. His lips found mine as he pushed his body up against mine. My lower stomach erupted with nerves as I kissed back.

“Joe,” I said through kisses.

“What?” he said out of breath placing his forehead on mine.

“We have forever,” I said and he smiled.

“I know…I just can’t contain myself,” He smirked kissing my forehead.

“It’s hard,” I agreed as he got of me and led me to the bus door.

“Tell me about-“ Joe was cut off by the yells and screams when he opened the door.

Oh god…I never actually stopped to think about what everyone else would be thinking. I know it’s all good but it could be kind of scary.

“Finally you two!” I first heard Kevin’s voice as he appeared in front of grabbing our arms and pulling us into the bus.

“Nice dude,” Nick said patting his back.

“Oh I’m so happy!” Mrs. Jonas said grabbing both of us and pulling us into a hug.

“It’s not like we’re engaged or anything Mom,” Joe said pulling away from her.

I swear I almost heard both Kevin and Nick say, “Yet.

* * *

“Emelia you are sounding fine don’t worry about it. We should really go to bed,” Nick said rubbing his eyes.

“No, I still keep on missing these notes and it’s nowhere up to speed,” I said pointing at the music in front of us. We were working on the two songs, Who Will I Be? And This is Me for my Camp Rock audition. He was helping me. We were currently at his house on the top floor sitting at the keyboard.

“You still have 3 more days and you will get it. Emelia you are literally more then halfway there. The speed will come once you learn all the notes and get the air support for it. But its almost 3AM we need to call it a night,” Nick said getting up and fumbling with the music.

“No leave it,” I said moving over so I was in the middle of the bench.

“Tink you need sleep for the audition,” he said resting a hand on my shoulder.

“I know I will get it,” I said waving him away as he started to walk out of the room. “Night.”

“Night,” he said leaving through the open door.

If I can’t have the perfect voice, I am going to have perfect musicianship. Learning the piano part and guitar part was my only chance. I rested my fingers on the keys of the keyboard and started to play. None of that singing line nonsense. I need to understand the music in order to sing it. Not sing along like a little kid to a television reading lyrics. If I am going to learn something, it has to come with understanding.

Pushing myself is how I learn things. I push myself to the gritting end where I feel like I am going to collapse. So that’s how I am going to do this. The song wasn’t that hard piano wise. It was coming very fast to me. But I know I am not the best sight-reader, so I just have to practice this and have it take however long it demands.

The lyrics made me think about myself and how I want my future to be. It really did make me question Who Will I Be? I guess that is a question that only the future can answer. And I think this just might be my ticket to who I am.

I stopped playing satisfied with what work I did. I took a sip of water from the water bottle that was on the floor. If I am going to do this…I need to try as hard as I possibly can. I checked my cell phone for the time. It was 4:15AM, I can go longer.

I softly sang along as I played the piano slowly. As I played the part slowly and thinking about how much air I needed to hit certain notes it was actually working. I was taking Nick’s advice, but I just had to do it my way.

* * *

“Emelia…Emelia, love wake up,” I was softly being pushed by the shoulder.

“Huh?” I grumbled out shaking my head in my arms.

“Emelia, have you been here all night?” I heard Joe say.

“Mhmm,” I murmured slowly raising my head. I was still on the bench and I had my head in my arms on the keyboard with the music beneath me.

“You need some real sleep, come on,” Joe said wrapping an arm around my waist to help me up.

“No,” I growled moving the music so it was in front of me again.

“Yes,” he said leaning down so he could pick me up off the bench.

“No,” I said without realizing I was being lifted and I was leaning onto Joe slowly closing my eyes again.

“Yes.” I heard him say one more time.

* * *

I woke up a few hours later on Joe’s bed. I sat up quickly and looked at the clock. It was 12:37PM and I needed to get back to work. I don’t remember how I got here, I just remember falling asleep at the keyboard.

I rubbed my eyes and got off the bed. My head was killing me and I had to use the bathroom. I didn’t bother to look at myself in the mirror because I knew I looked like a mess. I quickly brushed my teeth with the toothbrush I kept here and went back into the hall.

“Ouch!” I said running into someone. “Oh sorry Kevin.” I said looking up at him.

“Emelia you look terrible,” he said, great to see you too Kev.

“Thanks, can I have an aspirin?” I asked trying to ignore his last comment.

“How about a Motrin, clean clothes, and something to eat?” he offered. I had to say no to at least most of them. I had to go back to learning the songs.

“Just the Motrin, I need to get back to work,” I said turning so I could go up the stairs back to the keyboard.

“No you are not going up there. I was told that you aren’t allowed,” Kevin said taking my arm and dragging me in the other direction towards Nick’s room.

“What? Who said that?” I asked suddenly frustrated. This isn’t funny, I seriously need to get back to work, and I need to be perfect on Wednesday.

“Joe did,” he simply stated as we walked through Nick’s open door, he was sitting at his desk on his laptop. “Nick can Emelia borrow some shorts and a shirt? She will probably fit your clothes better then mine or Joes.”

“Yeah sure,” he said getting up and looking through a few drawers tossing Kevin a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. “Emelia? Were you working all night?”

“Yes, Nick,” I said rolling my eyes. Why do they have to care this much? Gosh no wonder we are just one big family.

“I told you not too,” he commented giving me a look.

“So,” I said as soon as his phone went off. He smiled once he looked at the caller ID.

“Lets leave him to Olivia,” Kevin said still with a hold on my arm and turning us to leave the room.

“Hey Allison,” we heard behind us. We both swiftly turned around and he let go of my arm. We each gave him a look and we were kind of in shock.

“What?” he silently said and we just stared at him as he smiled at whatever she was saying.

“Weird…” Kevin and I both said before he led me out of the room by my shoulder.

As soon as we were out of the room the door quickly shut behind us.

“Really weird…” Kevin said again and I nodded in agreement.

“What’s weird?” Joe said walking up to us.

“Nothing,” Kevin and I both said shaking our heads and Joe raised his eyebrows for a second before shrugging his shoulders.

“Joe can you watch Emelia while I go get her something to eat?” Kevin asked pushing Nick’s clothes into Joe’s hands.

“Of course!” Joe said taking my hand and leading me towards his room.

“Yeah I knew that was a good idea,” Kevin said shaking his head going down the stairs.

“Joe can I please just get back to work?” I asked as we reached his room. He shut the door behind us.

“After you change and eat something,” he said as I raised my arms up and he took my shirt off.

“Fine..” I growled as he put Nick’s blue t-shirt on me.

“I was hoping we could work together today,” he said un-buttoning my shorts and letting them fall to the ground. I stepped out of them and let them lay on the floor next to my dirty shirt.

“Okay,” I said as he held Nick’s shorts open for me so I could step into them.

“I want to hear what you worked on till 6:30 in the morning anyway,” he smiled as he pulled the shorts up so they were on.

“Alrighty,” I said as he kissed my forehead.

“Now lets get you fed.” Joe smiled taking my hand and we went downstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry its been a while.

banners and comments are loved :)

Allison its your turn!