Status: active.

A Second Reality.

Chapter 7

“I’m so tired. Emelia had me up so late last night.” Nick’s voice came through the speaker of the cell phone attached to my ear. After he answered the phone it only took a few minutes for us to get off topic. Three hours later here we sat still on the phone.

“Why?” I asked lying onto my bed. On the other end I heard an extremely soft thump then the bounce of springs. I could only guess that Nick had done the same.

“She had me help her with some Camp Rock stuff,” he groaned, “She’s been going crazy over it and she seriously needs to chill or else it will just be bad.”

“Yeah. I agree.” For the first time since he answered we both fell silent. I wasn’t sure what to say next or if I should just wait until he spoke.

“I might have to go soon,” Nick broke through the silence. “I think I promised Olivia I would call her.” Every time he said her name my heart sunk. I knew I could never compete with her. He honestly, and truly cared for her.

“Okay.” Was the only thing that came from my mouth.


“I don’t want to go though.” Nick softly whispered. I froze in place as a smile stretched along my cheeks.

“I don’t want you to go either,” I whispered back. “But your girlfriend is probably waiting for you.” We both knew it was true. But for some reason neither one of us hung up. We both sat there waiting for the other to finally end the phone call.

“Why don’t you come over?” Nick asked lowering his voice. “You could save me from all this Camp Rock stuff.”

Giggling I opened my mouth to say yes but something completely different came out. “Why don’t you call Olivia?” My smile faded while I waited for his answer.

“I would but she’s busy. That’s why I have to call her.” One thought ran through my head, I was the backup plan. The person to call when everyone else was busy and you were bored out of your mind. That’s usually how it works.

“Oh ok…I’ll see what I can do.”

“Good. Text me when you know.”

“Alright I will. Bye.”



Pushing the tan doorbell along the siding of the huge green house I stood in front of the Jonas home waiting for someone to answer. I could feel my father’s eyes watching me from his car. During the half an hour car ride here he drilled me with questions about all three of the boys. It wasn’t until we finally drove into the neighborhood that he shut up.

A few seconds later the large brown colored door swung open; Nicks smiling face appeared upon the other end.

“Hey.” He gave me a slight smile then peered over to the turquoise van sitting in the driveway.

My father smiled and waved but once Nick walked inside he glared at him. I motioned for my dad to go away but he continued to sit there. I decided to just walk into the house and close the door behind me hoping he would eventually disappear.

Nick looked at me strange as I shut the door behind me. “What are you doing Allie?” He asked cocking his head to one side.

“Allie? Only my cousins call me that.” I answered ignoring the questing while I stepped towards him. He opened his arms as I fell into them.

“I’ll find a different nickname for you then.” He squeezed me tight as whispers began to spur around the room. Still attached to each other Nick and I both looked over to see Kevin, Emelia, and Joe all staring at us.

“What?” Nick asked glaring at each of their faces. They all glanced at each other without saying a word as if they were having their own separate conversation. One that Nick and I seemed to be the topic of.

“ALLISON!” Emelia screamed making the awkward moment disappear. She ripped Nicks arms away from my back and threw me into hers. “What are you doing here?”

“Um Nick asked if I could come over. Didn’t he tell you?” I shot him a quick look. He threw up his arms and mouthed ‘my bad!’

Emelia glowered at Nick while speaking the words, “No he didn’t.” She brushed passed him then continued her way towards Joe and Kevin. She quickly grabbed both of their hands leading them towards the stairs. “Camp Rock time let’s go.” Was all she said before running up the stairs to the third floor. Groaning Kevin and Joe tugged along behind her.

“Have fun!” Nick added waving to them. Kevin let out a long growl while Joe flashed his middle finger at him. Joe quickly hid it once Emelia glanced back at them. He swiftly kissed her check before she continued to head up the stairs.

Once all three of them disappeared Nick and I looked at each other. We instantly broke into laughter. “You were not joking!” I said through my giggles. “She has gone insane!”

“And that is why I need you here.” He said eyeing the now empty stairs. He turned his head back towards me saying, “You hungry?” I nodded while he led me into the kitchen.

Nick opened up the refrigerator door wide and lingered for a few moments. He carefully glanced over each object while softly patting his fingers against stainless steel handle.

“I’m fine with just water.” I said watching him continue to ponder. He grabbed two water bottles then placed them onto the counter top.

“No food?” He asked twisting the cap of his bottle breaking the seal.

I shook my head and did the same. “This is fine.”

We both sat there taking sips for a moment. I looked around the gigantic kitchen. It felt high tech with new state of the art appliances, but at the same time it had that homey feel. A large white window stood above the sink opening the room up to the backyard.

“Do you wear that necklace everyday?” Nick caught me by surprise. I instantly grabbed onto the pendent dangling from my neck. With my fingertips I outlined the shape of a silver heart that wrapped around an aquamarine stone.

“Yeah I do. My aunt gave it to me for mother’s day. She also gave my sisters the exact same one, but I’m the only one who wears it everyday.” I dropped the necklace as it bounced into place.

Nick stared at it for a moment then added, “It’s beautiful.”

“Thanks it’s my mom’s birthstone.” He smiled giving me the sympathetic I’m sorry look. The one I get from everyone whenever this topic comes up. But for some reason it looked different on him. He didn’t seem to do it the same way that everyone else did. His deep chocolate brown eyes connected with mine, we were lost for a few moments before he broke away.

“Uh…so what do you want to do?” he asked nervously staring down at the granite.

“I don’t know, you were the one who sent the S.O.S. phone call to come over here and save you.”

He instantly smiled up at me and argued, “It was not an S.O.S. phone call.”

“Oh yes it was.” I giggled. Nick’s mouth hung open as if he was at loss for words.

“Wait a second. You called me!”

“That’s doesn’t matter. You still needed me to come over here and save you.”

He pouted his lips slightly and added, “Nu-huh.”





“Oh yes, pretty boy.”

“Um. No, girly.”

I raised my eyebrow at his last remark, “Girly?”

“Pretty Boy?” Nick echoed my reaction staring into my eyes.

“Whatever.” I answered pulling away from his deep gaze. I felt his eyes looking over me as I stared out the window; every few seconds I would take a small glimpse at him, only to see him smiling back.

Suddenly Kevin busted through the open doorway. He was out of breath and he was slightly flushed.

“Joe….” He huffed and puffed “…Emelia….” He walked over to the counter leaning onto Nicks shoulder for support. “…EW!” He shouted.

“What?” Nick asked handing him the rest of his water bottle.

Kevin took the bottle from Nick’s hand and placed it against his lips. He then began to chug the remaining water. Within a few minutes his breathes began to slow down.

“I went to the bathroom for two seconds. TWO!” he held up two fingers right in front of Nick’s face. Nick grabbed Kevin’s hand and pushed it away. “Then when I go back Joe and Emelia are all muahhblahhsquash on the couch.” He swirled his arms around in a fast motion.

“They were making out?” I asked taking another sip of water. Kevin nodded his head with disgust.

“It was gross.” He added looking from me to Nick then back at me again.

Ew.” Nick quietly said while getting up.

“I know! It’s like…watching my little brother and sister making out.” Kevin agreed shuddering trying to lose the thought. He then took a seat on the stool next to me. “So what are you two up to?”

Nick shrugged his shoulders, “Just hanging.” He answered leaning back in the same spot. We both smiled at each other as he cracked open a can of Diet Coke that he grabbed from the fridge.

“Ok…I’m just going leave you guys to it then.” Kevin stood up from the stool and began to walk towards the doorway.

He instantly stopped when Olivia’s voice echoed through the house. “Hello? Anyone home?”

“What the hell?” Nick asked while Olivia’s footsteps came closer and closer.

Kevin turned his head, all he said before bolting out the room was, “Good luck dude.”

“Nick?” Olivia asked finally emerging from the hallway. She stopped in her tracks when I came into view. “Oh. Allison. Hi,” she said completely surprised. I gave her a small smile and waved.

Nick glanced at me then back at her and not even a second later he ran over taking her into his arms. “Olivia what are you doing here?” He asked excitedly. “I thought you were busy!” Nick pulled back looking at her, then gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

“I thought I would surprise you!” she smiled. The way he looked at her killed me inside. How happy he was to see her standing in the kitchen. It was like he forgot I was even there, or that I came all the way over here just to see him.

Nick squeezed Olivia tight one last time before letting go. She then glanced over at me and asked, “So Allison what are you doing here?” They walked towards the counter; I couldn’t help but stare at their interlocked hands. The way their fingers acted like puzzle pieces, fitting perfectly together.

“Nick was just going crazy about the whole Emelia Camp Rock thing,” I answered quietly.

“Yeah you were busy so I called her.” Nick said unlocking their fingers and wrapped his arm around her waist. It was as if they were in their own little world. I hated to admit it but I wish I was Olivia at this very second. To just feel Nick pull me into him, knowing how much he cares for me, and maybe even loves me.

Fun…” Olivia spoke in a sarcastic tone. “Is she still going crazy?”

“Yep.” Nick and I both spoke together. Our eyes met for a moment, he smiled then turned towards Olivia and kissed her cheek again. That one simple moved killed me. A lump rose in my throat as I watched Olivia giggle when Nick’s lips released from her face. Every time they touched or looked at each other it felt as though it was moving in slow motion. I couldn’t stand this.

“Thanks for coming and rescuing me.” Nick softly whispered to Olivia. That was the last straw. I picked up my water bottle and got off of the stool. No longer will I sit here watching them, it hurt too much.

“Hey where are you going?” Olivia asked.

I walked straight out of the open doorframe not looking back. “I’m gonna go check on the Camp Rock gang and see if I can calm Emelia down or anything.” I fought the lump in my throat with the last few words trying to make it seem as though nothing was wrong.

“Ok see you later!” Nick yelled back. I could sense him pulling in once again to kiss Olivia. I closed my eyes then ran into the bathroom.

The instant I shut the door a tear ran down my face. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. A few more tears began to roll down. Before I knew it I was uncontrollably crying. The girl in the mirror was someone I see often now a days. The look of sadness and pain in her eyes felt so familiar as if I’ve seen it a thousand times.

“Allison get a grip!” I said to the reflection as another tear poured down creating a small watermark on my blue t-shirt. “He’s just a stupid boy. He’s only a boy.” It didn’t help. I knew it wouldn’t. This wasn’t just about Nick, or my feelings for him. This was about something so much darker and deeper. Something that I fight with everyday.
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New update....and yep. Sorry it took so long.